// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/read_only_buffer.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
// Represents a WebTransport error.
// See also: net/quic/quic_transport_client.h
struct WebTransportError {
// A net error (see net/base/net_errors.h).
int32 net_error = 0;
// A QUIC error (see
// net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_error_codes.h).
// TODO(ricea): Rename this.
int32 quic_error = 0;
// Human-readable error summary.
string details;
// WebTransport requires that the connection errors have to be
// undistinguishable until the peer is confirmed to be a WebTransport
// endpoint. See https://w3c.github.io/web-transport/#protocol-security
bool safe_to_report_details = false;
// The fingerprint of a certificate accompanied with the hash algorithm.
// https://w3c.github.io/web-transport/#web-transport-configuration
// https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#dom-rtcdtlsfingerprint
struct WebTransportCertificateFingerprint {
string algorithm;
string fingerprint;
// Data (possibly) attached when WebTransport is closed gracefully.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3/#section-5
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#web-transport-close-info
struct WebTransportCloseInfo {
uint32 code;
string reason;
// Stats for a WebTransport session.
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#web-transport-stats
struct WebTransportStats {
mojo_base.mojom.Time timestamp;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta min_rtt;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta smoothed_rtt;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta rtt_variation;
uint64 estimated_send_rate_bps;
// We only ever return WebTransportDatagramStats as a part of
// WebTransportStats; thus those two structs are merged here.
uint64 datagrams_expired_outgoing;
uint64 datagrams_lost_outgoing;
// A mojo interface for https://w3c.github.io/web-transport/#web-transport.
// This is typically implemented in the network service, and used by renderer.
// WebTransport represents a WebTransport over HTTP/3 session, which has
// multiple unidirectional and bidirectional streams and one bidirectional
// channel for datagrams.
// A stream can be created either by client or server.
// A stream is active until any of the following event happens:
// [incoming] Closed by the server (OnIncomingStreamClosed with fin)
// [incoming] Aborted by the server (OnIncomingStreamClosed without fin, or
// OnReceivedResetStream)
// [incoming] Cancelled by the client (StopSending)
// [outgoing] Closed by the client (SendFin)
// [outgoing] Aborted by the client (AbortStream)
// [outgoing] Cancelled by the server (OnReceivedStopSending)
// Once a stream is aborted or cancelled, the data pipe is closed immediately.
// When a stream is closed, the writable side closes the data pipe immediately,
// and the readable side tries to read data already written to the pipe.
// When an outgoing stream is closed (by the client), the client waits for the
// FIN signal to be acknowledged by the server, as the ACK signal is useful
// for web applications. OnOutgoingStreamClosed is the ACK signal.
// Any stream is aborted or cancelled when the associated WebTransport session
// is terminated.
interface WebTransport {
// A datagram message is sent from the client. The response message represents
// whether the peer has sent or discarded the datagram.
SendDatagram(mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyBuffer data) => (bool result);
// Stream creation initiated by the client. |succeeded| represents whether
// the stream is created successfully, and |stream_id| is meaningful only
// when |succeeded| is true. |writable| is nullable, to support both
// unidirectional and bidirectional streams.
CreateStream(handle<data_pipe_consumer> readable,
handle<data_pipe_producer>? writable) =>
(bool succeeded, uint32 stream_id);
// Accepts a bidirectional stream created by the server.
AcceptBidirectionalStream() => (uint32 stream_id,
handle<data_pipe_consumer> readable,
handle<data_pipe_producer> writable);
// Accepts a unidirectional stream created by the server.
AcceptUnidirectionalStream() => (uint32 stream_id,
handle<data_pipe_consumer> readable);
// Expresses that the client will not write data to the stream for
// |stream_id|. After calling this function on a stream, the client will not
// be able to write any data to the stream, but it may be able to use other
// functions such as reading data from the stream.
SendFin(uint32 stream_id);
// Aborts the stream for `stream_id`.
// `code` is an error code as described at
// https://ietf-wg-webtrans.github.io/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3.html#name-resetting-data-streams.
AbortStream(uint32 stream_id, uint8 code);
// Sends a STOP_SENDING message on an incoming or bidirectional stream.
// `code` is an error code as described at
// https://ietf-wg-webtrans.github.io/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3.html#name-resetting-data-streams.
StopSending(uint32 stream_id, uint8 code);
// Sets the duration which determines whether an outgoing datagram should be
// discarded due to being in the queue for too long. A duration of 0 means to
// use an implementation-defined default.
SetOutgoingDatagramExpirationDuration(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration);
// Provides the latest stats for the session.
GetStats() => (WebTransportStats? stats);
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#session-terminate
// This is the last message and it is not allowed to call methods after
// calling this.
Close(WebTransportCloseInfo? close_info);
// A mojo interface for the client of WebTransport.
// This is typically implemented in renderer, and used by the network service.
interface WebTransportClient {
// A datagram message is sent from the server.
OnDatagramReceived(mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyBuffer data);
// Notifies that the server will not write data to the Stream for |stream_id|.
// |fin_received| is true when FIN is received from the server.
// Note that OnIncomingStreamClosed and OnOutgoingStreamClosed can both be
// dispatched to the same stream, if it is a bidirectional stream.
OnIncomingStreamClosed(uint32 stream_id, bool fin_received);
// Notifies that all outstanding data has been received by the server on the
// Stream for |stream_id| and it is now closed.
OnOutgoingStreamClosed(uint32 stream_id);
// Called when an outgoing or bidirectional stream gets a STOP_SENDING signal.
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#stream-signal-stop_sending
// `stream_error_code` is an error code as described at
// https://ietf-wg-webtrans.github.io/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3.html#name-resetting-data-streams.
OnReceivedStopSending(uint32 stream_id, uint32 stream_error_code);
// Called when an incoming or bidirectional stream gets a RESET_STREAM signal.
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#stream-signal-reset
// `stream_error_code` is an error code as described at
// https://ietf-wg-webtrans.github.io/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3.html#name-resetting-data-streams.
OnReceivedResetStream(uint32 stream_id, uint32 stream_error_code);
// Called when the session is terminated cleanly.
// https://w3c.github.io/webtransport/#session-terminated
// This is the last message and it is not allowed to call methods after
// calling this.
OnClosed(WebTransportCloseInfo? close_info, WebTransportStats final_stats);
// Used to create a WebTransport session. This is split from WebTransport
// so that the handshake part can be intercepted, by Chrome extensions for
// example.
// Some parameters may contain information that cannot be handed to the
// initiator renderer due to security and privacy reasons. There should be
// an WebTransportHandshakeClient implementation in the browser process
// which ensures that a WebTransportHandshakeClient implemented in renderers
// doesn't see such information.
interface WebTransportHandshakeClient {
// Called when the handshake succeeds.
OnConnectionEstablished(pending_remote<WebTransport> transport,
pending_receiver<WebTransportClient> client,
HttpResponseHeaders response_headers,
WebTransportStats initial_stats);
// Called when the handshake fails.
// |error| contains the error details. The actual error information issued
// by the network service should not be handed to the initiator renderer.
OnHandshakeFailed(WebTransportError? error);