
//  Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: flag.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header file defines the `absl::Flag<T>` type for holding command-line
// flag data, and abstractions to create, get and set such flag data.
// It is important to note that this type is **unspecified** (an implementation
// detail) and you do not construct or manipulate actual `absl::Flag<T>`
// instances. Instead, you define and declare flags using the
// `ABSL_FLAG()` and `ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG()` macros, and get and set flag values
// using the `absl::GetFlag()` and `absl::SetFlag()` functions.


#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/flags/commandlineflag.h"
#include "absl/flags/config.h"
#include "absl/flags/internal/flag.h"
#include "absl/flags/internal/registry.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"

namespace absl {

// Flag
// An `absl::Flag` holds a command-line flag value, providing a runtime
// parameter to a binary. Such flags should be defined in the global namespace
// and (preferably) in the module containing the binary's `main()` function.
// You should not construct and cannot use the `absl::Flag` type directly;
// instead, you should declare flags using the `ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG()` macro
// within a header file, and define your flag using `ABSL_FLAG()` within your
// header's associated `.cc` file. Such flags will be named `FLAGS_name`.
// Example:
//    .h file
//      // Declares usage of a flag named "FLAGS_count"
//      ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(int, count);
//    .cc file
//      // Defines a flag named "FLAGS_count" with a default `int` value of 0.
//      ABSL_FLAG(int, count, 0, "Count of items to process");
// No public methods of `absl::Flag<T>` are part of the Abseil Flags API.
// For type support of Abseil Flags, see the marshalling.h header file, which
// discusses supported standard types, optional flags, and additional Abseil
// type support.


// GetFlag()
// Returns the value (of type `T`) of an `absl::Flag<T>` instance, by value. Do
// not construct an `absl::Flag<T>` directly and call `absl::GetFlag()`;
// instead, refer to flag's constructed variable name (e.g. `FLAGS_name`).
// Because this function returns by value and not by reference, it is
// thread-safe, but note that the operation may be expensive; as a result, avoid
// `absl::GetFlag()` within any tight loops.
// Example:
//   // FLAGS_count is a Flag of type `int`
//   int my_count = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_count);
//   // FLAGS_firstname is a Flag of type `std::string`
//   std::string first_name = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_firstname);
template <typename T>
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT T GetFlag(const absl::Flag<T>& flag) {}

// SetFlag()
// Sets the value of an `absl::Flag` to the value `v`. Do not construct an
// `absl::Flag<T>` directly and call `absl::SetFlag()`; instead, use the
// flag's variable name (e.g. `FLAGS_name`). This function is
// thread-safe, but is potentially expensive. Avoid setting flags in general,
// but especially within performance-critical code.
template <typename T>
void SetFlag(absl::Flag<T>* flag, const T& v) {}

// Overload of `SetFlag()` to allow callers to pass in a value that is
// convertible to `T`. E.g., use this overload to pass a "const char*" when `T`
// is `std::string`.
template <typename T, typename V>
void SetFlag(absl::Flag<T>* flag, const V& v) {}

// GetFlagReflectionHandle()
// Returns the reflection handle corresponding to specified Abseil Flag
// instance. Use this handle to access flag's reflection information, like name,
// location, default value etc.
// Example:
//   std::string = absl::GetFlagReflectionHandle(FLAGS_count).DefaultValue();

template <typename T>
const CommandLineFlag& GetFlagReflectionHandle(const absl::Flag<T>& f) {}

}  // namespace absl

// This macro defines an `absl::Flag<T>` instance of a specified type `T`:
//   ABSL_FLAG(T, name, default_value, help);
// where:
//   * `T` is a supported flag type (see the list of types in `marshalling.h`),
//   * `name` designates the name of the flag (as a global variable
//     `FLAGS_name`),
//   * `default_value` is an expression holding the default value for this flag
//     (which must be implicitly convertible to `T`),
//   * `help` is the help text, which can also be an expression.
// This macro expands to a flag named 'FLAGS_name' of type 'T':
//   absl::Flag<T> FLAGS_name = ...;
// Note that all such instances are created as global variables.
// For `ABSL_FLAG()` values that you wish to expose to other translation units,
// it is recommended to define those flags within the `.cc` file associated with
// the header where the flag is declared.
// Note: do not construct objects of type `absl::Flag<T>` directly. Only use the
// `ABSL_FLAG()` macro for such construction.
#define ABSL_FLAG(Type, name, default_value, help)

// ABSL_FLAG().OnUpdate()
// Defines a flag of type `T` with a callback attached:
//   ABSL_FLAG(T, name, default_value, help).OnUpdate(callback);
// `callback` should be convertible to `void (*)()`.
// After any setting of the flag value, the callback will be called at least
// once. A rapid sequence of changes may be merged together into the same
// callback. No concurrent calls to the callback will be made for the same
// flag. Callbacks are allowed to read the current value of the flag but must
// not mutate that flag.
// The update mechanism guarantees "eventual consistency"; if the callback
// derives an auxiliary data structure from the flag value, it is guaranteed
// that eventually the flag value and the derived data structure will be
// consistent.
// Note: ABSL_FLAG.OnUpdate() does not have a public definition. Hence, this
// comment serves as its API documentation.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation details below this section
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ABSL_FLAG_IMPL macro definition conditional on ABSL_FLAGS_STRIP_NAMES
#define ABSL_FLAG_IMPL_DEFAULT_ARG(Type, name)


// ABSL_FLAG_IMPL macro definition conditional on ABSL_FLAGS_STRIP_HELP


// AbslFlagHelpGenFor##name is used to encapsulate both immediate (method Const)
// and lazy (method NonConst) evaluation of help message expression. We choose
// between the two via the call to HelpArg in absl::Flag instantiation below.
// If help message expression is constexpr evaluable compiler will optimize
// away this whole struct.
// TODO(rogeeff): place these generated structs into local namespace and apply
// TODO(rogeeff): Apply __attribute__((nodebug)) to FLAGS_help_storage_##name

#define ABSL_FLAG_IMPL_DECLARE_DEF_VAL_WRAPPER(name, Type, default_value)

// Note: Name of registrar object is not arbitrary. It is used to "grab"
// global name for FLAGS_no<flag_name> symbol, thus preventing the possibility
// of defining two flags with names foo and nofoo.
#define ABSL_FLAG_IMPL(Type, name, default_value, help)

// Designates the flag (which is usually pre-existing) as "retired." A retired
// flag is a flag that is now unused by the program, but may still be passed on
// the command line, usually by production scripts. A retired flag is ignored
// and code can't access it at runtime.
// This macro registers a retired flag with given name and type, with a name
// identical to the name of the original flag you are retiring. The retired
// flag's type can change over time, so that you can retire code to support a
// custom flag type.
// This macro has the same signature as `ABSL_FLAG`. To retire a flag, simply
// replace an `ABSL_FLAG` definition with `ABSL_RETIRED_FLAG`, leaving the
// arguments unchanged (unless of course you actually want to retire the flag
// type at this time as well).
// `default_value` is only used as a double check on the type. `explanation` is
// unused.
// TODO(rogeeff): replace RETIRED_FLAGS with FLAGS once forward declarations of
// retired flags are cleaned up.
#define ABSL_RETIRED_FLAG(type, name, default_value, explanation)

#endif  // ABSL_FLAGS_FLAG_H_