
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/cpp/memory_instrumentation/os_metrics.h"

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

#include <mach-o/dyld_images.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>

#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"

#include "base/ios/sim_header_shims.h"
#include <libproc.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <mach/shared_region.h>

namespace memory_instrumentation {

namespace {

// Don't simply use sizeof(task_vm_info) / sizeof(natural_t):
// In the 10.15 SDK, this structure is 87 32-bit words long, and in
// mach_types.defs:
//   type task_info_t    = array[*:87] of integer_t;
// However in the 10.14 SDK, this structure is 42 32-bit words, and in
// mach_types.defs:
//   type task_info_t    = array[*:52] of integer_t;
// As a result, the 10.15 SDK's task_vm_info won't fit inside the 10.14 SDK's
// task_info_t, so the *rest of the system* (on 10.14 and earlier) can't handle
// calls that request the full 10.15 structure. We have to request a prefix of
// it that 10.14 and earlier can handle by limiting the length we request. The
// rest of the fields just get ignored, but we don't use them anyway.

constexpr mach_msg_type_number_t ChromeTaskVMInfoCount =

// The count field is in units of natural_t, which is the machine's word size
// (64 bits on all modern machines), but the task_info_t array is in units of
// integer_t, which is 32 bits.
constexpr mach_msg_type_number_t MAX_MIG_SIZE_FOR_1014 =
    52 / (sizeof(natural_t) / sizeof(integer_t));
static_assert(ChromeTaskVMInfoCount <= MAX_MIG_SIZE_FOR_1014,
              "task_vm_info must be small enough for 10.14 MIG interfaces");

using VMRegion = mojom::VmRegion;

bool IsAddressInSharedRegion(uint64_t address) {
  return address >= SHARED_REGION_BASE_ARM64 &&
  // TODO: Need to fix this for ARM64 Mac.
  return address >= SHARED_REGION_BASE_X86_64 &&
         address < (SHARED_REGION_BASE_X86_64 + SHARED_REGION_SIZE_X86_64);

bool IsRegionContainedInRegion(const VMRegion& containee,
                               const VMRegion& container) {
  uint64_t containee_end_address =
      containee.start_address + containee.size_in_bytes;
  uint64_t container_end_address =
      container.start_address + container.size_in_bytes;
  return containee.start_address >= container.start_address &&
         containee_end_address <= container_end_address;

bool DoRegionsIntersect(const VMRegion& a, const VMRegion& b) {
  uint64_t a_end_address = a.start_address + a.size_in_bytes;
  uint64_t b_end_address = b.start_address + b.size_in_bytes;
  return a.start_address < b_end_address && b.start_address < a_end_address;

// Creates VMRegions for all dyld images. Returns whether the operation
// succeeded.
bool GetDyldRegions(std::vector<VMRegion>* regions) {
  task_dyld_info_data_t dyld_info;
  mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
  kern_return_t kr =
      task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_DYLD_INFO,
                reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(&dyld_info), &count);
  if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
    return false;

  const struct dyld_all_image_infos* all_image_infos =
      reinterpret_cast<const struct dyld_all_image_infos*>(

  bool emitted_linkedit_from_dyld_shared_cache = false;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < all_image_infos->infoArrayCount; i++) {
    const char* image_name = all_image_infos->infoArray[i].imageFilePath;

    // The public definition for dyld_all_image_infos/dyld_image_info is wrong
    // for 64-bit platforms. We explicitly cast to struct mach_header_64 even
    // though the public definition claims that this is a struct mach_header.
    const struct mach_header_64* const header =
        reinterpret_cast<const struct mach_header_64* const>(

    uint64_t next_command = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(header + 1);
    uint64_t command_end = next_command + header->sizeofcmds;
    uint64_t slide = 0;

    std::vector<VMRegion> temp_regions;
    std::string debug_id;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < header->ncmds; ++j) {
      // Ensure that next_command doesn't run past header->sizeofcmds.
      if (next_command + sizeof(struct load_command) > command_end)
        return false;
      const struct load_command* load_cmd =
          reinterpret_cast<const struct load_command*>(next_command);
      next_command += load_cmd->cmdsize;

      if (load_cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64) {
        if (load_cmd->cmdsize < sizeof(segment_command_64))
          return false;
        const segment_command_64* seg =
            reinterpret_cast<const segment_command_64*>(load_cmd);
        if (strcmp(seg->segname, SEG_PAGEZERO) == 0)
        if (strcmp(seg->segname, SEG_TEXT) == 0) {
          slide = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(header) - seg->vmaddr;

        // Avoid emitting LINKEDIT regions in the dyld shared cache, since they
        // all overlap.
        if (IsAddressInSharedRegion(seg->vmaddr) &&
            strcmp(seg->segname, SEG_LINKEDIT) == 0) {
          if (emitted_linkedit_from_dyld_shared_cache) {
          } else {
            emitted_linkedit_from_dyld_shared_cache = true;
            image_name = "dyld shared cache combined __LINKEDIT";

        uint32_t protection_flags = 0;
        if (seg->initprot & VM_PROT_READ)
          protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsRead;
        if (seg->initprot & VM_PROT_WRITE)
          protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsWrite;
        if (seg->initprot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE)
          protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsExec;

        VMRegion region;
        region.size_in_bytes = seg->vmsize;
        region.protection_flags = protection_flags;
        region.mapped_file = image_name;
        region.start_address = slide + seg->vmaddr;

      if (load_cmd->cmd == LC_UUID) {
        if (load_cmd->cmdsize < sizeof(uuid_command))
          return false;
        const uuid_command* uuid_cmd =
            reinterpret_cast<const uuid_command*>(load_cmd);
        // The ID is comprised of the UUID concatenated with the module's "age"
        // value which is always 0.
        debug_id = base::HexEncode(uuid_cmd->uuid) + "0";

    for (VMRegion& region : temp_regions) {
      region.module_debugid = debug_id;
  return true;

// Creates VMRegions using mach vm syscalls. Returns whether the operation
// succeeded.
bool GetAllRegions(std::vector<VMRegion>* regions) {
  const int pid = getpid();
  task_t task = mach_task_self();
  mach_vm_size_t size = 0;
  mach_vm_address_t address = MACH_VM_MIN_ADDRESS;
  while (true) {
    base::CheckedNumeric<mach_vm_address_t> next_address(address);
    next_address += size;
    if (!next_address.IsValid())
      return false;
    address = next_address.ValueOrDie();

    vm_region_basic_info_64 basic_info;
    base::MachVMRegionResult result =
        base::GetBasicInfo(task, &size, &address, &basic_info);
    if (result == base::MachVMRegionResult::Error)
      return false;
    if (result == base::MachVMRegionResult::Finished)

    VMRegion region;

    if ( & VM_PROT_READ)
      region.protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsRead;
    if ( & VM_PROT_WRITE)
      region.protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsWrite;
    if ( & VM_PROT_EXECUTE)
      region.protection_flags |= VMRegion::kProtectionFlagsExec;

    char buffer[MAXPATHLEN];
    int length = proc_regionfilename(pid, address, buffer, MAXPATHLEN);
    if (length > 0) {
      region.mapped_file.assign(buffer, length);
      if (!base::IsStringUTF8AllowingNoncharacters(region.mapped_file))
        region.mapped_file = "region file name is not UTF-8";

    // There's no way to get swapped or clean bytes without doing a
    // very expensive syscalls that crawls every single page in the memory
    // object.
    region.start_address = address;
    region.size_in_bytes = size;
  return true;

void AddRegionByteStats(VMRegion* dest, const VMRegion& source) {
  dest->byte_stats_private_dirty_resident +=
  dest->byte_stats_private_clean_resident +=
  dest->byte_stats_shared_dirty_resident +=
  dest->byte_stats_shared_clean_resident +=
  dest->byte_stats_swapped += source.byte_stats_swapped;
  dest->byte_stats_proportional_resident +=

}  // namespace

// static
bool OSMetrics::FillOSMemoryDump(base::ProcessId pid,
                                 mojom::RawOSMemDump* dump) {
  if (pid != base::kNullProcessId && pid != base::GetCurrentProcId()) {
    return false;
  return FillOSMemoryDumpFromTaskPort(mach_task_self(), dump);

// static
bool OSMetrics::FillOSMemoryDumpFromTaskPort(mach_port_t task_port,
                                             mojom::RawOSMemDump* dump) {
  task_vm_info info;
  mach_msg_type_number_t count = ChromeTaskVMInfoCount;
  kern_return_t result = task_info(
      task_port, TASK_VM_INFO, reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(&info), &count);
  if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
    return false;

  dump->platform_private_footprint->internal_bytes = info.internal;
  dump->platform_private_footprint->compressed_bytes = info.compressed;
  dump->resident_set_kb = info.resident_size / 1024;
  dump->peak_resident_set_kb = info.resident_size_peak / 1024;

  // The |phys_footprint| field was introduced in 10.11.
  if (count == ChromeTaskVMInfoCount) {
    dump->platform_private_footprint->phys_footprint_bytes =

  return true;

// static
std::vector<mojom::VmRegionPtr> OSMetrics::GetProcessMemoryMaps(
    base::ProcessId pid) {
  std::vector<mojom::VmRegionPtr> maps;

  std::vector<VMRegion> dyld_regions;
  if (!GetDyldRegions(&dyld_regions))
    return maps;
  std::vector<VMRegion> all_regions;
  if (!GetAllRegions(&all_regions))
    return maps;

  // Merge information from dyld regions and all regions.
  for (const VMRegion& region : all_regions) {
    bool skip = false;
    const bool in_shared_region = IsAddressInSharedRegion(region.start_address);
    for (VMRegion& dyld_region : dyld_regions) {
      // If this region is fully contained in a dyld region, then add the bytes
      // stats.
      if (IsRegionContainedInRegion(region, dyld_region)) {
        AddRegionByteStats(&dyld_region, region);
        skip = true;

      // Check to see if the region is likely used for the dyld shared cache.
      if (in_shared_region) {
        // This region is likely used for the dyld shared cache. Don't record
        // any byte stats since:
        //   1. It's not possible to figure out which dyld regions the byte
        //      stats correspond to.
        //   2. The region is likely shared by non-Chrome processes, so there's
        //      no point in charging the pages towards Chrome.
        if (DoRegionsIntersect(region, dyld_region)) {
          skip = true;
    if (skip)


  for (VMRegion& region : dyld_regions) {

  return maps;

std::vector<mojom::VmRegionPtr> OSMetrics::GetProcessModules(
    base::ProcessId pid) {
  std::vector<mojom::VmRegionPtr> maps;

  std::vector<VMRegion> dyld_regions;
  if (!GetDyldRegions(&dyld_regions))
    return maps;

  for (VMRegion& region : dyld_regions) {

  return maps;
#endif  // !BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS)

}  // namespace memory_instrumentation