
// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>

#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/output.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"

namespace absl {

enum class FormatConversionChar : uint8_t;
enum class FormatConversionCharSet : uint64_t;
enum class LengthMod : std::uint8_t {};

namespace str_format_internal {

class FormatRawSinkImpl {};

// An abstraction to which conversions write their string data.
class FormatSinkImpl {};

enum class Flags : uint8_t {};

constexpr Flags operator|(Flags a, Flags b) {}

constexpr bool FlagsContains(Flags haystack, Flags needle) {}

std::string FlagsToString(Flags v);

inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Flags v) {}

// clang-format off
// clang-format on

// This type should not be referenced, it exists only to provide labels
// internally that match the values declared in FormatConversionChar in
// str_format.h. This is meant to allow internal libraries to use the same
// declared interface type as the public interface
// (absl::StrFormatConversionChar) while keeping the definition in a public
// header.
// Internal libraries should use the form
// `FormatConversionCharInternal::c`, `FormatConversionCharInternal::kNone` for
// comparisons.  Use in switch statements is not recommended due to a bug in how
// gcc 4.9 -Wswitch handles declared but undefined enums.
struct FormatConversionCharInternal {};
// clang-format on

inline FormatConversionChar FormatConversionCharFromChar(char c) {}

inline bool FormatConversionCharIsUpper(FormatConversionChar c) {}

inline bool FormatConversionCharIsFloat(FormatConversionChar c) {}

inline char FormatConversionCharToChar(FormatConversionChar c) {}

// The associated char.
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FormatConversionChar v) {}

struct FormatConversionSpecImplFriend;

class FormatConversionSpecImpl {};

struct FormatConversionSpecImplFriend final {};

// Type safe OR operator.
// We need this for two reasons:
//  1. operator| on enums makes them decay to integers and the result is an
//     integer. We need the result to stay as an enum.
//  2. We use "enum class" which would not work even if we accepted the decay.
constexpr FormatConversionCharSet FormatConversionCharSetUnion(
    FormatConversionCharSet a) {}

template <typename... CharSet>
constexpr FormatConversionCharSet FormatConversionCharSetUnion(
    FormatConversionCharSet a, CharSet... rest) {}

constexpr uint64_t FormatConversionCharToConvInt(FormatConversionChar c) {}

constexpr uint64_t FormatConversionCharToConvInt(char conv) {}

constexpr FormatConversionCharSet FormatConversionCharToConvValue(char conv) {}

struct FormatConversionCharSetInternal {};

// Type safe OR operator.
// We need this for two reasons:
//  1. operator| on enums makes them decay to integers and the result is an
//     integer. We need the result to stay as an enum.
//  2. We use "enum class" which would not work even if we accepted the decay.
constexpr FormatConversionCharSet operator|(FormatConversionCharSet a,
                                            FormatConversionCharSet b) {}

// Overloaded conversion functions to support absl::ParsedFormat.
// Get a conversion with a single character in it.
constexpr FormatConversionCharSet ToFormatConversionCharSet(char c) {}

// Get a conversion with a single character in it.
constexpr FormatConversionCharSet ToFormatConversionCharSet(
    FormatConversionCharSet c) {}

template <typename T>
void ToFormatConversionCharSet(T) = delete;

// Checks whether `c` exists in `set`.
constexpr bool Contains(FormatConversionCharSet set, char c) {}

// Checks whether all the characters in `c` are contained in `set`
constexpr bool Contains(FormatConversionCharSet set,
                        FormatConversionCharSet c) {}

// Checks whether all the characters in `c` are contained in `set`
constexpr bool Contains(FormatConversionCharSet set, FormatConversionChar c) {}

// Return capacity - used, clipped to a minimum of 0.
inline size_t Excess(size_t used, size_t capacity) {}

}  // namespace str_format_internal

}  // namespace absl