// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol for sending SCT auditing reports.
// If any changes are made to this file, the server-side proto definitions must
// be updated as well.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sct_auditing;
// SCTClientReport represents a single report from a client, containing reports
// from multiple independent connections, each of which contain multiple SCTs.
message SCTClientReport {
// The simplified user agent of the submitter (e.g. Chrome/xy.0.abcd.e).
// Supplements API keys to provide per-version granularity.
string user_agent = 1;
repeated TLSConnectionReport certificate_report = 2;
// TLSConnectionReport is the primary per-handshake report for SCT auditing.
message TLSConnectionReport {
TLSConnectionContext context = 1;
// SCTs may appear in any order. See SCTWithVerifyStatus for details.
repeated SCTWithVerifyStatus included_sct = 2;
// TLSConnectionContext contains details about the connection that are common to
// all SCTs observed in that connection.
message TLSConnectionContext {
// Time when the UA observed the certificate in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int64 time_seen = 1;
// The origin that the UA connected to.
message Origin {
string hostname = 1;
int32 port = 2;
// Implicitly, scheme is HTTPS/WSS.
Origin origin = 2;
// The certificate chain as constructed by the UA. Each entry is a
// DER-encoded X.509 certificate as described in RFC7468. Order matches the
// order validated, with the first cert representing the end-entity (leaf).
repeated bytes certificate_chain = 3;
// SCTWithVerifyStatus contains the serialized SCT along with the validation
// status according to the UA.
message SCTWithVerifyStatus {
// Keep sync'd with SctVerifyStatus in Chrome's net/cert/sct_status_flags.h.
enum SctVerifyStatus {
// Default to unspecified status. See go/unspecified-enum.
NONE = 0;
// The SCT is from an unknown log, so we cannot verify its signature.
// Obsolete in net/cert/sct_status_flags.h. Included to remain consistent.
reserved 2;
reserved "INVALID";
// The SCT is from a known log, and the signature is valid.
OK = 3;
// The SCT is from a known log, but the signature is invalid.
// The SCT is from a known log, but the timestamp is in the future.
SctVerifyStatus status = 1;
// SignedCertificateTimestamp struct serialized via
// net::ct::EncodeSignedCertificateTimestamp().
bytes serialized_sct = 2;