
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import base64
import functools
import itertools
import os
import random
import re
import string
import sys
import textwrap

from . import utils

def FuzzyInt(n):
  """Returns an integer derived from the input by one of several mutations."""
  int_sizes = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
  mutations = [
      lambda n: utils.UniformExpoInteger(0,
                                         sys.maxsize.bit_length() + 1),
      lambda n: -utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, sys.maxsize.bit_length()),
      lambda n: 2**random.choice(int_sizes) - 1,
      lambda n: 2**random.choice(int_sizes),
      lambda n: 0,
      lambda n: -n,
      lambda n: n + 1,
      lambda n: n - 1,
      lambda n: n + random.randint(-1024, 1024),
  return random.choice(mutations)(n)

def FuzzyString(s):
  """Returns a string derived from the input by one of several mutations."""
  # First try some mutations that try to recognize certain types of strings
  assert isinstance(s, str)
  chained_mutations = [
  original = s
  for mutation in chained_mutations:
    s = mutation(s)
    # Stop if we've modified the string and our coin comes up heads
    if s != original and random.getrandbits(1):
      return s

  # If we're still here, apply a more generic mutation
  mutations = [
      lambda _: ''.join(
          for _ in range(utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, 14))),
      # We let through the surrogate. The decode exception is handled at caller.
      lambda _: ''.join(
          chr(random.randint(0, sys.maxunicode))
          for _ in range(utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, 14))).encode(
              'utf-8', 'surrogatepass'),
      lambda _: os.urandom(utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, 14)),
      lambda s: s * utils.UniformExpoInteger(1, 5),
      lambda s: s + 'A' * utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, 14),
      lambda s: 'A' * utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, 14) + s,
      lambda s: s[:-random.randint(1, max(1,
                                          len(s) - 1))],
      lambda s: textwrap.fill(s, random.randint(1, max(1,
                                                       len(s) - 1))),
      lambda _: '',
  return random.choice(mutations)(s)

def FuzzIntsInString(s):
  """Returns a string where some integers have been fuzzed with FuzzyInt."""

  def ReplaceInt(m):
    val =
    if random.getrandbits(1):  # Flip a coin to decide whether to fuzz
      return val
    if not random.getrandbits(4):  # Delete the integer 1/16th of the time
      return ''
    decimal = val.isdigit()  # Assume decimal digits means a decimal number
    n = FuzzyInt(int(val) if decimal else int(val, 16))
    return str(n) if decimal else '%x' % n

  return re.sub(r'\b[a-fA-F]*\d[0-9a-fA-F]*\b', ReplaceInt, s)

def FuzzBase64InString(s):
  """Returns a string where Base64 components are fuzzed with FuzzyBuffer."""

  def ReplaceBase64(m):
    fb = FuzzyBuffer(base64.b64decode(
    return base64.b64encode(fb)

  # This only matches obvious Base64 words with trailing equals signs
  return re.sub(
      r'(?![A-Za-z0-9+/])', ReplaceBase64, s)

def FuzzListInString(s, separators=r', |,|; |;|\r\n|\s'):
  """Tries to interpret the string as a list, and fuzzes it if successful."""
  seps = re.findall(separators, s)
  if not seps:
    return s
  sep = random.choice(seps)  # Ones that appear often are more likely
  items = FuzzyList(s.split(sep))
  return sep.join(items)

# Pylint doesn't recognize that in this case 'self' is some mutable sequence,
# so the unsupoorted-assignment-operation and unsupported-delete-operation
# warnings have been disabled here.
# pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation,unsupported-delete-operation
class FuzzySequence(object):  #pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance
  """A helpful mixin for writing fuzzy mutable sequence types.

  If a method parameter is left at its default value of None, an appropriate
  random value will be chosen.

  def Overwrite(self, value, location=None, amount=None):
    """Overwrite amount elements starting at location with value.

    Value can be a function of no arguments, in which case it will be called
    every time a new value is needed.
    if location is None:
      location = random.randint(0, max(0, len(self) - 1))
    if amount is None:
      amount = utils.RandomLowInteger(min(1, len(self)), len(self) - location)
    if hasattr(value, '__call__'):
      new_elements = (value() for i in range(amount))
      new_elements = itertools.repeat(value, amount)
    self[location:location + amount] = new_elements

  def Insert(self, value, location=None, amount=None, max_exponent=14):
    """Insert amount elements starting at location.

    Value can be a function of no arguments, in which case it will be called
    every time a new value is needed.
    if location is None:
      location = random.randint(0, max(0, len(self) - 1))
    if amount is None:
      amount = utils.UniformExpoInteger(0, max_exponent)
    if hasattr(value, '__call__'):
      new_elements = (value() for i in range(amount))
      new_elements = itertools.repeat(value, amount)
    self[location:location] = new_elements

  def Delete(self, location=None, amount=None):
    """Delete amount elements starting at location."""
    if location is None:
      location = random.randint(0, max(0, len(self) - 1))
    if amount is None:
      amount = utils.RandomLowInteger(min(1, len(self)), len(self) - location)
    del self[location:location + amount]

# pylint: enable=unsupported-assignment-operation,unsupported-delete-operation

class FuzzyList(list, FuzzySequence):
  """A list with additional methods for fuzzing."""

  def RandomMutation(self, count=None, new_element=''):
    """Apply count random mutations chosen from a list."""
    random_items = lambda: random.choice(self) if self else new_element
    mutations = [
        lambda: random.shuffle(self),
        functools.partial(self.Overwrite, new_element),
        functools.partial(self.Overwrite, random_items),
        functools.partial(self.Insert, new_element, max_exponent=10),
        functools.partial(self.Insert, random_items, max_exponent=10),
    if count is None:
      count = utils.RandomLowInteger(1, 5, beta=3.0)
    for _ in range(count):

class FuzzyBuffer(bytearray, FuzzySequence):
  """A bytearray with additional methods for mutating the sequence of bytes."""

  def __repr__(self):
    return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))

  def FlipBits(self, num_bits=None):
    """Flip num_bits bits in the buffer at random."""
    if num_bits is None:
      num_bits = utils.RandomLowInteger(min(1, len(self)), len(self) * 8)
    for bit in random.sample(range(len(self) * 8), num_bits):
      self[bit / 8] ^= 1 << (bit % 8)

  def RandomMutation(self, count=None):
    """Apply count random mutations chosen from a weighted list."""
    random_bytes = lambda: random.randint(0x00, 0xFF)
    mutations = [
        (self.FlipBits, 1),
        (functools.partial(self.Overwrite, random_bytes), 1 / 3.0),
        (functools.partial(self.Overwrite, 0xFF), 1 / 3.0),
        (functools.partial(self.Overwrite, 0x00), 1 / 3.0),
        (functools.partial(self.Insert, random_bytes), 1 / 3.0),
        (functools.partial(self.Insert, 0xFF), 1 / 3.0),
        (functools.partial(self.Insert, 0x00), 1 / 3.0),
        (self.Delete, 1),
    if count is None:
      count = utils.RandomLowInteger(1, 5, beta=3.0)
    for _ in range(count):