// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This proto is copied from the following protos, do not change.
// google3/knowledge/cerebra/sense/im2query/screenai/proto/dimensions.proto
// google3/knowledge/cerebra/sense/im2query/screenai/proto/view_hierarchy.proto
syntax = "proto2";
package screenai;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Normalized coordinates [0.0, 1.0] specifying a region of the screen.
// The coordinate [0.0, 0.0] corresponds to the top left pixel on the screen.
message BoundingBox {
optional float top = 1;
optional float left = 2;
optional float bottom = 3;
optional float right = 4;
// Bounding box specifying a region of the screen in pixel coordinates.
// The coordinate [0, 0] corresponds to the top left pixel on the screen.
message BoundingBoxPixels {
optional int32 top = 1;
optional int32 left = 2;
optional int32 bottom = 3;
optional int32 right = 4;
// Represents a hierarchical data (e.g. tree structure) in general, in which
// UiElement represents a node.
// Next ID: 3.
message ViewHierarchy {
reserved 1;
repeated UiElement ui_elements = 2;
// A single UI element. An element is relatively general and includes containers
// (e.g. LinearLayout) or individual visible elements (e.g. button, text label).
// Next ID: 10.
message UiElement {
// Unique positive number in the entire view hierarchy.
optional int32 id = 1 [default = -1];
optional UiElementType type = 2;
optional int32 parent_id = 3 [default = -1];
// All child elements of this element.
// The order of child ids is preserved from original view hierarchy tree.
repeated int32 child_ids = 4 [packed = true];
// Bounding box in screenshot, normalized by the image dimensions. This
// dimension is generally the captured screenshot dimension or the dimension
// of the root element if it covers the whole visible area.
// For example: The viewport of the screen is: 1440x1080. We capture a long
// screen that contains scrolled content, which has size 1440x8500.
// Then a container with coordinates:
// left: 50, right 1390, top 1300, bottom 2000
// would be normalized to:
// left: 50 / 1440, right 1390 / 1440, top 1300 / 8500, bottom 2000 / 8500.
optional BoundingBox bounding_box = 6;
// Bounding box in screenshot. Bounding box in pixels (non-normalized).
optional BoundingBoxPixels bounding_box_pixels = 8;
// A list of attributes for this element. Includes common attributes such as
// 'enabled', 'text'.
repeated UiElementAttribute attributes = 7;
// Define the application-specific information below.
// Information about data extracted from a Chrome-based application.
optional ChromeInfo chrome_info = 9;
enum UiElementType {
ROOT = 1;
VIEW = 3;
// An UiElement attribute.
// Next ID: 9.
message UiElementAttribute {
// The name of the attribute, for example 'text', 'focusable',
// 'contentDescription'.
optional string name = 1;
// The value of the attribute.
// This format only supports simple types. Some types for example dimension
// '123 px' should be stored as string and the application should handle
// parsing it. For other types for example reference a custom attribute
// message should be defined.
oneof value {
bool bool_value = 2;
int32 int_value = 3;
string string_value = 4;
float float_value = 5;
IntList int_list_value = 6;
StringList string_list_value = 7;
FloatList float_list_value = 8;
message IntList {
repeated int32 value = 1 [packed = true];
message StringList {
repeated string value = 1;
message FloatList {
repeated float value = 1;
// Chrome specific information.
message ChromeInfo {
// Backend DOM Node ID from which the UiElement is extracted.
// Sample usage: to trace back the original DOM Node of an UiElement.
optional int32 dom_node_id = 1 [default = -1];