
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module service_manager.mojom;

import "services/service_manager/public/mojom/connector.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/mojom/interface_provider.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/mojom/interface_provider_spec.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/mojom/service_control.mojom";

// Metadata describing an instance of a service that originated a call to
// BindInterface().
struct BindSourceInfo {
  // The service's identity.
  Identity identity;

  // An array of the capabilities exposed by the target that are required by the
  // source.
  CapabilitySet required_capabilities;

// Implemented by any service which is known to the Service Manager, for which
// instances may be tracked. It allows the implementor to receive lifecycle
// events and service inbound connection attempts.
interface Service {
  // Called by the service manager once an instance for this service has been
  // created. This method will be called exactly once before any other method is
  // called.
  // Parameters:
  //  identity
  //    The identity of this instance in the service manager. Includes:
  //    * The resolved name used in the connection request that resulted in this
  //      instance being initialized.
  //    * The instance_group associated with this instance in the service
  //      manager. This will never be null.
  //    * The instance group this instance belongs to.
  // Response parameters:
  //  connector_request
  //    An optional Connector request for the service manager to bind, allowing
  //    the initialized client to connect to others.
  //  control_request
  //    An optional associated ServiceControl request.
  OnStart(Identity identity) =>
      (pending_receiver<Connector> connector_receiver,
       pending_associated_receiver<ServiceControl> control_receiver);

  // Called when a request to bind an interface is received from another
  // ("source") service. This is the result of that service calling
  // BindInterface() on a Connector. By the time this method is called, the
  // service manager has already completed a policy check to determine that this
  // interface can be bound.
  // The Service must respond to acknowledge receipt of the request.
  // Parameters:
  //  source
  //    Contains information about the source of the request.
  //  interface_name
  //    The name of the interface to be bound.
  //  interface_pipe
  //    The message pipe to bind the interface implementation to.
  OnBindInterface(BindSourceInfo source,
                  string interface_name,
                  handle<message_pipe> interface_pipe) => ();

  // Requests that the service initialize a new instance of the service
  // identified by |identity|. The identified service will always be a service
  // packaged by the service receiving this request, according to its manifest.
  // |receiver| should be bound to a Service implementation for the new service
  // instance. |metadata| should be used to submit information (like PID) about
  // the process running the new service instance if different from the
  // packaging service's own process.
  CreatePackagedServiceInstance(Identity identity,
                                pending_receiver<Service> receiver,
                                pending_remote<ProcessMetadata> metadata);