
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <windows.h>

#include <winhttp.h>

#include <string>

#include "base/component_export.h"

namespace proxy_resolver_win {

// This provides a layer of abstraction between calling code and WinHTTP APIs,
// allowing them to be mocked out for testing. This object is not thread safe
// and it's expected that the caller will handle using it on the same thread or
// sequence. In general, documentation for these APIs can be found here:
  virtual ~WinHttpAPIWrapper() = default;

  // Creates our WinHttp session handle |session_handle_|. The lifetime of that
  // session handle is determined by the lifetime of this object. It'll get
  // closed when this object destructs.
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpOpen() = 0;

  // Controls the timeout for WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx().
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpSetTimeouts(int resolve_timeout,
                                                    int connect_timeout,
                                                    int send_timeout,
                                                    int receive_timeout) = 0;

  // Sets the callback WinHttp will call into with the result of any
  // asynchronous call.
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpSetStatusCallback(
      WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK internet_callback) = 0;

  // Fetches the proxy configs for the current active network connection and
  // current Windows user. The |ie_proxy_config| says whether or not
  // AutoProxy (WPAD) is enabled and if there's a PAC URL configured for this
  // connection/user.
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(
      WINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG* ie_proxy_config) = 0;

  // Creates a handle |resolver_handle| that should be used for the call to
  // WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx().
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpCreateProxyResolver(
      HINTERNET* out_resolver_handle) = 0;

  // Using the specific |resolver_handle| handle from
  // CallWinHttpCreateProxyResolver(), resolve a proxy for a specific |url| with
  // the aid of some |autoproxy_options|. When WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx()
  // finishes its work or hits an error, it'll call into the callback set by
  // CallWinHttpSetStatusCallback() above exactly once and supply the provided
  // |context|.
  // WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx() will go async to do all necessary logic. As long
  // as it receives good inputs (valid handle, valid combination of flags,
  // non-null PAC URL if needed), this API will almost always return
  // ERROR_IO_PENDING. It'll only fail for reasons like running out of memory.
  // When it returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, CallWinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx() will return
  // true.
  // WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx() will do proxy fallback internally and return to
  // a proxy result. It will first check WPAD (if enabled). If that fails, it'll
  // attempt to download and run any provided PAC script. If the PAC script was
  // not provided or if it fails, it'll use the right per-interface static
  // proxy. If all else fails or isn't configured, it'll simply return DIRECT.
  // WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx() supports commonly used enterprise proxy features
  // such as DirectAccess/NRPT.
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx(
      HINTERNET resolver_handle,
      const std::string& url,
      WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS* autoproxy_options,
      DWORD_PTR context) = 0;

  // As long as CallWinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx() doesn't hit any errors, there will
  // be a proxy result to examine. This function retrieves that proxy resolution
  // result |proxy_result| using the resolver's handle |resolver_handle|. The
  // result must be freed with CallWinHttpFreeProxyResult().
  [[nodiscard]] virtual bool CallWinHttpGetProxyResult(
      HINTERNET resolver_handle,
      WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT* proxy_result) = 0;

  // Frees the |proxy_result| retrieved by CallWinHttpGetProxyResult().
  virtual void CallWinHttpFreeProxyResult(
      WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT* proxy_result) = 0;

  // Every opened HINTERNET handle must be closed. This closes handle
  // |internet_handle|. After being closed, WinHttp calls cannot be made using
  // that handle.
  virtual void CallWinHttpCloseHandle(HINTERNET internet_handle) = 0;

}  // namespace proxy_resolver_win