
// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: status.h
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header file defines the Abseil `status` library, consisting of:
//   * An `absl::Status` class for holding error handling information
//   * A set of canonical `absl::StatusCode` error codes, and associated
//     utilities for generating and propagating status codes.
//   * A set of helper functions for creating status codes and checking their
//     values
// Within Google, `absl::Status` is the primary mechanism for communicating
// errors in C++, and is used to represent error state in both in-process
// library calls as well as RPC calls. Some of these errors may be recoverable,
// but others may not. Most functions that can produce a recoverable error
// should be designed to return an `absl::Status` (or `absl::StatusOr`).
// Example:
// absl::Status myFunction(absl::string_view fname, ...) {
//   ...
//   // encounter error
//   if (error condition) {
//     return absl::InvalidArgumentError("bad mode");
//   }
//   // else, return OK
//   return absl::OkStatus();
// }
// An `absl::Status` is designed to either return "OK" or one of a number of
// different error codes, corresponding to typical error conditions.
// In almost all cases, when using `absl::Status` you should use the canonical
// error codes (of type `absl::StatusCode`) enumerated in this header file.
// These canonical codes are understood across the codebase and will be
// accepted across all API and RPC boundaries.

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/base/nullability.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "absl/status/internal/status_internal.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"

// TODO: - Remove include below when other third_party
// libraries stop silently rely on it.
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"

namespace absl {

// absl::StatusCode
// An `absl::StatusCode` is an enumerated type indicating either no error ("OK")
// or an error condition. In most cases, an `absl::Status` indicates a
// recoverable error, and the purpose of signalling an error is to indicate what
// action to take in response to that error. These error codes map to the proto
// RPC error codes indicated in
// The errors listed below are the canonical errors associated with
// `absl::Status` and are used throughout the codebase. As a result, these
// error codes are somewhat generic.
// In general, try to return the most specific error that applies if more than
// one error may pertain. For example, prefer `kOutOfRange` over
// `kFailedPrecondition` if both codes apply. Similarly prefer `kNotFound` or
// `kAlreadyExists` over `kFailedPrecondition`.
// Because these errors may cross RPC boundaries, these codes are tied to the
// `google.rpc.Code` definitions within
// The string value of these RPC codes is denoted within each enum below.
// If your error handling code requires more context, you can attach payloads
// to your status. See `absl::Status::SetPayload()` and
// `absl::Status::GetPayload()` below.
enum class StatusCode : int {};

// StatusCodeToString()
// Returns the name for the status code, or "" if it is an unknown value.
std::string StatusCodeToString(StatusCode code);

// operator<<
// Streams StatusCodeToString(code) to `os`.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, StatusCode code);

// absl::StatusToStringMode
// An `absl::StatusToStringMode` is an enumerated type indicating how
// `absl::Status::ToString()` should construct the output string for a non-ok
// status.
enum class StatusToStringMode : int {};

// absl::StatusToStringMode is specified as a bitmask type, which means the
// following operations must be provided:
inline constexpr StatusToStringMode operator&(StatusToStringMode lhs,
                                              StatusToStringMode rhs) {}
inline constexpr StatusToStringMode operator|(StatusToStringMode lhs,
                                              StatusToStringMode rhs) {}
inline constexpr StatusToStringMode operator^(StatusToStringMode lhs,
                                              StatusToStringMode rhs) {}
inline constexpr StatusToStringMode operator~(StatusToStringMode arg) {}
inline StatusToStringMode& operator&=(StatusToStringMode& lhs,
                                      StatusToStringMode rhs) {}
inline StatusToStringMode& operator|=(StatusToStringMode& lhs,
                                      StatusToStringMode rhs) {}
inline StatusToStringMode& operator^=(StatusToStringMode& lhs,
                                      StatusToStringMode rhs) {}

// absl::Status
// The `absl::Status` class is generally used to gracefully handle errors
// across API boundaries (and in particular across RPC boundaries). Some of
// these errors may be recoverable, but others may not. Most
// functions which can produce a recoverable error should be designed to return
// either an `absl::Status` (or the similar `absl::StatusOr<T>`, which holds
// either an object of type `T` or an error).
// API developers should construct their functions to return `absl::OkStatus()`
// upon success, or an `absl::StatusCode` upon another type of error (e.g
// an `absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument` error). The API provides convenience
// functions to construct each status code.
// Example:
// absl::Status myFunction(absl::string_view fname, ...) {
//   ...
//   // encounter error
//   if (error condition) {
//     // Construct an absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument error
//     return absl::InvalidArgumentError("bad mode");
//   }
//   // else, return OK
//   return absl::OkStatus();
// }
// Users handling status error codes should prefer checking for an OK status
// using the `ok()` member function. Handling multiple error codes may justify
// use of switch statement, but only check for error codes you know how to
// handle; do not try to exhaustively match against all canonical error codes.
// Errors that cannot be handled should be logged and/or propagated for higher
// levels to deal with. If you do use a switch statement, make sure that you
// also provide a `default:` switch case, so that code does not break as other
// canonical codes are added to the API.
// Example:
//   absl::Status result = DoSomething();
//   if (!result.ok()) {
//     LOG(ERROR) << result;
//   }
//   // Provide a default if switching on multiple error codes
//   switch (result.code()) {
//     // The user hasn't authenticated. Ask them to reauth
//     case absl::StatusCode::kUnauthenticated:
//       DoReAuth();
//       break;
//     // The user does not have permission. Log an error.
//     case absl::StatusCode::kPermissionDenied:
//       LOG(ERROR) << result;
//       break;
//     // Propagate the error otherwise.
//     default:
//       return true;
//   }
// An `absl::Status` can optionally include a payload with more information
// about the error. Typically, this payload serves one of several purposes:
//   * It may provide more fine-grained semantic information about the error to
//     facilitate actionable remedies.
//   * It may provide human-readable contextual information that is more
//     appropriate to display to an end user.
// Example:
//   absl::Status result = DoSomething();
//   // Inform user to retry after 30 seconds
//   // See more error details in googleapis/google/rpc/error_details.proto
//   if (absl::IsResourceExhausted(result)) {
//     google::rpc::RetryInfo info;
//     info.retry_delay().seconds() = 30;
//     // Payloads require a unique key (a URL to ensure no collisions with
//     // other payloads), and an `absl::Cord` to hold the encoded data.
//     absl::string_view url = "";
//     result.SetPayload(url, info.SerializeAsCord());
//     return result;
//   }
// For documentation see
// Returned Status objects may not be ignored. status_internal.h has a forward
// declaration of the form
// class ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT Status;
class ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_TRIVIAL_ABI Status final {};

// OkStatus()
// Returns an OK status, equivalent to a default constructed instance. Prefer
// usage of `absl::OkStatus()` when constructing such an OK status.
Status OkStatus();

// operator<<()
// Prints a human-readable representation of `x` to `os`.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Status& x);

// IsAborted()
// IsAlreadyExists()
// IsCancelled()
// IsDataLoss()
// IsDeadlineExceeded()
// IsFailedPrecondition()
// IsInternal()
// IsInvalidArgument()
// IsNotFound()
// IsOutOfRange()
// IsPermissionDenied()
// IsResourceExhausted()
// IsUnauthenticated()
// IsUnavailable()
// IsUnimplemented()
// IsUnknown()
// These convenience functions return `true` if a given status matches the
// `absl::StatusCode` error code of its associated function.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsAborted(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsAlreadyExists(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsCancelled(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsDataLoss(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsDeadlineExceeded(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsFailedPrecondition(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsInternal(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsInvalidArgument(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsNotFound(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsOutOfRange(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsPermissionDenied(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsResourceExhausted(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsUnauthenticated(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsUnavailable(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsUnimplemented(const Status& status);
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool IsUnknown(const Status& status);

// AbortedError()
// AlreadyExistsError()
// CancelledError()
// DataLossError()
// DeadlineExceededError()
// FailedPreconditionError()
// InternalError()
// InvalidArgumentError()
// NotFoundError()
// OutOfRangeError()
// PermissionDeniedError()
// ResourceExhaustedError()
// UnauthenticatedError()
// UnavailableError()
// UnimplementedError()
// UnknownError()
// These convenience functions create an `absl::Status` object with an error
// code as indicated by the associated function name, using the error message
// passed in `message`.
Status AbortedError(absl::string_view message);
Status AlreadyExistsError(absl::string_view message);
Status CancelledError(absl::string_view message);
Status DataLossError(absl::string_view message);
Status DeadlineExceededError(absl::string_view message);
Status FailedPreconditionError(absl::string_view message);
Status InternalError(absl::string_view message);
Status InvalidArgumentError(absl::string_view message);
Status NotFoundError(absl::string_view message);
Status OutOfRangeError(absl::string_view message);
Status PermissionDeniedError(absl::string_view message);
Status ResourceExhaustedError(absl::string_view message);
Status UnauthenticatedError(absl::string_view message);
Status UnavailableError(absl::string_view message);
Status UnimplementedError(absl::string_view message);
Status UnknownError(absl::string_view message);

// ErrnoToStatusCode()
// Returns the StatusCode for `error_number`, which should be an `errno` value.
// See and similar
// references.
absl::StatusCode ErrnoToStatusCode(int error_number);

// ErrnoToStatus()
// Convenience function that creates a `absl::Status` using an `error_number`,
// which should be an `errno` value.
Status ErrnoToStatus(int error_number, absl::string_view message);

// Implementation details follow

inline Status::Status() :{}

inline Status::Status(absl::StatusCode code) :{}

inline Status::Status(const Status& x) :{}

inline Status& Status::operator=(const Status& x) {}

inline Status::Status(Status&& x) noexcept :{}

inline Status& Status::operator=(Status&& x) noexcept {}

inline void Status::Update(const Status& new_status) {}

inline void Status::Update(Status&& new_status) {}

inline Status::~Status() {}

inline bool Status::ok() const {}

inline absl::StatusCode Status::code() const {}

inline int Status::raw_code() const {}

inline absl::string_view Status::message() const {}

inline bool operator==(const Status& lhs, const Status& rhs) {}

inline bool operator!=(const Status& lhs, const Status& rhs) {}

inline std::string Status::ToString(StatusToStringMode mode) const {}

inline void Status::IgnoreError() const {}

inline void swap(absl::Status& a, absl::Status& b) noexcept {}

inline absl::optional<absl::Cord> Status::GetPayload(
    absl::string_view type_url) const {}

inline void Status::SetPayload(absl::string_view type_url, absl::Cord payload) {}

inline bool Status::ErasePayload(absl::string_view type_url) {}

inline void Status::ForEachPayload(
    absl::FunctionRef<void(absl::string_view, const absl::Cord&)> visitor)
    const {}

constexpr bool Status::IsInlined(uintptr_t rep) {}

constexpr bool Status::IsMovedFrom(uintptr_t rep) {}

constexpr uintptr_t Status::CodeToInlinedRep(absl::StatusCode code) {}

constexpr absl::StatusCode Status::InlinedRepToCode(uintptr_t rep) {}

constexpr uintptr_t Status::MovedFromRep() {}

inline absl::Nonnull<const status_internal::StatusRep*> Status::RepToPointer(
    uintptr_t rep) {}

inline uintptr_t Status::PointerToRep(
    absl::Nonnull<status_internal::StatusRep*> rep) {}

inline void Status::Ref(uintptr_t rep) {}

inline void Status::Unref(uintptr_t rep) {}

inline Status OkStatus() {}

// Creates a `Status` object with the `absl::StatusCode::kCancelled` error code
// and an empty message. It is provided only for efficiency, given that
// message-less kCancelled errors are common in the infrastructure.
inline Status CancelledError() {}

// Retrieves a message's status as a null terminated C string. The lifetime of
// this string is tied to the lifetime of the status object itself.
// If the status's message is empty, the empty string is returned.
// StatusMessageAsCStr exists for C support. Use `status.message()` in C++.
absl::Nonnull<const char*> StatusMessageAsCStr(
    const Status& status ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND);

}  // namespace absl