Name: Gradle Wrapper
Short Name: gradlew
Version: 8.5
License: Apache Version 2.0
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no
Gradle is the main build tool used for standard Android development. For more
information about it, see
The Gradle Wrapper is a small utility that wraps the gradle executable and that
is intended to be checked into version control. It is responsible for
downloading and setting up Gradle to the right version for all users of the
It was generated by running `gradle wrapper` from an existing Gradle setup. One
way to do so is in Android Studio, open the "Gradle" tab on the right, click
the elephant symbol for "Execute Gradle Task", and input `gradle wrapper`. The
necessary files will then be populated in whichever directory the project is
To upgrade:
- Run: `./gradlew --version` to check the current version.
- Run: `./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version <version>` to update to a newer version.
- You can find the latest version here:
- Run: `./gradlew --version` again to actually download the new version.
Local Modifications:
No modifications.