
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module viz.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/begin_frame_args.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositor_frame_transition_directive.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/delegated_ink_metadata.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/offset_tag.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_deadline.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_interval_inputs.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/region_capture_bounds.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/selection.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/surface_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/surface_range.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor4f.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/display_color_spaces.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/overlay_transform.mojom";
import "ui/latency/mojom/latency_info.mojom";

// See cc/trees/render_frame_metadata.h
// This is sent from viz clients such as the browser and renderer to the viz
// compositor in the GPU process.
struct CompositorFrameMetadata {
  float device_scale_factor;
  gfx.mojom.PointF root_scroll_offset;
  float page_scale_factor;
  gfx.mojom.SizeF scrollable_viewport_size;
  gfx.mojom.ContentColorUsage content_color_usage;
  bool may_contain_video;
  bool may_throttle_if_undrawn_frames;
  bool is_handling_interaction;
  skia.mojom.SkColor4f root_background_color;
  array<ui.mojom.LatencyInfo> latency_info;
  array<SurfaceRange> referenced_surfaces;
  FrameDeadline deadline;
  array<SurfaceId> activation_dependencies;
  BeginFrameAck begin_frame_ack;
  uint32 frame_token;
  bool send_frame_token_to_embedder;
  // TODO( This should be a `float?`.
  bool top_controls_visible_height_set;
  float top_controls_visible_height;

  float min_page_scale_factor;

  gfx.mojom.OverlayTransform display_transform_hint;

  // Contains the metadata required for drawing a delegated ink trail onto the
  // end of a rendered ink stroke. This should only be present when two
  // conditions are met:
  //   1. The JS API |updateInkTrailStartPoint| is used - This gathers the
  //     metadata and puts it onto a compositor frame to be sent to viz.
  //   2. This frame will not be submitted to the root surface - The browser UI
  //     does not use this, and the frame must be contained within a
  //     SurfaceDrawQuad.
  // The ink trail created with this metadata will only last for a single frame
  // before it disappears, regardless of whether or not the next frame contains
  // delegated ink metadata.
  gfx.mojom.DelegatedInkMetadata? delegated_ink_metadata;

  // Transition directives represent a list of directives for animating a
  // transition between different compositor frames / render passes.
  array<CompositorFrameTransitionDirective> transition_directives;

  // Contains a map of region capture crop identifiers to gfx::Rects
  // representing their coordinates in the root render pass system.
  RegionCaptureBounds capture_bounds;

  // Indicates if this frame is embedding ViewTransitionElementResourceIds which need to
  // be replaced by corresponding live render passes or cached textures in the
  // Viz process.
  bool has_shared_element_resources;

  // When set, the compositor frame submission also informs viz to issue a
  // screenshot against the previous surface.

  // When set, this frame contains software resources. See
  // TransferableResource::is_software for details.
  bool is_software;

  array<OffsetTagDefinition> offset_tag_definitions;
  array<OffsetTagValue> offset_tag_values;

  FrameIntervalInputs frame_interval_inputs;