// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/ambient/ambient_backend_controller.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
namespace ash {
class AmbientBackendController;
// Maintains a queue of topics fetched from the IMAX server. Note "topic" in
// this class refers to the early stage in the pipeline where the topic only has
// a primary (and optional related) photo url. AmbientTopicQueue does not deal
// with downloading/decoding actual photos.
// The AmbientTopicQueue automatically fills itself. The caller only has a Pop()
// API. It fills itself with new topics from IMAX when:
// * The caller has popped all existing topics from the queue (it's empty).
// * The |topic_fetch_interval| provided in the constructor has elapsed since
// the last topic fetch. This is done so that a sufficient amount of topics
// are available in the queue regardless of how often the caller calls Pop().
// (The access token required to fetch topics is only valid for a fixed period
// after entering ambient mode).
// The AmbientTopicQueue stops filling itself when the total number of topics it
// has fetched exceeds the |topic_fetch_limit| provided in the constructor.
// When this limit has been reached, the queue remains empty even after the
// caller Pop()s everything from it.
class ASH_EXPORT AmbientTopicQueue {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Returns a non-empty set of sizes that specify the desired size of the
// topic photos returned by IMAX. This is invoked before each topic fetch,
// so implementations may change the set of sizes they specify if desired.
// The AmbientTopicQueue will make a best effort to maintain a uniform
// distribution of the specified topic sizes in its queue. Note that the
// |topic_fetch_limit| is always honored though and is a global limit for
// all topics in the queue irrespective of size.
virtual std::vector<gfx::Size> GetTopicSizes() = 0;
// Starts automatically filling the queue on construction. Note this class
// intentionally does not have a method to clear the queue/reset its state.
// For this, it's cheap to just destroy and re-create the queue.
// |topic_fetch_limit|: See class-level comments above.
// |topic_fetch_size|: Number of topics requested from IMAX in each individual
// topic fetch.
// |topic_fetch_interval|: See class-level comments above.
// |should_split_topics|: See |AmbientPhotoConfig.should_split_topics|.
AmbientTopicQueue(int topic_fetch_limit,
int topic_fetch_size,
base::TimeDelta topic_fetch_interval,
bool should_split_topics,
Delegate* delegate,
AmbientBackendController* backend_controller);
AmbientTopicQueue(const AmbientTopicQueue&) = delete;
AmbientTopicQueue& operator=(const AmbientTopicQueue&) = delete;
// Invokes the |wait_cb| when the queue has topics in it (i.e. the queue is
// not empty). If the queue already has topics in it, the |wait_cb| is invoked
// immediately and synchronously.
enum class WaitResult {
// IsEmpty() is guaranteed to be false.
// IsEmpty() will be true for the following:
// The most recent topic fetch failed, and the queue is currently backing
// off, waiting for the IMAX server to recover. This result is returned
// immediately so that the caller can implement any fallback logic it
// has (ex: reading photos from an on-disc cache) rather than getting stuck
// waiting for long periods of time.
// The |topic_fetch_limit| has been reached, so the queue will not be filled
// with any more topics for the rest of its lifetime.
using WaitCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(WaitResult)>;
void WaitForTopicsAvailable(WaitCallback wait_cb);
// Pops() the topic from the front of the queue. Fails with a fatal error if
// IsEmpty().
AmbientModeTopic Pop();
// Whether or not there are any topics in the queue currently.
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool HasReachedTopicFetchLimit() const;
void FetchTopics();
void OnScreenUpdateInfoFetched(const base::RepeatingClosure& barrier_closure,
const gfx::Size& requested_topic_size,
const ash::ScreenUpdate& screen_update);
void OnAllScreenUpdateInfoFetched();
void ScheduleFetchTopics(bool backoff);
void Push(AmbientModeTopic topic);
void RunPendingWaitCallbacks(WaitResult wait_result);
const int topic_fetch_limit_;
const int topic_fetch_size_;
const base::TimeDelta topic_fetch_interval_;
const bool should_split_topics_;
const raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
const raw_ptr<AmbientBackendController> backend_controller_;
std::queue<AmbientModeTopic> available_topics_;
int total_topics_fetched_ = 0;
// Whether a topic fetch is current in progress (waiting for IMAX to respond).
// For simplicity, there should only be one topic fetch active at any given
// time.
bool topic_fetch_in_progress_ = false;
// For topic fetches scheduled in the future (either a regularly scheduled one
// or one from backoff).
base::OneShotTimer fetch_topic_timer_;
// Backoff for fetch topics retries.
net::BackoffEntry fetch_topic_retry_backoff_;
// Accumulation of WaitForTopicsAvailable() calls made while a topic fetch
// is currently in progress. These are flushed/run when the topic fetch
// completes.
std::vector<WaitCallback> pending_wait_cbs_;
// Transient storage for the IMAX responses returned from each topic fetch.
// There is one entry per topic size requested since there is also one network
// request made per topic size.
// The key contains the requested topic size's width/height. Using a map
// ensures a *deterministic* ordering of the topic sizes when processing this
// map after each fetch, but the order itself is irrelevant.
base::flat_map<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<AmbientModeTopic>>
base::WeakPtrFactory<AmbientTopicQueue> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash