
// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "absl/random/distributions.h"

#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/numeric/int128.h"
#include "absl/random/internal/distribution_test_util.h"
#include "absl/random/random.h"

namespace {

constexpr int kSize =;

class RandomDistributionsTest : public testing::Test {};

struct Invalid {};

template <typename A, typename B>
auto InferredUniformReturnT(int)
    -> decltype(absl);

template <typename, typename>
Invalid InferredUniformReturnT(...);

template <typename TagType, typename A, typename B>
auto InferredTaggedUniformReturnT(int)
    -> decltype(absl);

template <typename, typename, typename>
Invalid InferredTaggedUniformReturnT(...);

// Given types <A, B, Expect>, CheckArgsInferType() verifies that
//   absl::Uniform(gen, A{}, B{})
// returns the type "Expect".
// This interface can also be used to assert that a given absl::Uniform()
// overload does not exist / will not compile. Given types <A, B>, the
// expression
//   decltype(absl::Uniform(..., std::declval<A>(), std::declval<B>()))
// will not compile, leaving the definition of InferredUniformReturnT<A, B> to
// resolve (via SFINAE) to the overload which returns type "Invalid". This
// allows tests to assert that an invocation such as
//   absl::Uniform(gen, 1.23f, std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1)
// should not compile, since neither type, float nor int, can precisely
// represent both endpoint-values. Writing:
//   CheckArgsInferType<float, int, Invalid>()
// will assert that this overload does not exist.
template <typename A, typename B, typename Expect>
void CheckArgsInferType() {}

template <typename A, typename B, typename ExplicitRet>
auto ExplicitUniformReturnT(int) -> decltype(absl);

template <typename, typename, typename ExplicitRet>
Invalid ExplicitUniformReturnT(...);

template <typename TagType, typename A, typename B, typename ExplicitRet>
auto ExplicitTaggedUniformReturnT(int)
    -> decltype(absl);

template <typename, typename, typename, typename ExplicitRet>
Invalid ExplicitTaggedUniformReturnT(...);

// Given types <A, B, Expect>, CheckArgsReturnExpectedType() verifies that
//   absl::Uniform<Expect>(gen, A{}, B{})
// returns the type "Expect", and that the function-overload has the signature
//   Expect(URBG&, Expect, Expect)
template <typename A, typename B, typename Expect>
void CheckArgsReturnExpectedType() {}

// Takes the type of `absl::Uniform<R>(gen)` if valid or `Invalid` otherwise.
template <typename R>
auto UniformNoBoundsReturnT(int)
    -> decltype(absl);

template <typename>
Invalid UniformNoBoundsReturnT(...);

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformTypeInference) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformExamples) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformNoBounds) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformNonsenseRanges) {}

// TODO(lar): Validate properties of non-default interval-semantics.
TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformReal) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, UniformInt) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, Exponential) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, PoissonDefault) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, PoissonLarge) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, Bernoulli) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, Beta) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, Zipf) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, Gaussian) {}

TEST_F(RandomDistributionsTest, LogUniform) {}

}  // namespace