
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Defines fuzzer_test.

# fuzzer_test is used to define individual libfuzzer tests.
# Supported attributes:
# - (required) sources - fuzzer test source files
# - deps - test dependencies
# - libs - Additional libraries to link.
# - frameworks - Apple-only. Additional frameworks to link.
# - additional_configs - additional configs to be used for compilation
# - dict - a dictionary file for the fuzzer.
# - environment_variables - certain whitelisted environment variables for the
# fuzzer (AFL_DRIVER_DONT_DEFER is the only one allowed currently).
# - libfuzzer_options - options for the fuzzer (e.g. close_fd_mask=N).
#   These are mostly applied only when the fuzzer is being run using the
#   libfuzzer fuzzing engine, but a few of these may be interpreted by
#   other fuzzing engines too
# - centipede_options - options for the fuzzer (e.g. shmem_size_mb=N)
#   when running using the centipede fuzzing engine.
# - asan_options - AddressSanitizer options (e.g. allow_user_segv_handler=1).
# - msan_options - MemorySanitizer options.
# - ubsan_options - UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer options.
# - seed_corpus - a directory with seed corpus.
# - seed_corpus_deps - dependencies for generating the seed corpus.
# - grammar_options - defines a grammar used by a grammar based mutator.
# - exclude_main - if you're going to provide your own 'main' function
# - high_end_job_required - whether the fuzzer requires bigger machines to run.
#   Optional argument.
# - is_fuzzilli_compatible - whether the fuzzer is compatible with fuzzilli.
# If use_libfuzzer gn flag is defined, then proper fuzzer would be build.
# Without use_libfuzzer or use_afl a unit-test style binary would be built on
# linux and the whole target is a no-op otherwise.
# The template wraps test() target with appropriate dependencies.
# If any test run-time options are present (dict or libfuzzer_options), then a
# config (.options file) file would be generated or modified in root output
# dir (next to test).
template("fuzzer_test") {
  _high_end_job_required = false
  if (defined(invoker.high_end_job_required)) {
    _high_end_job_required = invoker.high_end_job_required

  # If the job is a high_end job and that we are currently building a high_end
  # target, we should compile this fuzzer_test in. Otherwise, for now, we just
  # compile everything in.
  # TODO( Once CF supports high end jobs, do not compile
  # high end targets except for high end jobs.
  _should_build = (_high_end_job_required || !high_end_fuzzer_targets) &&
                  !disable_libfuzzer && use_fuzzing_engine &&
                  ((defined(invoker.is_fuzzilli_compatible) &&
                    invoker.is_fuzzilli_compatible) || !use_fuzzilli)
  if (_should_build) {
    assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources in $target_name.")

    test_deps = []
    if (defined(invoker.exclude_main) && invoker.exclude_main) {
      test_deps += [ "//testing/libfuzzer:fuzzing_engine_no_main" ]
    } else {
      test_deps += [ "//testing/libfuzzer:fuzzing_engine_main" ]
    test_data_deps = []

    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
      test_deps += invoker.deps
    if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
      test_data_deps += invoker.data_deps

    supporting_file_test_deps = []
    supporting_file_test_data_deps = []

    if (defined(invoker.seed_corpus) || defined(invoker.seed_corpuses)) {
      assert(!(defined(invoker.seed_corpus) && defined(invoker.seed_corpuses)),
             "Do not use both seed_corpus and seed_corpuses for $target_name.")

      out = "$root_build_dir/$target_name" + ""

      seed_corpus_deps = []

      if (defined(invoker.seed_corpus_deps)) {
        seed_corpus_deps += invoker.seed_corpus_deps

      action(target_name + "_seed_corpus") {
        script = "//testing/libfuzzer/"

        testonly = true

        args = [
          rebase_path(out, root_build_dir),

        if (defined(invoker.seed_corpus)) {
          args += [ rebase_path(invoker.seed_corpus, root_build_dir) ]

        if (defined(invoker.seed_corpuses)) {
          foreach(seed_corpus_path, invoker.seed_corpuses) {
            args += [ rebase_path(seed_corpus_path, root_build_dir) ]

        outputs = [ out ]

        deps = [ "//testing/libfuzzer:seed_corpus" ] + seed_corpus_deps

      if (archive_seed_corpus) {
        supporting_file_test_deps += [ ":" + target_name + "_seed_corpus" ]

    if (defined(invoker.dict) || defined(invoker.libfuzzer_options) ||
        defined(invoker.centipede_options) || defined(invoker.asan_options) ||
        defined(invoker.msan_options) || defined(invoker.ubsan_options) ||
        defined(invoker.environment_variables) ||
        defined(invoker.grammar_options)) {
      if (defined(invoker.dict)) {
        # Copy dictionary to output.
        copy(target_name + "_dict_copy") {
          sources = [ invoker.dict ]
          outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" + target_name + ".dict" ]
        supporting_file_test_deps += [ ":" + target_name + "_dict_copy" ]

      fuzzer_name = target_name

      # Generate .options file.
      config_file_name = target_name + ".options"
      action(config_file_name) {
        script = "//testing/libfuzzer/"
        args = [
          rebase_path("$root_build_dir/" + config_file_name, root_build_dir),

        if (defined(invoker.dict)) {
          args += [
            rebase_path("$root_build_dir/" + fuzzer_name + ".dict",
        } else {
          not_needed([ "fuzzer_name" ])

        if (defined(invoker.libfuzzer_options)) {
          args += [ "--libfuzzer_options" ]
          args += invoker.libfuzzer_options

        if (defined(invoker.centipede_options)) {
          args += [ "--centipede_options" ]
          args += invoker.centipede_options

        if (defined(invoker.asan_options)) {
          args += [ "--asan_options" ]
          args += invoker.asan_options

        if (defined(invoker.msan_options)) {
          args += [ "--msan_options" ]
          args += invoker.msan_options

        if (defined(invoker.ubsan_options)) {
          args += [ "--ubsan_options" ]
          args += invoker.ubsan_options

        if (defined(invoker.environment_variables)) {
          args += [ "--environment_variables" ]
          args += invoker.environment_variables

        if (defined(invoker.grammar_options)) {
          args += [ "--grammar_options" ]
          args += invoker.grammar_options

        outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/$config_file_name" ]
      test_data_deps += [ ":" + config_file_name ]
      supporting_file_test_deps += [ ":" + config_file_name ]

    if (generate_fuzzer_owners) {
      # Generating owners files is slow, only enable when fuzzing engine is
      # used.
      owners_file_name = target_name + ".owners"
      action(owners_file_name) {
        script = "//testing/libfuzzer/"
        pool = "//testing/libfuzzer:fuzzer_owners_pool"
        args = [
          rebase_path("$root_build_dir/" + owners_file_name, root_build_dir),

        if (defined(invoker.sources) && invoker.sources != []) {
          args += [ "--sources" ] + rebase_path(invoker.sources, "//")
        } else if (defined(invoker.deps) && invoker.deps != []) {
          _full_deps = []
          foreach(_dep, invoker.deps) {
            _full_deps += [ get_label_info(_dep, "dir") + ":" +
                            get_label_info(_dep, "name") ]
          args += [
                    rebase_path("$root_build_dir/", root_build_dir),
                  ] + _full_deps

        outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/$owners_file_name" ]
      supporting_file_test_data_deps += [ ":" + owners_file_name ]

    # Copy to executable folder and codesign for catalyst
    if (is_ios) {
      # iOS only supports fuzzer in catalyst environment.
      assert(target_environment == "catalyst")

      # Loop over two kinds of deps to codesign these in two |action_foreach|s.
      # Use the "test_deps", "test_data_deps" as identifiers in for loop.
              ]) {
        _dep_list = []
        if (_deps_type_label == "test_deps") {
          _dep_list = supporting_file_test_deps
        } else {
          _dep_list = supporting_file_test_data_deps
        _files_to_sign = []
        foreach(dep, _dep_list) {
          _files_to_sign += get_target_outputs(dep)
        if (_files_to_sign != []) {
          _codesign_action_name =
              target_name + "_codesign_supporting_files_" + _deps_type_label
          action_foreach(_codesign_action_name) {
            testonly = true
            script = "//build/config/apple/"
            sources = _files_to_sign
            _codesign_output_path =
            outputs = [ _codesign_output_path ]
            args = [
              "--identity=" + ios_code_signing_identity,
              "--output=" + rebase_path(_codesign_output_path, root_build_dir),
            deps = _dep_list
          _bundle_data_name = target_name + "_bundle_data_" + _deps_type_label
          bundle_data(_bundle_data_name) {
            testonly = true
            sources = get_target_outputs(":${_codesign_action_name}")
            outputs = [ "{{bundle_executable_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
            public_deps = [ ":${_codesign_action_name}" ]
          if (_deps_type_label == "test_deps") {
            test_deps += [ ":${_bundle_data_name}" ]
          } else {
            test_data_deps += [ ":${_bundle_data_name}" ]
    } else {
      test_deps += supporting_file_test_deps
      test_data_deps += supporting_file_test_data_deps

    test(target_name) {
      deps = test_deps
      data_deps = test_data_deps

      if (defined(invoker.additional_configs)) {
        configs += invoker.additional_configs
      configs += [ "//testing/libfuzzer:fuzzer_test_config" ]

      # Used by WebRTC to suppress some Clang warnings in their codebase.
      if (defined(invoker.suppressed_configs)) {
        configs -= invoker.suppressed_configs

      if (defined(invoker.generated_sources)) {
        sources += invoker.generated_sources

      if (is_ios) {
        info_plist =

      if (is_mac) {
        sources += [ "//testing/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_exports.h" ]
  } else {
    # noop on unsupported platforms.
    # mark attributes as used.
    not_needed(invoker, "*")

    group(target_name) {