
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module on_device_model.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/read_only_file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/uuid.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/context.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom";
import "services/on_device_model/public/mojom/on_device_model.mojom";

// Opened file resources needed to define the model.
struct ModelAssets {
  // Model weights could be passed as an opened file or a file path.
  // The backend type will decide which one should be used, or
  // which one is preferred if both are passed. If both are unset,
  // usually the operation should fail.
  // APU backend: weights_path should be used.
  // GPU backend: weights should be used.
  // TODO(b/313919363): This should also be a ReadOnlyFile.
  mojo_base.mojom.File? weights;
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? weights_path;

  // Currently the only usage of sp model will be passed by file path.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? sp_model_path;

  // Currently the usage of models below will only be passed by opened file.
  mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyFile? ts_data;
  mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyFile? ts_sp_model;

  // The language detection model file, if output language detection is desired.
  mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyFile? language_detection_model;

// Type of the backend to run the model.
enum ModelBackendType {
  // The default WebGPU backend.
  // The APU accelerator backend. Only available on devices with APU, and need
  // special APU model files.

// Params to describe the model to load.
struct LoadModelParams {
  // Backend type of the model.
  ModelBackendType backend_type;

  // Assets for the model.
  ModelAssets assets;

  // The maximum number of input+output tokens the model can handle. This is
  // needed when initializing the model.
  uint32 max_tokens;

  // The number of scores output by the TS model, an implementation defined
  // default if unspecified.
  uint32? ts_dimension;

  // List of adaptation ranks the model should support.
  array<uint32> adaptation_ranks;

  // If this is true, the multiple sessions support will be enabled.
  // The previous session will not be canceled when starting new session if
  // this feature is enabled.
  bool support_multiple_sessions;

// An observer to report the current platform model loading progress.
interface PlatformModelProgressObserver {
  // The progress value is between 0.0 and 1.0.
  Progress@0(double progress);

[Stable, Extensible]
enum PlatformModelState {
  [Default] kUnknownState,

[Stable, Extensible]
enum FormatFeature {
  [Default] kNone = 0,
  kPrompt = 1,
  kAudioSummary = 2,
  kAudioTitle = 3,

[Stable, Extensible]
enum SafetyFeature {
  [Default] kGeneral = 0,
  kAudioSummaryRequest = 1,
  kAudioTitleRequest = 2,
  kAudioSummaryResponse = 3,
  kAudioTitleResponse = 4,

// A service which allows loading trusted models which are stored on-device and
// which may process untrustworthy data.
interface OnDeviceModelService {
  // Initializes a new model instance given `params`. If the model can not be
  // created the model pipe will be reset.
  LoadModel(LoadModelParams params, pending_receiver<OnDeviceModel> model) =>
      (LoadModelResult result);

  // Returns the performance class based on benchmarks run on the device.
  GetEstimatedPerformanceClass() => (PerformanceClass performance_class);

// A service which allows loading platform trusted models which are stored
// on-device and which may process untrustworthy data.
// This is a ChromeOS specific interface. And the service will be implemented
// in the ChromeOS platform side instead of the Chrome browser side.
interface OnDeviceModelPlatformService {
  // Initializes a new model instance given platform model `uuid`, this can be
  // used on some specific platforms(e.g. ChromeOS). The model can be either
  // a base model or a base model with an adaptation layer. If the model can
  // not be created the model pipe will be reset.
      mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid,
      pending_receiver<OnDeviceModel> model,
      [MinVersion=1] pending_remote<PlatformModelProgressObserver>?
          progress_observer) => (LoadModelResult result);

  // Gets the platform model state given platform model `uuid`.
  GetPlatformModelState@1(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid)
      => (PlatformModelState result);

  // Returns the performance class based on benchmarks run on the device.
  GetEstimatedPerformanceClass@2() => (PerformanceClass performance_class);

  // Formats the input fields with the model uuid and feature combination.
  // The `fields` will represent the corresponding input key value pairs for
  // different model uuid and feature combinations.
  // The `result` can be nullopt if the model uuid and feature combination is
  // invalid or not supported.
  // For example, a feature may need "name" & "something" & "action" to complete
  // the following string: "I'm {name}, I have {something}, please {action} for
  // me.". And different feature may require different sets of key value pairs.
  FormatInput@3(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid,
                FormatFeature feature,
                map<string, string> fields) => (string? result);

  // Validates the `text` is safe or not with the given `safety_feature` and
  // `safety_info`. The `safety_info` should be the result returned by
  // `ClassifyTextSafety()`. Returns true if the `text` is safe.
      SafetyFeature safety_feature, string text, SafetyInfo safety_info)
      => (bool result);