// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ambient/ambient_access_token_controller.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ambient_controller.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ambient_ui_launcher.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ui/ambient_animation_view.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ui/ambient_background_image_view.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ui/ambient_info_view.h"
#include "ash/ambient/ui/photo_view.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/ambient/proto/photo_cache_entry.pb.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/test/in_process_data_decoder.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/test/test_image_downloader.h"
#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
#include "ash/test/test_ash_web_view_factory.h"
#include "ash/webui/personalization_app/mojom/personalization_app.mojom-shared.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/login/auth/auth_events_recorder.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace views {
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AmbientAccessTokenController;
class AmbientContainerView;
class AmbientManagedPhotoController;
class AmbientPhotoController;
class AmbientUiSettings;
class FakeAmbientBackendControllerImpl;
class MediaStringView;
class ScreensaverImagesPolicyHandler;
namespace {
// The default factor to multiply ambient timeouts by. Slightly greater than 1
// to reduce flakiness by making sure the timeouts have expired.
inline constexpr float kDefaultFastForwardFactor = 1.01;
} // namespace
// The base class to test the Ambient Mode in Ash.
class AmbientAshTestBase : public AshTestBase {
~AmbientAshTestBase() override;
// AshTestBase:
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Enables/disables ambient mode for the currently active user session.
void SetAmbientModeEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enables/disables the managed ambient mode pref in the currently active pref
// service.
void SetAmbientModeManagedScreensaverEnabled(bool enabled);
// Sets the |AmbientUiSettings| to use when ShowAmbientScreen() is called.
// To reflect real world usage, the incoming settings do not take effect
// immediately if the test is currently displaying the ambient screen. In that
// case, the ambient screen must be closed, and the new settings will take
// effect with the next call to ShowAmbientScreen().
void SetAmbientUiSettings(const AmbientUiSettings& settings);
AmbientUiSettings GetCurrentUiSettings();
// Convenient form of the above that only sets |AmbientUiSettings::theme| and
// leaves the rest of the settings unset.
void SetAmbientTheme(personalization_app::mojom::AmbientTheme theme);
// Sets jitters configs to zero for pixel testing.
void DisableJitter();
// Creates ambient screen in its own widget.
void SetAmbientShownAndWaitForWidgets();
void SetAmbientPreviewAndWaitForWidgets();
// Hides ambient screen. Can only be called after |ShowAmbientScreen| has been
// called.
void HideAmbientScreen();
// Closes ambient screen. Can only be called after |ShowAmbientScreen| has
// been called.
void CloseAmbientScreen();
// Simulates user locks/unlocks screen which will result in ambient widget
// shown/closed.
void LockScreen();
void UnlockScreen();
// Whether lockscreen is shown.
bool IsLocked();
// Simulates the system starting to suspend with Reason |reason|.
// Wait until the event has been processed.
void SimulateSystemSuspendAndWait(
power_manager::SuspendImminent::Reason reason);
// Return all media string view text containers. There is one per display.
std::vector<views::View*> GetMediaStringViewTextContainers();
// Return the media string view text container for the ambient mode container
// on the default display.
views::View* GetMediaStringViewTextContainer();
// Return all media string view text labels. There is one per display.
std::vector<views::Label*> GetMediaStringViewTextLabels();
// Return the media string view text label for the ambient mode container on
// the default display.
views::Label* GetMediaStringViewTextLabel();
// Simulates the system starting to resume.
// Wait until the event has been processed.
void SimulateSystemResumeAndWait();
// Simulates a screen idle state event.
// Wait until the event has been processed.
void SetScreenIdleStateAndWait(bool is_screen_dimmed, bool is_off);
// Simulates clicking the power button.
void SimulatePowerButtonClick();
void SimulateMediaMetadataChanged(media_session::MediaMetadata metadata);
void SimulateMediaPlaybackStateChanged(
media_session::mojom::MediaPlaybackState state);
// Set the size all subsequent images that will be loaded.
void SetDecodedPhotoSize(int width, int height);
// Set the color of the next image that will be loaded. Afterwards, the color
// will be randomly generated.
void SetNextDecodedPhotoColor(SkColor color);
// Useful if the decoded ambient images must be deterministic (ex: writing
// test expectations on the images' pixel content).
void UseLosslessPhotoCompression(bool use_lossless_photo_compression);
void SetPhotoOrientation(bool portrait);
void SetPhotoTopicType(::ambient::TopicType topic_type);
// Advance the task environment timer to expire the lock screen inactivity
// timer, scaled by `factor`.
void FastForwardByLockScreenInactivityTimeout(
float factor = kDefaultFastForwardFactor);
// Approximately how much of the lock screen inactivity timeout is left.
// Bounded to [0,1], 1 meaning that the timer just started. If the lock screen
// inactivity timer is not running, returns null.
std::optional<float> GetRemainingLockScreenTimeoutFraction();
// Advance the task environment timer to load the next photo, scaled by
// `factor`.
void FastForwardByPhotoRefreshInterval(
float factor = kDefaultFastForwardFactor);
// Advance the task environment timer a tiny amount. This is intended to
// trigger any pending async operations.
void FastForwardTiny();
// Advance the task environment timer to load the weather info.
void FastForwardByWeatherRefreshInterval();
// Advance the task environment timer to ambient mode lock screen delay,
// scaled by `factor`.
void FastForwardByBackgroundLockScreenTimeout(
float factor = kDefaultFastForwardFactor);
// Advance the task environment timer to screen saver duration in minutes.
void FastForwardByDurationInMinutes(int minutes);
void SetPowerStateCharging();
void SetPowerStateDischarging();
void SetPowerStateFull();
// An official, non-USB external power is connected.
void SetExternalPowerConnected();
// A USB external power is connected.
void SetExternalUsbPowerConnected();
// No external power of any form is connected.
void SetExternalPowerDisconnected();
void SetBatteryPercent(double percent);
// Returns the number of active wake locks of type |type|.
int GetNumOfActiveWakeLocks(device::mojom::WakeLockType type);
// Simulate to issue an |access_token|.
// If |is_empty| is true, will return an empty access token.
void IssueAccessToken(bool is_empty);
bool IsAccessTokenRequestPending();
base::TimeDelta GetRefreshTokenDelay();
// Returns the ambient image view for each display.
std::vector<AmbientBackgroundImageView*> GetAmbientBackgroundImageViews();
// Returns the AmbientBackgroundImageView for the default display.
AmbientBackgroundImageView* GetAmbientBackgroundImageView();
// Returns the media string views for displaying ongoing media info.
std::vector<MediaStringView*> GetMediaStringViews();
// Returns the media string view for the default display.
MediaStringView* GetMediaStringView();
PhotoView* GetPhotoView();
AmbientAnimationView* GetAmbientAnimationView();
AmbientInfoView* GetAmbientInfoView();
AmbientSlideshowPeripheralUi* GetAmbientSlideshowPeripheralUi();
std::map<int, ::ambient::PhotoCacheEntry> GetCachedFiles();
std::map<int, ::ambient::PhotoCacheEntry> GetBackupCachedFiles();
AmbientController* ambient_controller();
AmbientUiLauncher* ambient_ui_launcher();
AmbientPhotoController* photo_controller();
AmbientManagedPhotoController* managed_photo_controller();
ScreensaverImagesPolicyHandler* managed_policy_handler();
AmbientWeatherController* weather_controller();
// Returns the top-level views which contains all the ambient components.
std::vector<AmbientContainerView*> GetContainerViews();
// Returns the top level ambient container view for the primary root window.
AmbientContainerView* GetContainerView();
AmbientAccessTokenController* token_controller();
FakeAmbientBackendControllerImpl* backend_controller();
void FetchTopics();
void FetchImage();
void FetchBackupImages();
void SetDownloadPhotoData(std::string data);
void ClearDownloadPhotoData();
// Takes priority over `SetDownloadPhotoData()`, which applies to all urls if
// a specific `SetDownloadPhotoDataForUrl()` was not made.
void SetDownloadPhotoDataForUrl(GURL url, std::string data);
void SetPhotoDownloadDelay(base::TimeDelta delay);
void CreateTestImageJpegFile(base::FilePath path,
size_t width,
size_t height,
SkColor color);
void DisableBackupCacheDownloads();
void SetScreenSaverDuration(int minutes);
int GetScreenSaverDuration();
class FakePhotoDownloadServer;
// Waits for the ambient UI to start rendering (i.e. a widget is created and
// the ambient UI is visible to the user). A fatal error occurs if the
// `timeout` elapses before the UI starts rendering.
void WaitForWidgets(base::TimeDelta timeout);
void SpinWaitForAmbientViewAvailable(
const base::RepeatingClosure& quit_closure);
InProcessDataDecoder decoder_;
TestAshWebViewFactory web_view_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> widget_;
power_manager::PowerSupplyProperties proto_;
TestImageDownloader image_downloader_;
std::unique_ptr<ash::AuthEventsRecorder> recorder_;
std::unique_ptr<FakePhotoDownloadServer> fake_photo_download_server_;
base::ScopedTempDir primary_cache_dir_;
base::ScopedTempDir backup_cache_dir_;
} // namespace ash