// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "third_party/microsoft_dxheaders/include/directml.h"
// Windows SDK headers should be included after DirectX headers.
#include <wrl.h>
namespace webnn::dml {
class BufferImplDml;
class CommandQueue;
// CommandRecorder is mainly responsible for the initialization and execution of
// a DirectML graph. It wraps a DirectML command recorder, and manages the
// Direct3D 12 command list and command allocator for GPU work recording and
// submission.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(WEBNN_SERVICE) CommandRecorder final {
static base::expected<std::unique_ptr<CommandRecorder>, HRESULT> Create(
scoped_refptr<CommandQueue> queue,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLDevice1> dml_device);
CommandRecorder(const CommandRecorder&) = delete;
CommandRecorder& operator=(const CommandRecorder&) = delete;
// Indicates whether this recorder is ready to record new commands.
bool IsOpen() const { return is_open_; }
// Call the `Open()` method before recording any new commands. The `Open()`
// method would prepare the underlying command list and command allocator.
// After recording the commands, call the `CloseAndExecute()` method to submit
// the recorded command list to the command queue for GPU execution. The
// caller may need to call the `CommandQueue::WaitAsync()` method on the
// command queue to wait for the GPU execution to complete.
// The caller is allowed to open the command recorder without waiting for the
// GPU to complete execution of previous recorded commands. The `Open()`
// method would ensure the command allocator is not reset while the previous
// command list is still being used by the GPU.
// If there are any failures during the command recording, the caller should
// delete this command recorder that ensures to release the references of all
// recorded commands and their resources.
// Close the command list.
HRESULT Close();
// Submit the command list for execution and reference all resources required
// by this execution.
HRESULT Execute();
// This method will call the above `Close()` and `Execute()` methods.
HRESULT CloseAndExecute();
void ResourceBarrier(base::span<const D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER> barriers);
// Record the buffer copy command. The destination and source buffers will be
// referenced until the GPU work has completed.
void CopyBufferRegion(Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> dst_buffer,
uint64_t dst_offset,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> src_buffer,
uint64_t src_offset,
uint64_t byte_length);
// Helper function to upload buffer data from GPU to CPU.
void UploadBufferWithBarrier(
BufferImplDml* dst_buffer,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> src_buffer,
size_t buffer_size);
// Helper function to readback buffer data from GPU to CPU.
void ReadbackBufferWithBarrier(
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> dst_buffer,
BufferImplDml* src_buffer,
size_t buffer_size);
// Initialize a compiled DirectML operator, which may also represent a
// DirectML graph, on the GPU, before it can be executed. For a compiled
// operator, this method should be called only once.
// If the compiled operator has any input tensors flagged with
// `DML_TENSOR_FLAG_OWNED_BY_DML`, their corresponding resources binding
// should be created by the caller and supplied via `input_array_binding` of
// If the compiled operator requires any persistent resources, their resource
// binding should be created by the caller and supplied via
// `persistent_resource_binding` of `DML_BINDING_TYPE_BUFFER` type. The
// persistent resource will be initialized after the GPU work is completed and
// it will be used for the following operator executions.
// Internally, this method will create necessary temporary resources for the
// operator initializer.
// This method ensures that all the required GPU resources will be kept alive
// until the operator initialization has completed on the GPU.
HRESULT InitializeOperator(
IDMLCompiledOperator* compiled_operator,
const std::optional<DML_BINDING_DESC>& input_array_binding,
const std::optional<DML_BINDING_DESC>& persistent_resource_binding);
// Execute a compiled DirectML operator after it is initialized. The caller is
// allowed to call this method multiple times to record operator executions
// with different inputs. The caller should wait for the operator execution to
// complete on the GPU before reading back the results.
// The caller should create the descriptor heap large enough for the number of
// descriptors that the compiled operator needs and supply it via
// `descriptor_heap`.
// The input and output resources are supplied by the caller via
// `input_bindings` and `output_bindings`. The input and output resources will
// be bound to the operator's binding table. The number of bindings should
// exactly match the number of input and output tensors of this operator. All
// bound resources need to be in the D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS
// state before calling this method.
// If the compiled operator also requires any persistent resources, they
// should be initialized by `InitializeOperator()` and be supplied via
// `persistent_resource_binding`.
// If the compiled operator also requires any temporary resources, they should
// be supplied via `temporary_resource_binding`.
// This method ensures that all the required GPU resources will be kept alive
// until the operator execution has completed on the GPU.
HRESULT ExecuteOperator(
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLCompiledOperator> compiled_operator,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> descriptor_heap,
base::span<const DML_BINDING_DESC> input_bindings,
base::span<const DML_BINDING_DESC> output_bindings,
const std::optional<DML_BINDING_DESC>& persistent_resource_binding,
const std::optional<DML_BINDING_DESC>& temporary_resource_binding);
CommandQueue* command_queue() const { return command_queue_.get(); }
// Called when a WebNNBuffer requires tracking of GPU progress
// because a recorded command will modify the data which could be accessed
// by the CPU. The last submission fence will be updated during
// recording to ensure the CPU can safely use the buffer.
void OnBufferAccessed(BufferImplDml* buffer);
void ReferenceCommandResources(Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown> object);
scoped_refptr<CommandQueue> command_queue,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLDevice1> dml_device,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> command_allocator,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLCommandRecorder> command_recorder);
// Records execution of a dispatchable object (an operator initializer, or a
// compiled operator) onto a command list.
void RecordDispatch(IDMLDispatchable* dispatchable,
IDMLBindingTable* binding_table);
bool is_open_ = false;
// The first call to `CloseAndExecute()` sets the first submitted fence value.
uint64_t last_submitted_fence_value_ = UINT64_MAX;
scoped_refptr<CommandQueue> command_queue_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLDevice1> dml_device_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Device> d3d12_device_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> command_allocator_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> command_list_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLCommandRecorder> command_recorder_;
// Keep the resources used by recorded commands. After commands submission,
// these resources would be kept alive until the command queue has completed
// the execution of these commands on GPU.
std::vector<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown>> command_resources_;
// Keep WebNNBuffers used in recorded commands pending execution. The key is
// a strong pointer to the underlying ID3D12Resource to ensure the recorded
// buffer entry will always remain valid until Open() is called again to reset
// it.
std::map<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource>, base::WeakPtr<BufferImplDml>>
} // namespace webnn::dml