
// Copyright 2020 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "absl/strings/cord.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/endian.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/base/nullability.h"
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/crc/crc32c.h"
#include "absl/crc/internal/crc_cord_state.h"
#include "absl/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord_buffer.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_data_edge.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_btree.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_crc.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_flat.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_update_tracker.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/resize_uninitialized.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/strip.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"

namespace absl {



static void DumpNode(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> nonnull_rep, bool include_data,
                     absl::Nonnull<std::ostream*> os, int indent = 0);
static bool VerifyNode(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> root,
                       absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> start_node);

static inline absl::Nullable<CordRep*> VerifyTree(
    absl::Nullable<CordRep*> node) {}

static absl::Nonnull<CordRepFlat*> CreateFlat(absl::Nonnull<const char*> data,
                                              size_t length,
                                              size_t alloc_hint) {}

// Creates a new flat or Btree out of the specified array.
// The returned node has a refcount of 1.
static absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> NewBtree(absl::Nonnull<const char*> data,
                                        size_t length, size_t alloc_hint) {}

// Create a new tree out of the specified array.
// The returned node has a refcount of 1.
static absl::Nullable<CordRep*> NewTree(absl::Nullable<const char*> data,
                                        size_t length, size_t alloc_hint) {}

namespace cord_internal {

void InitializeCordRepExternal(absl::string_view data,
                               absl::Nonnull<CordRepExternal*> rep) {}

}  // namespace cord_internal

// Creates a CordRep from the provided string. If the string is large enough,
// and not wasteful, we move the string into an external cord rep, preserving
// the already allocated string contents.
// Requires the provided string length to be larger than `kMaxInline`.
static absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> CordRepFromString(std::string&& src) {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cord::InlineRep functions

constexpr unsigned char Cord::InlineRep::kMaxInline;

inline void Cord::InlineRep::set_data(absl::Nonnull<const char*> data,
                                      size_t n) {}

inline absl::Nonnull<char*> Cord::InlineRep::set_data(size_t n) {}

inline void Cord::InlineRep::reduce_size(size_t n) {}

inline void Cord::InlineRep::remove_prefix(size_t n) {}

// Returns `rep` converted into a CordRepBtree.
// Directly returns `rep` if `rep` is already a CordRepBtree.
static absl::Nonnull<CordRepBtree*> ForceBtree(CordRep* rep) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::AppendTreeToInlined(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                          MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::AppendTreeToTree(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                       MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::AppendTree(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                 MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::PrependTreeToInlined(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                           MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::PrependTreeToTree(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                        MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::PrependTree(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> tree,
                                  MethodIdentifier method) {}

// Searches for a non-full flat node at the rightmost leaf of the tree. If a
// suitable leaf is found, the function will update the length field for all
// nodes to account for the size increase. The append region address will be
// written to region and the actual size increase will be written to size.
static inline bool PrepareAppendRegion(
    absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> root, absl::Nonnull<absl::Nullable<char*>*> region,
    absl::Nonnull<size_t*> size, size_t max_length) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::AssignSlow(const Cord::InlineRep& src) {}

void Cord::InlineRep::UnrefTree() {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors and destructors

Cord::Cord(absl::string_view src, MethodIdentifier method)

template <typename T, Cord::EnableIfString<T>>
Cord::Cord(T&& src) : contents_(InlineData::kDefaultInit) {}

template Cord::Cord(std::string&& src);

// The destruction code is separate so that the compiler can determine
// that it does not need to call the destructor on a moved-from Cord.
void Cord::DestroyCordSlow() {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutators

void Cord::Clear() {}

Cord& Cord::AssignLargeString(std::string&& src) {}

Cord& Cord::operator=(absl::string_view src) {}

// TODO(sanjay): Move to Cord::InlineRep section of file.  For now,
// we keep it here to make diffs easier.
void Cord::InlineRep::AppendArray(absl::string_view src,
                                  MethodIdentifier method) {}

inline absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> Cord::TakeRep() const& {}

inline absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> Cord::TakeRep() && {}

template <typename C>
inline void Cord::AppendImpl(C&& src) {}

static CordRep::ExtractResult ExtractAppendBuffer(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> rep,
                                                  size_t min_capacity) {}

static CordBuffer CreateAppendBuffer(InlineData& data, size_t block_size,
                                     size_t capacity) {}

CordBuffer Cord::GetAppendBufferSlowPath(size_t block_size, size_t capacity,
                                         size_t min_capacity) {}

void Cord::Append(const Cord& src) {}

void Cord::Append(Cord&& src) {}

template <typename T, Cord::EnableIfString<T>>
void Cord::Append(T&& src) {}

template void Cord::Append(std::string&& src);

void Cord::Prepend(const Cord& src) {}

void Cord::PrependArray(absl::string_view src, MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::AppendPrecise(absl::string_view src, MethodIdentifier method) {}

void Cord::PrependPrecise(absl::string_view src, MethodIdentifier method) {}

template <typename T, Cord::EnableIfString<T>>
inline void Cord::Prepend(T&& src) {}

template void Cord::Prepend(std::string&& src);

void Cord::RemovePrefix(size_t n) {}

void Cord::RemoveSuffix(size_t n) {}

Cord Cord::Subcord(size_t pos, size_t new_size) const {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparators

namespace {

int ClampResult(int memcmp_res) {}

int CompareChunks(absl::Nonnull<absl::string_view*> lhs,
                  absl::Nonnull<absl::string_view*> rhs,
                  absl::Nonnull<size_t*> size_to_compare) {}

// This overload set computes comparison results from memcmp result. This
// interface is used inside GenericCompare below. Different implementations
// are specialized for int and bool. For int we clamp result to {-1, 0, 1}
// set. For bool we just interested in "value == 0".
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType ComputeCompareResult(int memcmp_res) {}
template <>
bool ComputeCompareResult<bool>(int memcmp_res) {}

}  // namespace

// Helper routine. Locates the first flat or external chunk of the Cord without
// initializing the iterator, and returns a string_view referencing the data.
inline absl::string_view Cord::InlineRep::FindFlatStartPiece() const {}

void Cord::SetCrcCordState(crc_internal::CrcCordState state) {}

void Cord::SetExpectedChecksum(uint32_t crc) {}

absl::Nullable<const crc_internal::CrcCordState*> Cord::MaybeGetCrcCordState()
    const {}

absl::optional<uint32_t> Cord::ExpectedChecksum() const {}

inline int Cord::CompareSlowPath(absl::string_view rhs, size_t compared_size,
                                 size_t size_to_compare) const {}

inline int Cord::CompareSlowPath(const Cord& rhs, size_t compared_size,
                                 size_t size_to_compare) const {}

inline absl::string_view Cord::GetFirstChunk(const Cord& c) {}
inline absl::string_view Cord::GetFirstChunk(absl::string_view sv) {}

// Compares up to 'size_to_compare' bytes of 'lhs' with 'rhs'. It is assumed
// that 'size_to_compare' is greater that size of smallest of first chunks.
template <typename ResultType, typename RHS>
ResultType GenericCompare(const Cord& lhs, const RHS& rhs,
                          size_t size_to_compare) {}

bool Cord::EqualsImpl(absl::string_view rhs, size_t size_to_compare) const {}

bool Cord::EqualsImpl(const Cord& rhs, size_t size_to_compare) const {}

template <typename RHS>
inline int SharedCompareImpl(const Cord& lhs, const RHS& rhs) {}

int Cord::Compare(absl::string_view rhs) const {}

int Cord::CompareImpl(const Cord& rhs) const {}

bool Cord::EndsWith(absl::string_view rhs) const {}

bool Cord::EndsWith(const Cord& rhs) const {}

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc.

operator basic_string()

void CopyCordToString(const Cord& src, absl::Nonnull<std::string*> dst) {}

void AppendCordToString(const Cord& src, absl::Nonnull<std::string*> dst) {}

void Cord::CopyToArraySlowPath(absl::Nonnull<char*> dst) const {}

Cord Cord::ChunkIterator::AdvanceAndReadBytes(size_t n) {}

char Cord::operator[](size_t i) const {}

namespace {

// Tests whether the sequence of chunks beginning at `position` starts with
// `needle`.
// REQUIRES: remaining `absl::Cord` starting at `position` is greater than or
// equal to `needle.size()`.
bool IsSubstringInCordAt(absl::Cord::CharIterator position,
                         absl::string_view needle) {}

}  // namespace

// A few options how this could be implemented:
// (a) Flatten the Cord and find, i.e.
//       haystack.Flatten().find(needle)
//     For large 'haystack' (where Cord makes sense to be used), this copies
//     the whole 'haystack' and can be slow.
// (b) Use std::search, i.e.
//       std::search(haystack.char_begin(), haystack.char_end(),
//                   needle.begin(), needle.end())
//     This avoids the copy, but compares one byte at a time, and branches a
//     lot every time it has to advance. It is also not possible to use
//     std::search as is, because CharIterator is only an input iterator, not a
//     forward iterator.
// (c) Use string_view::find in each fragment, and specifically handle fragment
//     boundaries.
// This currently implements option (b).
absl::Cord::CharIterator absl::Cord::FindImpl(CharIterator it,
                                              absl::string_view needle) const {}

absl::Cord::CharIterator absl::Cord::Find(absl::string_view needle) const {}

namespace {

// Tests whether the sequence of chunks beginning at `haystack` starts with the
// sequence of chunks beginning at `needle_begin` and extending to `needle_end`.
// REQUIRES: remaining `absl::Cord` starting at `position` is greater than or
// equal to `needle_end - needle_begin` and `advance`.
bool IsSubcordInCordAt(absl::Cord::CharIterator haystack,
                       absl::Cord::CharIterator needle_begin,
                       absl::Cord::CharIterator needle_end) {}

// Tests whether the sequence of chunks beginning at `position` starts with the
// cord `needle`.
// REQUIRES: remaining `absl::Cord` starting at `position` is greater than or
// equal to `needle.size()`.
bool IsSubcordInCordAt(absl::Cord::CharIterator position,
                       const absl::Cord& needle) {}

}  // namespace

absl::Cord::CharIterator absl::Cord::Find(const absl::Cord& needle) const {}

bool Cord::Contains(absl::string_view rhs) const {}

bool Cord::Contains(const absl::Cord& rhs) const {}

absl::string_view Cord::FlattenSlowPath() {}

/* static */ bool Cord::GetFlatAux(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> rep,
                                   absl::Nonnull<absl::string_view*> fragment) {}

/* static */ void Cord::ForEachChunkAux(
    absl::Nonnull<absl::cord_internal::CordRep*> rep,
    absl::FunctionRef<void(absl::string_view)> callback) {}

static void DumpNode(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> nonnull_rep, bool include_data,
                     absl::Nonnull<std::ostream*> os, int indent) {}

static std::string ReportError(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> root,
                               absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> node) {}

static bool VerifyNode(absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> root,
                       absl::Nonnull<CordRep*> start_node) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Cord& cord) {}

namespace strings_internal {
size_t CordTestAccess::FlatOverhead() {}
size_t CordTestAccess::MaxFlatLength() {}
size_t CordTestAccess::FlatTagToLength(uint8_t tag) {}
uint8_t CordTestAccess::LengthToTag(size_t s) {}
size_t CordTestAccess::SizeofCordRepExternal() {}
size_t CordTestAccess::SizeofCordRepSubstring() {}
}  // namespace strings_internal
}  // namespace absl