
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module viz.mojom;

import "cc/mojom/element_id.mojom";
import "cc/mojom/layer_type.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor4f.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/transform.mojom";

// Details about a cc::LayerImpl that has been added to a tree or modified in
// some interesting way since a prior tree update.
struct Layer {
  // The layer's assigned ID. This is an arbitrary integer value which is
  // guaranteed to be (a) unique across all layers currently in the tree and
  // (b) consistent for the lifetime of each layer. When a LayerTreeUpdate
  // contains a Layer with a previously unseen ID, the Layer is being added to
  // the tree; otherwise an existing layer's properties are changing.
  int64 id;

  // The type of this layer. If this structure is updating an existing layer,
  // the type here must match that of the existing layer.
  cc.mojom.LayerType type;

  // Bounds of the layer, generally in layer space. If this is the root layer,
  // bounds are in viewport space, including device scale factor.
  gfx.mojom.Size bounds;

  // Optimization hints indicating whether the layer is fully opaque, or at
  // least opaque wherever text is drawn.
  bool contents_opaque;
  bool contents_opaque_for_text;

  // Indicates whether the layer produces any visual output for the compositor.
  bool is_drawable;

  // The background color (and safe opaque background color) used by this Layer.
  // See comments for equivalent fields on cc::Layer.
  skia.mojom.SkColor4f background_color;
  skia.mojom.SkColor4f safe_opaque_background_color;

  // Optional stable identifier that may be referenced in property trees and
  // animations. Identifies a client-side object which can be represented by
  // multiple layers over time but only by a single layer at once.
  cc.mojom.ElementId? element_id;

  // Current cumulative dirty rect for the layer since last update, in layer
  // space.
  gfx.mojom.Rect update_rect;

  // The post-transform position of this layer.
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF offset_to_transform_parent;

  // Property tree node IDs. Each of these IDs is bound to the range [0, N) for
  // a property tree with N nodes.
  int32 transform_tree_index;
  int32 clip_tree_index;
  int32 effect_tree_index;
  int32 scroll_tree_index;

// See blink::AnchorPositionScrollData, from which the fields here are derived.
struct AnchorPositionScrollData {
  array<cc.mojom.ElementId> adjustment_container_ids;
  gfx.mojom.Vector2d accumulated_scroll_origin;
  bool needs_scroll_adjustment_in_x;
  bool needs_scroll_adjustment_in_y;

// See blink::StickyPositionScrollingConstraints for documentation on this data.
struct StickyPositionNodeData {
  // Must be a valid index into the scroll tree.
  int32 scroll_ancestor;

  // Additional fields derived from StickyPositionScrollingConstraints.
  bool is_anchored_left;
  bool is_anchored_right;
  bool is_anchored_top;
  bool is_anchored_bottom;
  float left_offset;
  float right_offset;
  float top_offset;
  float bottom_offset;
  gfx.mojom.RectF constraint_box_rect;
  gfx.mojom.RectF scroll_container_relative_sticky_box_rect;
  gfx.mojom.RectF scroll_container_relative_containing_block_rect;
  int32 nearest_node_shifting_sticky_box;
  int32 nearest_node_shifting_containing_block;
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF total_sticky_box_sticky_offset;
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF total_containing_block_sticky_offset;

// Updates to a transform tree, not including the nodes themselves. These
// correspond to data members of cc::TransformTree.
struct TransformTreeUpdate {
  float page_scale_factor;
  float device_scale_factor;
  float device_transform_scale_factor;
  array<int32> nodes_affected_by_outer_viewport_bounds_delta;
  array<StickyPositionNodeData> sticky_position_data;
  array<AnchorPositionScrollData> anchor_position_scroll_data;

// Details about a new or updated node within a transform property tree.
struct TransformNode {
  // The ID of this node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree with
  // N nodes.
  int32 id;

  // The ID of the parent node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree
  // with N nodes, or -1 if this is the root node.
  int32 parent_id;

  // The ID of the nearest ancestor node in the tree which corresponds to the
  // root of a visible frame. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree
  // with N nodes, or -1 if no ancestor is desginated as a frame root by the
  // client. May be the same as `id`.
  int32 parent_frame_id;

  // The stable ElementId of the client-side object to which this transform node
  // applies.
  cc.mojom.ElementId? element_id;

  // Actual transformation parameters for this node. See cc::TransformNode.
  gfx.mojom.Transform local;
  gfx.mojom.Point3F origin;
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF post_translation;
  gfx.mojom.PointF scroll_offset;
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF snap_amount;

  // Optional index into the tree's sticky position constraint data.
  uint32? sticky_position_constraint_id;

  // Optional index into the tree's anchor position scroll data.
  uint32? anchor_position_scroll_data_id;

  // Arbitrary rendering context ID for sorting. This affects draw order within
  // the layer tree relative to other nodes with sorting context IDs. Does not
  // need to be validated.
  int32 sorting_context_id;

  // Flags reflecting client-side changes to transform state. These all
  // correspond to equivalent flags on cc::TransformNode.
  bool needs_local_transform_update;
  bool has_potential_animation;
  bool is_currently_animating;
  bool flattens_inherited_transform;
  bool scrolls;
  bool should_undo_overscroll;
  bool should_be_snapped;
  bool moved_by_outer_viewport_bounds_delta_y;
  bool in_subtree_of_page_scale_layer;
  bool transform_changed;
  bool delegates_to_parent_for_backface;
  bool will_change_transform;

  // The stable ElementId of the client-side object (e.g. document, in Blink)
  // corresponding to this node, if this node corresponds to the root of a
  // visible frame.
  cc.mojom.ElementId? visible_frame_element_id;

// Details about a new or updated node within a clip property tree.
struct ClipNode {
  // The ID of this node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a clip tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 id;

  // The ID of the parent node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a clip tree with
  // N nodes, or -1 if this is the root node.
  int32 parent_id;

  // The ID of this clip node's corresponding transform node within the
  // transform tree. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 transform_id;

  // The clip rectangle for this node, in the space of the corresponding
  // transform node.
  gfx.mojom.RectF clip;

  // The ID of this node's pixel-moving filter in the effect tree, or -1.
  int32 pixel_moving_filter_id;

// Details about a new or updated node within an effect property tree.
struct EffectNode {
  // The ID of this node. Must be in the range [0, N) for an effect tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 id;

  // The ID of the parent node. Must be in the range [0, N) for an effect tree
  // with N nodes, or -1 if this is the root node.
  int32 parent_id;

  // The ID of this effect node's corresponding transform node within the
  // transform tree. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 transform_id;

  // The ID of this effect node's corresponding clip node within the clip tree.
  // Must be in the range [0, N) for a clip tree with N nodes.
  int32 clip_id;

  // The stable ElementId of the client-side object to which this effect node
  // applies.
  cc.mojom.ElementId? element_id;

  // The opacity of drawn layers associated with this effect node.
  float opacity;

  // TODO(rockot): Replace this with a RenderSurfaceReason enumeration. In
  // practice the specific reason is only useful for metrics, and for now all we
  // need is to know whether or not the reason is kNone.
  bool has_render_surface;

  // Scale applied to the contents of the render surface. Ignored if this node
  // doesn't induce a render surface.
  gfx.mojom.Vector2dF surface_contents_scale;

  // This is an SkBlendMode, which has no mojom definition yet. Must be manually
  // validated to be no greater than SkBlendMode::kLastMode.
  uint32 blend_mode;

  // The index of the ancestor EffectNode which induces a render surface. Must
  // be a valid index in the same effect tree.
  int32 target_id;

// Details about a new or updated node within a scroll property tree.
struct ScrollNode {
  // The ID of this node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a scroll tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 id;

  // The ID of the parent node. Must be in the range [0, N) for a scroll tree
  // with N nodes, or -1 if this is the root node.
  int32 parent_id;

  // The ID of this scroll node's corresponding transform node within the
  // transform tree. Must be in the range [0, N) for a transform tree with N
  // nodes.
  int32 transform_id;

  // The bounds of the scrollable container in which the scroll node's content
  // resides. This does not include non-overlay scrollbar footprint.
  gfx.mojom.Size container_bounds;

  // The size of the content scrolled within the node's scrollable container.
  gfx.mojom.Size bounds;

  // The stable ElementId of the scrollable client-side object to which this
  // scroll node applies.
  cc.mojom.ElementId? element_id;

  // Flags specifying the behavior of scrolls on this node.
  bool max_scroll_offset_affected_by_page_scale;
  bool scrolls_inner_viewport;
  bool scrolls_outer_viewport;
  bool prevent_viewport_scrolling_from_inner;
  bool user_scrollable_horizontal;
  bool user_scrollable_vertical;
  bool is_composited;