// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module viz.mojom;
import "components/discardable_memory/public/mojom/discardable_shared_memory_manager.mojom";
import "components/viz/service/debugger/mojom/viz_debugger.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/shared_memory.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositing_mode_watcher.mojom";
import "services/viz/privileged/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_manager.mojom";
import "services/viz/privileged/mojom/compositing/renderer_settings.mojom";
import "services/viz/privileged/mojom/gl/gpu_host.mojom";
import "services/viz/privileged/mojom/gl/info_collection_gpu_service.mojom";
import "services/viz/privileged/mojom/gl/gpu_service.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/font_render_params.mojom";
struct FrameSinkManagerParams {
// An id that changes for each viz process restart.
uint32 restart_id;
// Indicates whether CompositorFrames should activate after the deadline
// below passes.
bool use_activation_deadline = true;
// Default number of frames to CompositorFrame activation deadline.
uint32 activation_deadline_in_frames = 4;
// Host to viz interface.
pending_receiver<FrameSinkManager> frame_sink_manager;
// Viz to host interface.
pending_remote<FrameSinkManagerClient> frame_sink_manager_client;
DebugRendererSettings debug_renderer_settings;
// This is the primordial interface used to (re)start the viz services.
interface VizMain {
CreateFrameSinkManager(FrameSinkManagerParams params);
pending_receiver<GpuService> gpu_service,
pending_remote<GpuHost> gpu_host,
mojo_base.mojom.UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion? use_shader_cache_shm_count);
// Sets parameters necessary for rendering.
gfx.mojom.SubpixelRendering subpixel_rendering,
float text_contrast,
float text_gamma);
// Create a GPU info collection service provided by the info-collection GPU
// process.
pending_receiver<InfoCollectionGpuService> info_collection_gpu_service);
// Pass the process ID of the browser process to the viz process. Used for
// Android performance hinting.
SetHostProcessId(int32 pid);
// Initiates the devtools enabled stream connection for the Viz Debugger.
// This is only called if the flag --enable-viz-devtools is used.
StartDebugStream(pending_remote<VizDebugOutput> viz_debug);
// Sends debug filtering information to the active Viz Debugger instance.
// This is only called if the flag --enable-viz-devtools is used.
FilterDebugStream(mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue filterData);
// Ends the Viz debugging session. This is only called if the flag
// --enable-viz-devtools is used.