
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>

namespace testing {
class Test;

// Macro to make an extern "C" function which acts as a Gtest factory for a
// testing::Test subclass T. Invoke this macro once for each subclass of
// testing::Test that should be used as a TestSuite class from a Rust test,
// which can be specified with `#[gtest_suite(T)]`.
// The function generated by the macro is used by the
// rust_gtest_interop::TestSuite trait implementation to connect a Rust test to
// the C++ class.

namespace rust_gtest_interop {

// A simple C++ test fixture used for Rust unit tests. It provides nothing
// except the test body which calls the Rust function. The Subclass must be
// `testing::Test`, or a subclass thereof.
template <class Subclass>
class RustTest : public Subclass {};

// The TestSuite factory function which will construct a testing::Test subclass
// that runs the given function pointer as the test body. The factory function
// exists to allow choosing different subclasses of testing::Test.

// Templated implementation of GtestFactoryFunction. Rust can't use templated
// methods currently, so other fully-typed functions need to exist which can
// make use of this function, via the RUST_GTEST_TEST_SUITE_FACTORY() macro.
template <class Subclass>
Subclass* rust_gtest_factory_for_subclass(void (*body)(Subclass*)) {}

// Returns a factory that will run the test function. Used for any Rust tests
// that don't need a specific C++ testing::Test subclass.
extern "C" testing::Test* rust_gtest_default_factory(
    void (*body)(testing::Test*));

// Register a test to be run via GTest. This must be called before main(), as
// there's no calls from C++ into Rust to collect tests. Any function given to
// this function will be included in the set of tests run by the RUN_ALL_TESTS()
// invocation.
// This function is meant to be called from Rust, for any test functions
// decorated by a #[gtest(Suite, Test)] macro, which is provided to Rust by this
// same GN target.
// The `test_function` signature here says it receives a `Test*`, though in fact
// the function would be specialized to receive its precise subclass of `Test*`.
// It is required that the type returned by the GtestFactoryFunction and the
// type received by the `test_function` are the same type. The type is downcast
// in Rust when the test function body is run.
// SAFETY: This function makes copies of the strings so the pointers do not need
// to outlive the function call.
extern "C" void rust_gtest_add_test(GtestFactoryFunction gtest_factory,
                                    void (*test_function)(testing::Test*),
                                    const char* test_suite_name,
                                    const char* test_name,
                                    const char* file,
                                    int32_t line);

// Report a test failure at a given file and line tuple, with a provided
// message.
// This function is meant to be called from Rust tests, via expect_eq!() and
// similar macros. It's present in a header for generating bindings from Rust.
// We use `unsigned char` and `int32_t` because CXX does not support
// std::os::raw::c_char or std::os::raw::c_int. See
// SAFETY: This function makes copies of the strings so the pointers do not need
// to outlive the function call.
extern "C" void rust_gtest_add_failure_at(const char* file,
                                          int32_t line,
                                          const char* message);

}  // namespace rust_gtest_interop