
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include <algorithm>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "skia/ext/convolver.h"
#include "skia/ext/convolver_SSE2.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypes.h"

#include <emmintrin.h>  // ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY was defined in build/config.h

namespace skia {

// Convolves horizontally along a single row. The row data is given in
// |src_data| and continues for the num_values() of the filter.
void ConvolveHorizontally_SSE2(const unsigned char* src_data,
                               const ConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
                               unsigned char* out_row,
                               bool /*has_alpha*/) {}

// Convolves horizontally along four rows. The row data is given in
// |src_data| and continues for the num_values() of the filter.
// The algorithm is almost same as |ConvolveHorizontally_SSE2|. Please
// refer to that function for detailed comments.
void Convolve4RowsHorizontally_SSE2(const unsigned char* src_data[4],
                                    const ConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
                                    unsigned char* out_row[4]) {}

// Does vertical convolution to produce one output row. The filter values and
// length are given in the first two parameters. These are applied to each
// of the rows pointed to in the |source_data_rows| array, with each row
// being |pixel_width| wide.
// The output must have room for |pixel_width * 4| bytes.
template<bool has_alpha>
void ConvolveVertically_SSE2(const ConvolutionFilter1D::Fixed* filter_values,
                             int filter_length,
                             unsigned char* const* source_data_rows,
                             int pixel_width,
                             unsigned char* out_row) {}

void ConvolveVertically_SSE2(const ConvolutionFilter1D::Fixed* filter_values,
                             int filter_length,
                             unsigned char* const* source_data_rows,
                             int pixel_width,
                             unsigned char* out_row,
                             bool has_alpha) {}

}  // namespace skia