// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ambient/model/ambient_topic_queue_animation_delegate.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "ash/ambient/util/ambient_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_resource_metadata.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
bool IsPortrait(const gfx::Size& size) {
return size.height() > size.width();
bool IsSquare(const gfx::Size& size) {
// This is arbitrary. Just a rough estimate that a "square" picture has an
// aspect ratio in the range [1 - kAspectRatioDelta, 1 + kAspectRatioDelta].
static constexpr float kAspectRatioDelta = 0.05f;
static constexpr float kAspectRatioLowerBound = 1.f - kAspectRatioDelta;
static constexpr float kAspectRatioUpperBound = 1.f + kAspectRatioDelta;
float aspect_ratio = gfx::SizeF(size).AspectRatio();
return aspect_ratio > kAspectRatioLowerBound &&
aspect_ratio < kAspectRatioUpperBound;
// Determines one size that best represents the group of image assets in the
// |resource_metadata| whose orientation matches |is_portrait|. The logic is
// currently as follows:
// * Compute the average aspect ratio of all assets with matching orientation.
// * Calculate the smallest size whose a) aspect ratio matches the average
// computed above and b) dimensions exceed those of all assets with matching
// orientation. This ensures that we ultimately download the largest
// possible resolution of photos from IMAX and any resizing that happens
// "shrinks" the photo to fit in the animation, which generally has better
// quality that "growing" a photo.
// * Discard any "square" orientations from the aspect ratio calculation. These
// are outliers that aren't quite portrait or landscape and bias the average
// aspect ratio. Since they are "square", it is a good enough compromise to
// use either a portrait or landscape photo and center-crop it to a square
// orientation before rendering. If this is not good enough in the future, we
// can return a third size in |GetTopicSizes()|, but it is currently not worth
// it.
// Returns an empty gfx::Size instance if there are no assets that match the
// |is_portrait| orientation.
gfx::Size SummarizeImageAssetSizes(
const cc::SkottieResourceMetadataMap& resource_metadata,
bool is_portrait) {
constexpr int kDimensionInvalid = -1;
int largest_width_observed = kDimensionInvalid;
int largest_height_observed = kDimensionInvalid;
float aspect_ratio_sum = 0.f;
int num_assets_found = 0;
for (const auto& [asset_id, asset_metadata] :
resource_metadata.asset_storage()) {
// IMAX photos are only assigned to dynamic image assets in the animation,
// so static image assets should be ignored when calculating.
ambient::util::ParsedDynamicAssetId parsed_dynamic_asset_id;
bool is_dynamic_image_asset = ambient::util::ParseDynamicLottieAssetId(
asset_id, parsed_dynamic_asset_id);
if (!is_dynamic_image_asset || !asset_metadata.size.has_value() ||
IsPortrait(*asset_metadata.size) != is_portrait) {
largest_width_observed =
std::max(asset_metadata.size->width(), largest_width_observed);
largest_height_observed =
std::max(asset_metadata.size->height(), largest_height_observed);
if (!IsSquare(*asset_metadata.size)) {
aspect_ratio_sum += gfx::SizeF(*asset_metadata.size).AspectRatio();
if (num_assets_found == 0) {
if (largest_width_observed == kDimensionInvalid) {
// There were no assets matching the desired orientation.
return gfx::Size();
} else {
// There were assets matching the desired orientation, but all of them
// were closer to being "square".
int square_length =
std::max(largest_width_observed, largest_height_observed);
return gfx::Size(square_length, square_length);
float average_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio_sum / num_assets_found;
// There are corner cases here where an asset found above may ultimately have
// a dimension larger than the computed size, but it's not worth accounting
// for.
gfx::Size candidate_a = gfx::Size(
base::ClampRound<int>(largest_width_observed / average_aspect_ratio));
gfx::Size candidate_b = gfx::Size(
base::ClampRound<int>(largest_height_observed * average_aspect_ratio),
// Both candidates should have the same aspect ratio, so comparing one of the
// dimensions (width in this case) is sufficient.
return candidate_a.width() > candidate_b.width() ? candidate_a : candidate_b;
// The output will always have 1 size for landscape assets and 1 size for
// portrait assets (or 0 if there are no assets of a particular orientation).
std::vector<gfx::Size> ComputeTopicSizes(
const cc::SkottieResourceMetadataMap& resource_metadata) {
static constexpr gfx::Size kDefaultTopicSize = gfx::Size(500, 500);
gfx::Size landscape_size =
SummarizeImageAssetSizes(resource_metadata, /*is_portrait=*/false);
gfx::Size portrait_size =
SummarizeImageAssetSizes(resource_metadata, /*is_portrait=*/true);
std::vector<gfx::Size> output;
if (!landscape_size.IsEmpty())
if (!portrait_size.IsEmpty())
if (output.empty()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to compute topic sizes for animation. Animation "
"file is likely invalid.";
return {kDefaultTopicSize};
return output;
} // namespace
const cc::SkottieResourceMetadataMap& resource_metadata)
: topic_sizes_(ComputeTopicSizes(resource_metadata)) {}
AmbientTopicQueueAnimationDelegate::~AmbientTopicQueueAnimationDelegate() =
std::vector<gfx::Size> AmbientTopicQueueAnimationDelegate::GetTopicSizes() {
// At the time this was written, UX has agreed that the landscape and portrait
// versions of a given animation theme will have the same image asset sizes
// (only the animation's layout will be different). Thus, it is sufficient
// and simplest to just compute the desired topic sizes once with whichever
// version of the animation is loaded initially (either topic or landscape).
// If this changes in the future, this will need to recompute topic sizes with
// the new animation orientation.
return topic_sizes_;
} // namespace ash