
// Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/charconv_parse.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"

namespace absl {
namespace strings_internal {

// The largest power that 5 that can be raised to, and still fit in a uint32_t.
constexpr int kMaxSmallPowerOfFive =;
// The largest power that 10 that can be raised to, and still fit in a uint32_t.
constexpr int kMaxSmallPowerOfTen =;

ABSL_DLL extern const uint32_t
    kFiveToNth[kMaxSmallPowerOfFive + 1];
ABSL_DLL extern const uint32_t kTenToNth[kMaxSmallPowerOfTen + 1];

// Large, fixed-width unsigned integer.
// Exact rounding for decimal-to-binary floating point conversion requires very
// large integer math, but a design goal of absl::from_chars is to avoid
// allocating memory.  The integer precision needed for decimal-to-binary
// conversions is large but bounded, so a huge fixed-width integer class
// suffices.
// This is an intentionally limited big integer class.  Only needed operations
// are implemented.  All storage lives in an array data member, and all
// arithmetic is done in-place, to avoid requiring separate storage for operand
// and result.
// This is an internal class.  Some methods live in the .cc file, and are
// instantiated only for the values of max_words we need.
template <int max_words>
class BigUnsigned {};

// Compares two big integer instances.
// Returns -1 if lhs < rhs, 0 if lhs == rhs, and 1 if lhs > rhs.
template <int N, int M>
int Compare(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}

template <int N, int M>
bool operator==(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}

template <int N, int M>
bool operator!=(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}

template <int N, int M>
bool operator<(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}

template <int N, int M>
bool operator>(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}
template <int N, int M>
bool operator<=(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}
template <int N, int M>
bool operator>=(const BigUnsigned<N>& lhs, const BigUnsigned<M>& rhs) {}

// Output operator for BigUnsigned, for testing purposes only.
template <int N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BigUnsigned<N>& num) {}

// Explicit instantiation declarations for the sizes of BigUnsigned that we
// are using.
// For now, the choices of 4 and 84 are arbitrary; 4 is a small value that is
// still bigger than an int128, and 84 is a large value we will want to use
// in the from_chars implementation.
// Comments justifying the use of 84 belong in the from_chars implementation,
// and will be added in a follow-up CL.
extern template class BigUnsigned<4>;
extern template class BigUnsigned<84>;

}  // namespace strings_internal
}  // namespace absl