
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import Fuzzilli

fileprivate let ForceJITCompilationThroughLoopGenerator = CodeGenerator("ForceJITCompilationThroughLoopGenerator", inputs: .required(.function())) { b, f in
    assert(b.type(of: f).Is(.function()))
    let arguments = b.randomArguments(forCalling: f)

    b.buildRepeatLoop(n: 100) { _ in
        b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

fileprivate let ForceTurboFanCompilationGenerator = CodeGenerator("ForceTurboFanCompilationGenerator", inputs: .required(.function())) { b, f in
    assert(b.type(of: f).Is(.function()))
    let arguments = b.randomArguments(forCalling: f)

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

    b.eval("%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(%@)", with: [f]);

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)
    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

    b.eval("%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(%@)", with: [f]);

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

fileprivate let ForceMaglevCompilationGenerator = CodeGenerator("ForceMaglevCompilationGenerator", inputs: .required(.function())) { b, f in
    assert(b.type(of: f).Is(.function()))
    let arguments = b.randomArguments(forCalling: f)

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

    b.eval("%PrepareFunctionForOptimization(%@)", with: [f]);

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)
    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

    b.eval("%OptimizeMaglevOnNextCall(%@)", with: [f]);

    b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)

fileprivate let TurbofanVerifyTypeGenerator = CodeGenerator("TurbofanVerifyTypeGenerator", inputs: .one) { b, v in
    b.eval("%VerifyType(%@)", with: [v])

// Insert random GC calls throughout our code.
fileprivate let GcGenerator = CodeGenerator("GcGenerator") { b in
    let gc = b.loadBuiltin("gc")

    // Do minor GCs more frequently.
    let type = b.loadString(probability(0.25) ? "major" : "minor")
    // If the execution type is 'async', gc() returns a Promise, we currently
    // do not really handle other than typing the return of gc to .undefined |
    // .jsPromise. One could either chain a .then or create two wrapper
    // functions that are differently typed such that fuzzilli always knows
    // what the type of the return value is.
    let execution = b.loadString(probability(0.5) ? "sync" : "async")
    b.callFunction(gc, withArgs: [b.createObject(with: ["type": type, "execution": execution])])

public extension ILType {
{% for enum in database.enumerations %}
  static let js{{enum.identifier}} = ILType.string
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in database.interfaces %}
  {% set inter = interface|parse_interface -%}
  static let js{{interface.identifier}} = {{inter[0].fuzzilli_repr()}}
{% endfor %}
{% for d in database.dictionaries %}
  {% set dictionary = d|parse_dictionary -%}
  static let js{{d.identifier}} = {{dictionary[0].fuzzilli_repr()}}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in database.interfaces -%}
  {% set constructor = interface|parse_constructors -%}
{%   if constructor[0] %}
  static let js{{interface.identifier}}Constructor = {{constructor[0].fuzzilli_repr()}}
{%   endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% for t in database.typedefs %}
  {% set il_type = t.idl_type|idl_type_to_iltype -%}
  static let js{{t.identifier}} = {{il_type.fuzzilli_repr()}}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in database.callback_interfaces %}
  {% set inter = interface|parse_interface -%}
  static let js{{interface.identifier}} = {{inter[0].fuzzilli_repr()}}
{% endfor %}
{% for c in database.callback_functions %}
  {% set op = c|parse_operation -%}
  static let js{{c.identifier}} = ILType.function({{op.fuzzilli_repr()}})
{% endfor %}

{%- macro define_group(identifier, group) %}
let js{{identifier}} = ObjectGroup(
  name: "{{}}",
  instanceType: {{group.instanceType.fuzzilli_repr()}},
  properties: [
  {%- for k, v in %}
    "{{k}}" : {{v.fuzzilli_repr()}},
  {% else %}
  {% endfor -%}
  methods: [
  {%- for k, v in group.methods.items() %}
    "{{k}}" : {{v.fuzzilli_repr()}},
  {% else %}
  {% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}

{% for interface in database.interfaces %}
  {%- set inter = interface|parse_interface -%}
{{define_group(interface.identifier, inter[1])}}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in database.interfaces %}
  {%- set constructor = interface|parse_constructors -%}
{%   if constructor[1] %}
{{define_group(interface.identifier+"Constructor", constructor[1])}}
{%   endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% for d in database.dictionaries %}
  {%- set dictionary = d|parse_dictionary -%}
{{define_group(d.identifier, dictionary[1])}}
{% endfor -%}
{% for interface in database.callback_interfaces %}
  {%- set inter = interface|parse_interface -%}
{{define_group(interface.identifier, inter[1])}}
{% endfor -%}

let chromiumProfile = Profile(
    processArgs: { _ in
        var args: [String] = []
        return args

    processEnv: ["ASAN_OPTIONS":"detect_odr_violation=0", "DISPLAY":":20"],

    maxExecsBeforeRespawn: 100,

    timeout: 8000,

    codePrefix: """

    codeSuffix: """

    ecmaVersion: ECMAScriptVersion.es6,

    startupTests: [
        ("fuzzilli('FUZZILLI_CRASH', 0)", .shouldCrash),
        ("fuzzilli('FUZZILLI_CRASH', 1)", .shouldCrash),
        ("fuzzilli('FUZZILLI_CRASH', 2)", .shouldCrash),
        ("fuzzilli('FUZZILLI_CRASH', 3)", .shouldCrash),

    additionalCodeGenerators: [
        (ForceJITCompilationThroughLoopGenerator,  5),
        (ForceTurboFanCompilationGenerator,        5),
        (ForceMaglevCompilationGenerator,          5),
        (TurbofanVerifyTypeGenerator,             10),
        (GcGenerator,                             10),

    additionalProgramTemplates: WeightedList<ProgramTemplate>([

    disabledCodeGenerators: [],

    disabledMutators: [],

    additionalBuiltins: [
{%- for interface in database.interfaces -%}
  {% set constructor = interface|parse_constructors -%}
{%   if constructor[0] %}
      "{{interface.identifier}}": ILType.js{{interface.identifier}}Constructor,
{%   endif %}
{%- endfor %}
      "window": .jsWindow,
      "document": .jsDocument,
      "gc" : .function([] => (.undefined | .jsPromise)),
      "d8": .object(),

    additionalObjectGroups: [
{%- for interface in database.interfaces %}
{% endfor -%}
{% for interface in database.interfaces -%}
  {% set constructor = interface|parse_constructors -%}
{%   if constructor[1] %}
{%   endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% for d in database.dictionaries %}
{% endfor -%}
{% for interface in database.callback_interfaces %}
{% endfor -%}

    optionalPostProcessor: nil