
This patch shows a very simple way to find post-Shellshock bugs in bash, as
discussed here:

In essence, it shows a way to fuzz environmental variables. Instructions:

1) Download bash 4.3, apply this patch, compile with:

   CC=/path/to/afl-gcc ./configure
   make clean all

   Note that the harness puts the fuzzed output in $TEST_VARIABLE. With
   Florian's Shellshock patch (bash43-028), this is no longer passed down
   to the parser.

2) Create and cd to an empty directory, put the compiled bash binary in
   there, and run these commands:

   mkdir in_dir
   echo -n '() { a() { a; }; : >b; }' >in_dir/script.txt

3) Run the fuzzer with:

   /path/to/afl-fuzz -d -i in_dir -o out_dir ./bash -c :

   The -d parameter is advisable only if the tested shell is fairly slow
   or if you are in a hurry; will cover more ground faster, but
   less systematically.

4) Watch for crashes in out_dir/crashes/. Also watch for any new files
   created in cwd if you're interested in non-crash RCEs (files will be
   created whenever the shell executes "foo>bar" or something like
   that). You can correlate their creation date with new entries in

   You can also modify the bash binary to directly check for more subtle
   fault conditions, or use the synthesized entries in out_dir/queue/
   as a seed for other, possibly slower or more involved testing regimes.

   Expect several hours to get decent coverage.

--- bash-4.3/shell.c.orig	2014-01-14 14:04:32.000000000 +0100
+++ bash-4.3/shell.c	2015-04-30 05:56:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -371,6 +371,14 @@
   env = environ;
 #endif /* __OPENNT */
+  {
+    static char val[1024 * 16];
+    read(0, val, sizeof(val) - 1);
+    setenv("TEST_VARIABLE", val, 1);
+  }