// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/alternate_protocol_usage.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cors.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/encoded_body_length.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/attribution.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/http_request_headers.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address_space.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_endpoint.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/load_timing_info.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_types.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/parsed_headers.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/parsed_request_cookie.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/service_worker_router_info.mojom";
import "services/proxy_resolver/public/mojom/proxy_resolver.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Describes the navigational delivery type of the response.
// `kNavigationalPrefetch` if the response is served by Prefetch; `kDefault`
// if the response if served from a normal network request, even if the response
// of the request is resurrected from the HTTP cache.
enum NavigationDeliveryType {
struct URLResponseHead {
// The time at which the request was made that resulted in this response.
// For cached responses, this time could be "far" in the past.
mojo_base.mojom.Time request_time;
// The time at which the response headers were received. For cached
// responses, this time could be "far" in the past.
mojo_base.mojom.Time response_time;
// The response headers or NULL if the URL type does not support headers.
HttpResponseHeaders headers;
// The mime type of the response. This may be a derived value.
string mime_type;
// The character encoding of the response or none if not applicable to the
// response's mime type. This may be a derived value.
string charset;
// Content length if available. -1 if not available
int64 content_length = -1;
// Length of the encoded data transferred over the network. In case there is
// no data, contains -1.
int64 encoded_data_length = -1;
// Length of the response body data before decompression. It is null unless
// the body has been read to the end.
network.mojom.EncodedBodyLength? encoded_body_length;
// True if the request accessed the network in the process of retrieving data.
bool network_accessed = false;
// Detailed timing information used by the WebTiming, HAR and Developer
// Tools. Includes socket ID and socket reuse information.
LoadTimingInfo load_timing;
// Set to true if the request had devtools_request_id set and OnRawRequest
// and OnRawResponse are called on the corresponding DevToolsObserver. This
// allows Chrome DevTools Protocol clients to know whether they should wait
// for the signals from OnRawRequest and OnRawResponse for this request.
bool emitted_extra_info = false;
// True if the response was delivered using SPDY.
bool was_fetched_via_spdy = false;
// True if the response was delivered over a connection that negotiated ALPN.
bool was_alpn_negotiated = false;
// True if response could use alternate protocol. However, browser will
// ignore the alternate protocol when spdy is not enabled on browser side.
bool was_alternate_protocol_available = false;
// Information about the type of connection used to fetch this response.
ConnectionInfo connection_info;
// ALPN protocol negotiated with the server.
string alpn_negotiated_protocol;
// The reason why Chrome uses a specific transport protocol
// for HTTP semantics.
AlternateProtocolUsage alternate_protocol_usage;
// Remote address of the socket which fetched this resource.
IPEndPoint remote_endpoint;
// The IP address space of the request client/the request's policy container.
// https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access/#policy-container-ip-address-space
IPAddressSpace client_address_space = IPAddressSpace.kUnknown;
// The IP address space of the response, derived from the remote IP endpoint.
// https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access/#response-ip-address-space
IPAddressSpace response_address_space = IPAddressSpace.kUnknown;
// True if the response was fetched from the cache and validated over the
// network.
bool is_validated = false;
// True if the response came from cache.
bool was_fetched_via_cache = false;
// This field, along with `is_validated` and `was_fetched_via_cache`, are used
// to determine the value of `PerformanceResourceTiming::deliveryType` Web
// API. `kDefault` indicates the response is served from normal network
// request; `kNavigationalPrefetch` indicates the response is served from a
// prefetched URL.
NavigationDeliveryType navigation_delivery_type = kDefault;
// The proxy chain used for this request, if any.
ProxyChain proxy_chain;
// True if a service worker responded to the request. If the service worker
// received a fetch event and did not call respondWith(), or was bypassed due
// to absence of a fetch event handler, this is false.
bool was_fetched_via_service_worker = false;
// Source of a serviceworker response - CacheStorage, HttpCache, Network or
// Unspecified (default).
// The value can be Unspecified in some cases including:
// 1. |was_fetched_via_service_worker| is false.
// 2. The service worker responded with an error (response status code is 0).
// 3. The service worker responded with a generated response, i.e.,
// `respondWith(new Response(...))`.
FetchResponseSource service_worker_response_source =
// The URL list of the Response object the service worker passed to
// respondWith() to create this response. For example, if the service worker
// calls respondWith(fetch('http://example.com/a')) and http://example.com/a
// redirects to http://example.net/b which redirects to http://example.org/c,
// the URL list is the vector <"http://example.com/a", "http://example.net/b",
// "http://example.org/c">. This is empty if the response was programmatically
// generated as in respondWith(new Response()). It is also empty if a service
// worker did not respond to the request or did not call respondWith().
array<url.mojom.Url> url_list_via_service_worker;
// Information about ServiceWorker Static Routing API. If this field is set
// with `matchedSourceType` field, a matching rule is found. If this field is
// set without `matchedSource`, no matching rule is found. Otherwise, the API
// is not used.
ServiceWorkerRouterInfo? service_worker_router_info;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-response-type
FetchResponseType response_type = FetchResponseType.kDefault;
// Pre-computed padding. This should only be non-zero when |response_type|
// is set to kOpaque. Note, this is not set by network service, but will be
// populated if the response was provided by a service worker FetchEvent
// handler.
int64 padding = 0;
// The cache name of the CacheStorage from where the response is served via
// the ServiceWorker. Empty if the response isn't from the CacheStorage.
string cache_storage_cache_name;
// Bitmask of status info of the SSL certificate. See cert_status_flags.h for
// values.
uint32 cert_status = 0;
// Only provided if kURLLoadOptionSendSSLInfoWithResponse was specified to
// the URLLoaderFactory::CreateLoaderAndStart option or
// if ResourceRequest::devtools_request_id is set. When set via
// |report_raw_headers|, the SSLInfo is not guaranteed to be fully populated
// and may only contain certain fields of interest (namely, connection
// parameters and certificate information).
SSLInfo? ssl_info;
// Only provided if `include_request_cookies_with_response` was true in the
// request's `trusted_params` (and the loader is trusted). May include
// cookies added by the loader.
array<ParsedRequestCookie> request_cookies;
// In case this is a CORS response fetched by a ServiceWorker, this is the
// set of headers that should be exposed.
array<string> cors_exposed_header_names;
// True if service worker navigation preload was performed due to the request
// for this response.
bool did_service_worker_navigation_preload = false;
// True if this resource is stale and needs async revalidation. Will only
// possibly be set if the load_flags indicated SUPPORT_ASYNC_REVALIDATION.
bool async_revalidation_requested = false;
// True if mime sniffing has been done. In that case, we don't need to do
// mime sniffing anymore.
bool did_mime_sniff = false;
// True if the response is an inner response of a signed exchange.
bool is_signed_exchange_inner_response = false;
// True if the response is an inner response of a WebBundle.
bool is_web_bundle_inner_response = false;
// True if this resource is served from the prefetch cache.
bool was_in_prefetch_cache = false;
// True if this resource is served from the prefetch cache, and its success
// may have been influenced by cross-site state. Such responses may require
// special handling to make it harder to detect that this has happened.
bool is_prefetch_with_cross_site_contamination = false;
// True if the request included a cookie.
bool was_cookie_in_request = false;
// True if the response was intercepted by a plugin.
bool intercepted_by_plugin = false;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-response-range-requested-flag
bool has_range_requested = false;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-response-timing-allow-passed
bool timing_allow_passed = false;
// If the request received an authentication challenge, the challenge info is
// recorded here.
AuthChallengeInfo? auth_challenge_info;
// TimeTicks::Now() when the browser received the request from the renderer.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks request_start;
// TimeTicks::Now() when the browser sent the response to the renderer.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks response_start;
// A set of security related parsed headers. This is for clients that should
// not do the parsing themselves, because they aren't sandboxed (e.g. the
// browser process). This is the output of network::PopulateParsedHeaders().
// This can be null. It means the URLLoader didn't parsed the headers. Either
// it wasn't implemented or not allowed from its process.
ParsedHeaders? parsed_headers;
// Set by the browser process on cross-origin prefetch responses. This token
// is propagated to the renderer and set on recursive prefetch requests
// (see corresponding documentation in url_loader.mojom).
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? recursive_prefetch_token;
// Aliases, if any, for the destination URL, as read from DNS CNAME records.
// Includes all known aliases, e.g. from A, AAAA, or HTTPS, not just from the
// address used for the connection, in no particular order.
array<string> dns_aliases;
// True when there is an "authorization" header on the request and it is
// covered by the wildcard in the preflight response.
// TODO(crbug.com/40168475): Remove this once the investigation is done.
bool has_authorization_covered_by_wildcard_on_preflight = false;
// [spec] https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#response-request-includes-credentials
// The request's |includeCredentials| value from the "HTTP-network fetch"
// algorithm.
// See: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-http-network-fetch
bool request_include_credentials = true;
// If this response contains JavaScript, then downstream components may cache
// the parsed bytecode, but must use a source hash comparison rather than the
// response time when determining whether the current version of the script
// matches the cached bytecode.
bool should_use_source_hash_for_js_code_cache = false;
// The result of any PNA preflight sent for this request, if any.
// This is used to record metrics in the client for compatibility risk
// analysis and rollout monitoring. See https://crbug.com/1427470.
// Invariant: this is never `kError`, because the request must have succeeded
// for there to be response headers.
// Note: an identical field is defined in `URLLoaderCompletionStatus` and used
// when the request failed without ever returning a `URLResponseHead` to the
// loader client.
// TODO(crbug.com/40204695): Remove this once preflights are enforced.
PrivateNetworkAccessPreflightResult private_network_access_preflight_result =
// True if the response used a shared dictionary for decoding its body.
bool did_use_shared_dictionary = false;
// True if the client should load the response content after setting the
// environment's `has storage access` bit.
bool load_with_storage_access = false;