
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

package mach_fuzzer;

// Specifies a type of Mach port right to create.
enum MachPortType {
  // Create a receive right and move it to the peer, while holding
  // a send right.
  RECEIVE = 0;
  // Create a receive right and make a send right during mach_msg.
  SEND = 1;
  // Create a receive right and vend a send-once right during mach_msg.
  SEND_ONCE = 2;
  // Create a dead name right and give a send right to it to the peer.
  DEAD_NAME = 3;
  // Create a receive right with no senders and move the receive right
  // to the peer.

// Data to send in an out-of-line memory region in Mach message descriptor.
message OutOfLineMemory {
  required bytes data = 1;

// Models a mach_msg_descriptor_t.
message Descriptor {
  oneof descriptor_oneof {
    MachPortType port = 1;
    OutOfLineMemory ool = 2;

// Models a Mach message structure including the header, optional body,
// and inline data.
message MachMessage {
  // Creates an optional port to put in msgh_local_port. If this is a receive
  // right, it will be dropped.
  optional MachPortType local_port = 1;

  // The msgh_id field.
  optional uint32 id = 2;

  // Optional Descriptors to carry in the message.
  repeated Descriptor descriptors = 3;

  // If no Descriptors are present, whether or not to include a mach_msg_body_t
  // in the message.
  required bool include_body_if_not_complex = 4;

  // Raw data bytes to send inline with the message.
  optional bytes data = 5;

  // Extensions can be used by clients to express structured message data,
  // which can be converted into bytes and placed in |data|.
  extensions 100 to 199;