
# Chrome's Blob Storage System Design

Elaboration of the blob storage system in Chrome.

# What are blobs?

Please see the [FileAPI Spec]( for the full
specification for Blobs, or [Mozilla's Blob documentation]( for a description of how
Blobs are used in the Web Platform in general. For the purposes of this
document, the important aspects of blobs are:

1. Blobs are immutable.
2. Blob can be made using one or more of: bytes, files, or other blobs.
3. Blobs can be ['sliced'](, which creates a
blob that is a subsection of another blob.
4. Reading blobs is asynchronous.
5. Reading blob metadata (like size) is synchronous.
6. Blobs can be passed to other browsing contexts, such as Javascript workers
or other tabs.

In Chrome, after blob creation the actual blob 'data' gets transported to and
lives in the browser process. The renderer just holds a reference -
a mojom BlobPtr (and for now a string UUID) - to the blob, which it can use to
read the blob or pass it to other processes.

# Summary & Terminology

Blobs are created in a renderer process, where their data is temporarily held
for the browser (while Javascript execution can continue). When the browser has
enough memory quota for the blob, it requests the data from the renderer. All
blob data is transported from the renderer to the browser. Once complete, any
pending reads for the blob are allowed to complete. Blobs can be huge (GBs), so
quota is necessary.

If the in-memory space for blobs is getting full, or a new blob is too large to
be in-memory, then the blob system uses the disk. This can either be paging old
blobs to disk, or saving the new too-large blob straight to disk.

Blob reading goes through the mojom [Blob interface](../../../third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob.mojom),
where the renderer or browser calls the `ReadAll` or `ReadRange` methods to read
the blob through a data pipe. This is implemented in the browser process in the
`MojoBlobReader` class.

General Chrome terminology:

* **Renderer, Browser, and IPCs**: See the [Multi-Process Architecture](
document to learn about these concepts.
* **Shared Memory**: Memory that both the browser and renderer process can read
& write. Created only between 2 processes.

Blob system terminology:

* **Blob**: This is a blob object, which can consist of bytes or files, as
described above.
* **BlobDataItem**:
This is a primitive element that can basically be a File, Bytes, or another
Blob. It also stores an offset and size, so this can be a part of a file. (This
can also represent a "future" file and "future" bytes, which is used to signify
a bytes or file item that has not been transported yet).
* **dependent blobs**: These are blobs that our blob is dependent on to be
constructed. As in, a blob is constructed with a dependency on another blob
(maybe it is a slice or just a blob in our constructor), and before the new
blob can be constructed it might need to wait for the "dependent" blobs to
complete. (This can sound backwards, but it's how it's referenced in the code.
So think "I am dependent on these other blobs")
* **transport strategy**: a method for sending the data in a BlobItem from
a renderer to the browser. The system currently implements three strategies:
Reply, Data Pipe, and Files.
* **blob description**: the inital data sychronously sent to the browser that
describes the items (content and sizes) of the new blob. This can
optimistically include the blob data if the size is less than the maximum mojo
message size.

# Blob Storage Limits

We calculate the storage limits [here](

**In-Memory Storage Limit**

* If the architecture is x64 and NOT Chrome OS or Android: `2GB`
* If Chrome OS: `total_physical_memory / 5`
* If Android: `total_physical_memory / 100`

**Disk Storage Limit**

* If Chrome OS: `disk_size / 2`
* If Android: `6 * disk_size / 100`
* Else: `disk_size / 10`

Note: Chrome OS's disk is part of the user partition, which is separate from the
system partition.

**Minimum Disk Availability**

We limit our disk limit to accommodate a minimum disk availability. The equation
we use is:

`min_disk_availability = in_memory_limit * 2`

## Example Limits

| Device | Ram | In-Memory Limit | Disk | Disk Limit | Min Disk Availability |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Cast | 512 MB | 102 MB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Android Minimal | 512 MB | 5 MB | 8 GB | 491 MB | 10 MB |
| Android Fat | 2 GB | 20 MB | 32 GB | 1.9 GB | 40 MB |
| CrOS | 2 GB | 409 MB | 8 GB | 4 GB | 0.8 GB |
| Desktop 32 | 3 GB | 614 MB | 500 GB | 50 GB | 1.2 GB |
| Desktop 64 | 4 GB | 2 GB | 500 GB | 50 GB | 4 GB |

# Common Pitfalls

## Creating Large Blobs Too Fast

Creating a lot of blobs, especially if they are very large blobs, can cause
the renderer memory to grow too fast and result in an OOM on the renderer side.
This is because the renderer temporarily stores the blob data while it waits
for the browser to request it. Meanwhile, Javascript can continue executing.
Transfering the data can take a lot of time if the blob is large enough to save
it directly to a file, as this means we need to wait for disk operations before
the renderer can get rid of the data.

## Leaking Blob References

If the blob object in Javascript is kept around, then the data will never be
cleaned up in the backend. This will unnecessarily use memory, so make sure to
dereference blob objects if they are no longer needed.

Similarily if a URL is created for a blob, this will keep the blob data around
until the URL is revoked (and the blob object is dereferenced). However, the
URL is automatically revoked when the browser context that created it is

# How to use Blobs (mojo interface)

The primary API to interact with the blob system is through its mojo interface.
This is how the renderer process interacts with the blob systems and creates and
transports blobs, but also how other subsystems in the browser process interact
with the blob system, for example to read blobs they received.

## Blob Creation & Transportation

New blobs are created through the [BlobRegistry](../../../third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob_registry.mojom)
mojo interface. In blink you can get a reference to this interface via
`blink::BlobDataHandle::GetBlobRegistry()`. This interface has two methods to
create a new blob. The `Register` method takes a blob description in the form of an array of
`DataElement`s, while the `RegisterFromStream` method creates a blob by reading
data from a mojo `DataPipe`. Furthermore `Register` will call its callback as
soon as possible after the request has been received, at which point the uuid is
valid and known to the blob system. It will then asynchronously request the data
and actually create the blob. On the other hand the `RegisterFromStream` method
won't call its callback until all the data for the blob has been received and
the blob has been entirely completed.

## Accessing / Reading

To read the data for a blob, the `Blob` mojom interface provides `ReadAll`,
`ReadRange` and `ReadSideData` methods. These methods will wait until the blob
has finished building before they start reading data, and if for whatever reason
the blob failed to build or reading data failed, will report back an error
through the (optional) `BlobReaderClient`.

# How to use Blobs (blink)

## Blob Creation

Within blink creating blobs is done through the `BlobData` and `BlobDataHandle`
classes. The `BlobData` class can be seen as a builder for an array of mojom
`DataElement`s. While doing so it also tries to consolidate all **adjacent**
memory blob items into one. This is done since blobs are often constructed with
arrays with single bytes.
The implementation tries to avoid doing any copying or allocating of new memory
buffers. Instead it facilitates the transformation between the 'consolidated'
blob items and the underlying bytes items. This way we don't waste any memory.

## Blob Transportation

After the blob has been 'consolidated' and its data has been assembled in a
`BlobData` object, it is passed to the `blink::BlobDataHandle` constructor. This
then passes the consolidated data to the mojo `BlobRegistry.Register` method.

Any `DataElementByte` elements in the blob description will have an associated
`BytesProvider`, as implemented by the `blink::BlobBytesProvider` class. This
class is owned by the mojo message pipe it is bound to, and is what the browser
uses to request data for the blob when quota for it becomes available. Depending
on the transport strategy chosen by the browser one of the `Request*` methods
on this interface will be called (or if the blob goes out of scope before the
data has been requested, the `BytesProvider` pipe is simply dropped, destroying
the `BlobBytesProvider` instance and the data it owned.

`BlobBytesProvider` instances also try to keep the renderer alive while we are
sending blobs, as if the renderer is closed then we would lose any pending blob
data. It does this by calling `blink::Platform::SuddenTerminationChanged`.

## Accessing / Reading

In blink, in addition to going through the mojo `Blob` interface as exposed
`through blink::Blob::GetBlobDataHandle`, you can also use `FileReaderLoader`
as an abstraction around the mojo interface. This class for example can convert
the resulting bytes to a `String` or `ArrayBuffer`, and generally just wraps the
mojo `DataPipe` functionality in an easier to use interface.

# How to use Blobs (Browser-side)

Generally even in the browser process it should be preferred to go through the
mojo `Blob` interface to interact with blobs. This results in a cleaner
separation between the blob system and the rest of chrome. However in some cases
it might still be needed to directly interact with the guts of the blob system,
so for now it is at least possible to interact with the blob system more

But keep in mind that everything in this section is really for legacy code only.
New code should strongly prefer to use the mojo interfaces described above.

## Building

Blob interaction in C++ should go through the `BlobStorageContext`. Blobs are
built using a `BlobDataBuilder` to populate the data and then calling
`BlobStorageContext::AddFinishedBlob` or `::BuildBlob`. This returns a
`BlobDataHandle`, which manages reading, lifetime, and metadata access for the
new blob.

If you have known data that is not available yet, you can still create the blob
reference, but see the documentation in `BlobDataBuilder::AppendFuture* or
::Populate*` methods on the builder, the callback usage on
`BlobStorageContext::BuildBlob`, and
`BlobStorageContext::NotifyTransportComplete` to facilitate this construction.

## Accessing / Reading

All blob information should come from the `BlobDataHandle` returned on
construction. This handle is cheap to copy. Once all instances of handles for
a blob are destructed, the blob is destroyed.

`BlobDataHandle::RunOnConstructionComplete` will notify you when the blob is
constructed or broken (construction failed due to not enough space, filesystem
error, etc).

The `BlobReader` class is for reading blobs, and is accessible off of the
`BlobDataHandle` at any time.

# Blob Transportation & Storage (Browser)

The browser side is a little more complicated than the renderer side.
We are thinking about:

1. Do we have enough space for this blob?
2. Pick transportation strategy for blob's components.
3. Is there enough free memory to transport the blob right now? Or does older
blob data to be paged to disk first?
4. Do I need to wait for files to be created?
5. Do I need to wait for dependent blobs?

## Summary

We follow this general flow for constructing a blob on the browser side:

1. Does the blob fit, and what transportation strategy should be used.
2. Create our browser-side representation of the blob data, including the data
items from dependent blobs. We try to share items as much as possible to save
memory, and allow for the dependent blob items to be not populated yet.
3. Request memory and/or file quota from the BlobMemoryController, which
manages our blob storage limits. Quota is necessary for both transportation and
any copies we have to do from dependent blobs.
4. If transporation quota is needed and when it is granted:
  1. Tell the `BlobRegistryImpl` and its `BlobUnderConstruction` instance to
  start asking for blob data given the earlier decision of strategy.
    * The `BlobTransportStrategy` populates the browser-side blob data item.
  2. When transportation is done we notify the BlobStorageContext
5. When transportation is done, copy quota is granted, and dependent blobs are
complete, we finish the blob.
  1. We perform any pending copies from dependent blobs
  2. We notify any listeners that the blob has been completed.

Note: The transportation sections (steps 1, 2, 3) of this process are described
(without accounting for blob dependencies) with diagrams and details in [this

## BlobUnderConstruction

The `BlobUnderConstruction` (inside `BlobRegistryImpl`) is in charge of the
actual construction of a blob and manages the transportation of the data from
the renderer to the browser. When the initial description of the blob is
sent to the browser, the BlobUnderConstruction asks the BlobMemoryController which
strategy (IPC, Shared Memory, or File) it should use to transport the file.
Based on this strategy it creates a `BlobTransportStrategy` instance. That
instance will then translate the memory items sent from the renderer
into a browser represetation to facilitate the transportation. See [this](
slide, which illustrates how the browser might segment or split up the
renderer's memory into transportable chunks.

Once the transport host decides its strategy, it will create its own transport
state for the blob, including a `BlobDataBuilder` using the transport's data
segment representation. Then it will tell the `BlobStorageContext` that it is
ready to build the blob.

When the `BlobStorageContext` tells the transport host that it is ready to
transport the blob data, the `BlobTransportStrategy` requests all of the data
from the renderer, populates the data in the `BlobDataBuilder`, and then signals
the storage context that it is done.

## BlobStorageContext

The `BlobStorageContext` is the hub of the blob storage system. It is
responsible for creating & managing all the state of constructing blobs, as
well as all blob handle generation and general blob status access.

When a `BlobDataBuilder` is given to the context, it will do the following:

1. Find all dependent blobs in the new blob (any blob reference in the blob
item list), and create a 'slice' of their items for the new blob.
2. Create the final blob item list representation, which creates a new blob
item list which inserts these 'slice' items into the blob reference spots. This
is 'flattening' the blob.
3. Ask the `BlobMemoryController` for file or memory quota for the
transportation if necessary.
4. Ask the `BlobMemoryController` for memory quota for any copies necessary for
blob slicing.
5. Adds completion callbacks to any blobs our blob depends on.

When all of the following conditions are met:

1. The `BlobRegistry` tells us it has transported all the data (or we
don't need to transport data),
2. The `BlobMemoryManager` approves our memory quota for slice copies (or we
don't need slice copies), and
3. All dependent blobs are completed (or we don't have dependent blobs),

The blob can finish constructing, where any pending blob slice copies are
performed, and we set the status of the blob.

### BlobStatus lifecycle

The BlobStatus tracks the construction procedure (specifically the transport
process), and the copy memory quota and dependent blob process is encompassed

Once a blob is finished constructing, the status is set to `DONE` or any of
the `ERR_*` values.

### BlobDataBuilder::SliceBlob

During construction, slices are created for dependent blobs using the given
offset and size of the reference. This slice consists of the relevant blob
items, and metadata about possible copies from either end. If blob items can
entirely be used by the new blob, then we just share the item between the. But
if there is a 'slice' of the first or last item, then BlobDataBuilder
will create a new bytes item for the new blob, and store necessary copy data for

### Blob Flattening

While a blob is build in `BlobDataBuilder` a 'flat' representation of the new
blob is created, replacing all blob references with the actual elements those
blobs are made up off, possibly slicing them in the process. It also stores any
copy data from the slices.

## BlobMemoryController

The `BlobMemoryController` is responsable for:

1. Determining storage quota limits for files and memory, including restricting
file quota when disk space is low.
2. Determining whether a blob can fit and the transportation strategy to use.
3. Tracking memory quota.
4. Tracking file quota and creating files.
5. Accumulating and evicting old blob data to files to disk.