
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>

#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "services/webnn/dml/tensor_desc.h"
#include "third_party/microsoft_dxheaders/include/directml.h"

// Windows SDK headers should be included after DirectX headers.
#include <wrl.h>

namespace webnn::dml {

class InputNode;
class OperatorNode;

// Represents a node, which is either an input node or operator node, within a
// graph.
  enum class Type {

  explicit Node(Type type);
  virtual ~Node();

  // Not copyable or movable.
  Node(const Node&) = delete;
  Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
  Node(Node&&) = delete;
  Node& operator=(Node&&) = delete;

  Type GetType() const;

  const InputNode* AsInputNode() const;
  const OperatorNode* AsOperatorNode() const;

  Type type_;

// Represents a graph input node. Created by
// `GraphBuilderDml::CreateInputNode()`. Holds the graph input index which is
// used to set `DML_INPUT_GRAPH_EDGE_DESC::GraphInputIndex`.
class InputNode final : public Node {
  explicit InputNode(uint32_t graph_input_index);
  ~InputNode() override;

  uint32_t GetGraphInputIndex() const;

  uint32_t graph_input_index_ = 0;

// Represents a graph operator node. Created by
// `GraphBuilderDml::CreateOperatorNode()`. Holds the node index and DirectML
// operator.
// The node index is increased from 0 when a new operator node is created. The
// node index is used to identify an operator node when creating DirectML graph
// edge structures, e.g. `FromNodeIndex` or `ToNodeIndex` of
// `DML_INTERMEDIATE_GRAPH_EDGE_DESC`. The operator nodes should be kept in the
// same order when creating `DML_GRAPH_DESC::Nodes`.
class OperatorNode final : public Node {
  OperatorNode(uint32_t operator_index,
               Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLOperator> dml_operator);
  ~OperatorNode() override;

  uint32_t GetNodeIndex() const;
  const DML_OPERATOR_GRAPH_NODE_DESC& GetDMLOperatorNodeDesc() const;

  uint32_t node_index_ = 0;
  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLOperator> dml_operator_;
  DML_OPERATOR_GRAPH_NODE_DESC dml_operator_node_desc_;

// Represents an output (edge) of a node. Created by
// `GraphBuilderDml::CreateNodeOutput`. Holds the index and tensor description
// of this node output.
// The output index is used to identity the node output when creating DirectML
// graph edge structures, e.g., `FromNodeOutputIndex` of
class NodeOutput {
  NodeOutput(const Node& node, uint32_t output_index, TensorDesc tensor_desc);

  // Not copyable or movable.
  NodeOutput(const NodeOutput&) = delete;
  NodeOutput& operator=(const NodeOutput&) = delete;
  NodeOutput(NodeOutput&&) = delete;
  NodeOutput& operator=(NodeOutput&&) = delete;

  const Node& GetNode() const;
  uint32_t GetOutputIndex() const;
  const TensorDesc& GetTensorDesc() const;

  // The node that provides the node output.
  const raw_ref<const Node> node_;
  // An operator node may have multiple outputs. This output index identifies
  // which one of the operator node's outputs this NodeOutput represents. It
  // ranges from 0 to node output count - 1. It would be used by DirectML
  // internally. For example, as the split operator described by
  // if the output count is 3, the output index is in range [0, 2].
  uint32_t output_index_ = 0;
  TensorDesc tensor_desc_;

// GraphBuilderDml is a helper class to build a DML graph. It provides methods
// to create the input nodes, operator nodes and connect these nodes. The input
// edges and intermediate edges are created when connecting nodes, and the
// output edges are created at last to indicate which node's output is graph's
// output.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(WEBNN_SERVICE) GraphBuilderDml final {
  explicit GraphBuilderDml(Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLDevice1> device);

  GraphBuilderDml(const GraphBuilderDml& other) = delete;
  GraphBuilderDml& operator=(const GraphBuilderDml& other) = delete;

  GraphBuilderDml(GraphBuilderDml&& other);
  GraphBuilderDml& operator=(GraphBuilderDml&& other);


  // Create a constant or non-constant input node stored in
  // `GraphBuilderDml::input_nodes_` and returns its pointer.
  const InputNode* CreateInputNode();

  // Create the IDMLOperator for the DML graph, meanwhile, connect multiple node
  // outputs to one node, thus the corresponding input edges and intermediate
  // edges are created.
  // It's expected to pass an operator desc pointer to parameter 'void*
  // operator_desc' which depends on the DML_OPERATOR_TYPE.
  // The input node output can be a nullptr when no edge needs to be
  // created for this input. For example, given an operator with three optional
  // inputs, `inputs = [input1, nullptr, input3]` means that the second input
  // doesn't have an edge and should be skipped.
  // TODO( change `inputs` to a map indexed explicitly by
  // input index.
  // When creation of IDMLOperator succeeds, it creates an operator node
  // stored in `GraphBuilderDml::operator_nodes_` and returns its pointer. When
  // it fails to create IDMLOperator, a nullptr is returned.
  const OperatorNode* CreateOperatorNode(DML_OPERATOR_TYPE type,
                                         const void* operator_desc,
                                         base::span<const NodeOutput*> inputs,
                                         std::string_view label);

  // Create a node output stored in `GraphBuilderDml::node_outputs_` and return
  // its pointer.
  const NodeOutput* CreateNodeOutput(const Node* node,
                                     TensorDesc tensor_desc,
                                     uint32_t output_index = 0);

  // Create an output edge for a node output, return the graph's output index.
  uint32_t CreateOutputEdge(const NodeOutput* node_output);

  // Notice that IDMLDevice1::CompileGraph may take a long time to compile
  // shaders (if not cached before), so this method should be called on a
  // background thread to avoid blocking the current thread.
  base::expected<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLCompiledOperator>, HRESULT> Compile(
      DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS flags) const;

  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDMLDevice1> dml_device_;

  std::vector<DML_INPUT_GRAPH_EDGE_DESC> dml_input_edges_;
  std::vector<DML_INTERMEDIATE_GRAPH_EDGE_DESC> dml_intermediate_edges_;
  std::vector<DML_OUTPUT_GRAPH_EDGE_DESC> dml_output_edges_;

  // `std::list` never invalidates the pointers to its elements.
  std::list<InputNode> input_nodes_;
  std::list<OperatorNode> operator_nodes_;
  std::list<NodeOutput> node_outputs_;

}  // namespace webnn::dml