
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module webnn.mojom;

import "services/webnn/public/mojom/features.mojom";
import "services/webnn/public/mojom/webnn_context.mojom";
import "services/webnn/public/mojom/webnn_context_properties.mojom";
import "services/webnn/public/mojom/webnn_error.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";

// Represents options of creating `WebNNContext` interface.
struct CreateContextOptions {
  enum Device {
    // Provides the broadest compatibility and usability across all client
    // devices with varying degrees of performance.
    // Provides the broadest range of achievable performance across graphics
    // hardware platforms from consumer devices to professional workstations.
    // NPU (neural processing unit) is a class of specialized hardware
    // accelerator designed to accelerate artificial intelligence and machine
    // learning applications. Unlike more general-purpose devices such as the
    // GPU and CPU, an NPU supports a limited finite set of operations and may
    // not have programmability support. The fallback behavior is being
    // discussed by WG at:
    // This Enum value is introduced for testing purpose that will inform
    // the WG.

  enum PowerPreference {
    // Let the user agent select the most suitable behavior.
    // Prioritizes execution speed over power consumption.
    // Prioritizes power consumption over other considerations such as execution
    // speed.

  // Indicates the kind of device used for the context.
  Device device;
  // The power preference for power consumption.
  PowerPreference power_preference;

  // Hint for the number of threads to use for inference, with zero indicating a
  // preference to defer this decision to the backend. A backend may also choose
  // to ignore this value entirely.
  // TODO( This is not the final expected API shape. Spec
  // discussion on how this information should be communicated is happening
  // here:
  uint8 thread_count_hint;

// Represents a successful call to `WebNNContextProvider::CreateWebNNContext`.
struct CreateContextSuccess {
  pending_remote<WebNNContext>? context_remote;
  ContextProperties context_properties;
  // context_handle is a generated token used as handle to identify the
  // the context from the renderer. The token is only valid for the lifetime
  // of the context and is used to resolve a buffer in the service using the
  // context corresponding to this handle.
  blink.mojom.WebNNContextToken context_handle;

// Represents the return value of `WebNNContextProvider::CreateWebNNContext()`.
// Let it be `success` if a WebNNContext was successfully created and `error`
// otherwise.
union CreateContextResult {
  CreateContextSuccess success;
  Error error;

// This interface runs in the GPU process and is called from the renderer
// process to create `WebNNContext` interface. The renderer requests this
// interface from the frame's BrowserInterfaceBroker, which requests it
// from the GpuService via the GpuClient.
interface WebNNContextProvider {
  // Called by the renderer process to create a message pipe for `MLContext`,
  // the `CreateContextResult` will be `Error` with error messages if the
  // configuration of options isn't supported.
  CreateWebNNContext(CreateContextOptions options)
      => (CreateContextResult result);