
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.Template
import groovy.transform.SourceURI
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.Future
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.regex.Matcher

 * Task to download dependencies specified in {@link ChromiumPlugin} and configure the Chromium build to integrate them.
 * Used by declaring a new task in a {@code build.gradle} file:
 * <pre>
 * task myTaskName(type: BuildConfigGenerator) {
 *   repositoryPath 'build_files_and_repository_location/'
 * }
 * </pre>
class BuildConfigGenerator extends DefaultTask {

    private static final String BUILD_GN_TOKEN_START = '# === Generated Code Start ==='
    private static final String BUILD_GN_TOKEN_END = '# === Generated Code End ==='
    private static final Pattern BUILD_GN_GEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
            "${BUILD_GN_TOKEN_START}(.*)${BUILD_GN_TOKEN_END}", Pattern.DOTALL)
    private static final String GEN_REMINDER =
            '# This is generated, do not edit. Update BuildConfigGenerator.groovy instead.\n'
    private static final String DEPS_TOKEN_START = '# === ANDROID_DEPS Generated Code Start ==='
    private static final String DEPS_TOKEN_END = '# === ANDROID_DEPS Generated Code End ==='
    private static final Pattern DEPS_GEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
            "${DEPS_TOKEN_START}(.*)${DEPS_TOKEN_END}", Pattern.DOTALL)
    private static final String DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY = 'cipd'
    private static final String LIBS_DIRECTORY = 'libs'
    // The 3pp bot now adds an epoch to the version tag, this needs to be kept in sync with 3pp epoch at:
    /* groovylint-disable-next-line LineLength */
    private static final String THREEPP_EPOCH = '2'

    // Use this to exclude a dep from being depended upon but keep the target.
    private static final List<String> DISALLOW_DEPS = [
        // Only useful for SDK < Q where monochrome cannot use profiles because webview.

    // These targets will not be downloaded from maven. Deps onto them will be made
    // to point to the existing targets instead.
    static final Map<String, String> EXISTING_LIBS = [
        com_ibm_icu_icu4j: '//third_party/icu4j:icu4j_java',
        com_almworks_sqlite4java_sqlite4java: '//third_party/sqlite4java:sqlite4java_java',
        com_google_guava_listenablefuture: '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java',
        com_jakewharton_android_repackaged_dalvik_dx: '//third_party/aosp_dalvik:aosp_dalvik_dx_java',
        junit_junit: '//third_party/junit:junit',
        net_bytebuddy_byte_buddy_android: '//third_party/byte_buddy:byte_buddy_android_java',
        org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core: '//third_party/hamcrest:hamcrest_core_java',
        org_hamcrest_hamcrest_integration: '//third_party/hamcrest:hamcrest_integration_java',
        org_hamcrest_hamcrest_library: '//third_party/hamcrest:hamcrest_library_java',
        org_jetbrains_annotations: '//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java',
        org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_stdlib_jdk7: '//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java',
        org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_stdlib_jdk8: '//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java',
        org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_stdlib_common: '//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java',
        org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_stdlib: '//third_party/kotlin_stdlib:kotlin_stdlib_java',

    // Some libraries have such long names they'll create a path that exceeds the 200 char path limit, which is
    // enforced by presubmit checks for Windows. This mapping shortens the name for .info files.
    // Needs to match mapping in
    private static final Map<String, String> REDUCED_ID_LENGTH_MAP = [

    // These targets will still be downloaded from maven. Any deps onto them will be made
    // to point to the aliased target instead.
    static final Map<String, String> ALIASED_LIBS = [
        // Use fully-qualified labels here since androidx might refer to them.
        com_google_android_material_material: '//third_party/android_deps:material_design_java',
        com_google_android_play_feature_delivery: '//third_party/android_deps:playcore_java',
        com_google_dagger_dagger_compiler: '//third_party/android_deps:dagger_processor',
        com_google_dagger_dagger: '//third_party/android_deps:dagger_java',
        com_google_guava_failureaccess: '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java',
        com_google_guava_guava_android: '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java',
        com_google_protobuf_protobuf_javalite: '//third_party/android_deps:protobuf_lite_runtime_java',
        net_bytebuddy_byte_buddy: '//third_party/byte_buddy:byte_buddy_android_java',
        // Logic for google_play_services_package added below.

    // Targets that are disabled when enable_chrome_android_internal=true.
    static final Map<String, String> CONDITIONAL_LIBS = [
        com_google_android_material_material: '!defined(material_design_target)',
        com_google_android_play_feature_delivery: '!defined(playcore_target)',
        com_google_dagger_dagger_compiler: '!defined(dagger_annotation_processor_target)',
        com_google_dagger_dagger_producers: '!defined(dagger_annotation_processor_target)',
        com_google_dagger_dagger_spi: '!defined(dagger_annotation_processor_target)',
        com_google_dagger_dagger: '!defined(dagger_java_target)',
        com_google_guava_guava_android: '!defined(guava_android_target)',
        com_google_protobuf_protobuf_javalite: '!defined(android_proto_runtime)',
        // Logic for google_play_services_package added below.

     * Prefixes of androidx dependencies which are allowed to use non-SNAPSHOT
     * versions. These are the legacy androidx targets that are no longer being
     * released regularly (thus are not part of the snapshots) but are still
     * required by chromium.
     * If an assert fails pointing at a dep which *does* exist in the androidx
     * snapshot then adding it here will only silence the sanity check rather
     * than fix the underlying issue (which is we should always use the snapshot
     * versions of androidx deps when possible). A better solution could be to
     * add it in //third_party/androidx/build.gradle.template

    // Prefixes of autorolled libraries in //third_party/android_deps_autorolled.
    static final List<String> AUTOROLLED_LIB_PREFIXES = []

    static final String AUTOROLLED_REPO_PATH = 'third_party/android_deps_autorolled'

    static final String COPYRIGHT_HEADER = '''\
        # Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
        # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
        # found in the LICENSE file.
    '''.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true)

    // This cache allows us to download license files from the same URL at most once.
    static final ConcurrentMap<String, String> URL_TO_STRING_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>()

     * Directory where the artifacts will be downloaded and where files will be generated.
     * Note: this path is specified as relative to the chromium source root, and must be normalised
     * to an absolute path before being used, as Groovy would base relative path where the script
     * is being executed.
    String repositoryPath

    /** Relative path to the Chromium source root from the build.gradle file. */
    String chromiumSourceRoot

    /** Name of the cipd root package. */
    String cipdBucket

    /** Skips license file import. */
    boolean skipLicenses

    /** Array with visibility for targets which are not listed in build.gradle */
    String[] internalTargetVisibility

    /** Whether to ignore DEPS file. */
    boolean ignoreDEPS

    /** Whether .info files and are in a cipd/ subdirectory. */
    boolean allFilesInCipd

    /** The URI of the file BuildConfigGenerator.groovy */
    URI sourceUri

    static String translateTargetName(String targetName) {
        if (isPlayServicesTarget(targetName)) {
            return targetName.replaceFirst('com_', '').replaceFirst('android_gms_', '')
        return targetName

    static boolean isPlayServicesTarget(String dependencyId) {
        // Firebase has historically been treated as a part of play services, so it counts here for backwards
        // compatibility. Datatransport is new as of 2019 and is used by many play services libraries.
        return Pattern.matches('.*google.*(play_services|firebase|datatransport).*', dependencyId)

    static String makeOwners() {
        // Make it easier to upgrade existing dependencies without full third_party review.
        return 'file://third_party/android_deps/OWNERS\n'

    static String makeReadme(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        List<String> licenseStrings = []
        for (ChromiumDepGraph.LicenseSpec license : dependency.licenses) {
            // Replace license names with ones that are whitelisted, see third_party/
            switch ( {
                case 'The Apache License, Version 2.0':
                case 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0':
                    licenseStrings.add('Apache Version 2.0')
                case 'GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception':
                    licenseStrings.add('GPL v2 with the classpath exception')
        String licenseString = String.join(', ', licenseStrings)

        boolean securityCritical = dependency.supportsAndroid && dependency.isShipped
        String cpePrefix = dependency.cpePrefix ? dependency.cpePrefix : 'unknown'

        return """\
            Name: ${dependency.displayName}
            Short Name: ${}
            URL: ${dependency.url}
            Version: ${dependency.version}
            License: ${licenseString}
            License File: LICENSE
            CPEPrefix: ${cpePrefix}
            Security Critical: ${securityCritical ? 'yes' : 'no'}
            Shipped: ${dependency.isShipped ? 'yes' : 'no'}
            ${dependency.licenseAndroidCompatible ? 'License Android Compatible: yes' : ''}

            Local Modifications:
            No modifications.
            """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true)

    static String makeCipdYaml(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency, String cipdBucket, String repoPath) {
        String cipdVersion = "${THREEPP_EPOCH}@${dependency.version}.${dependency.cipdSuffix}"
        String cipdPath = "${cipdBucket}/${repoPath}"
        // CIPD does not allow uppercase in names.
        cipdPath += "/${LIBS_DIRECTORY}/$dependency.directoryName"

        // NOTE: The script relies on the format of this file! See
        // NOTE: Keep the copyright year 2018 until this generated code is updated, avoiding annual churn of all
        //       cipd.yaml files.
        return """\
            # Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
            # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
            # found in the LICENSE file.

            # To create CIPD package run the following command.
            # cipd create --pkg-def cipd.yaml -tag version:${cipdVersion}
            package: ${cipdPath}
            description: "${dependency.displayName}"
            - file: ${dependency.fileName}
            """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true)

    static void validateLicenses(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        if (dependency.licenses.empty) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing license for ${}.")

        for (ChromiumDepGraph.LicenseSpec license : dependency.licenses) {
            if (!license.path?.trim() && !license.url?.trim()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Missing license for ${}. License Name was: ${}")

    static void downloadLicenses(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency,
                                 String normalisedRepoPath,
                                 ExecutorService downloadExecutor,
                                 List<Future> downloadTasks) {
        String depDir = "$normalisedRepoPath/${computeDepDir(dependency)}"
        for (int i = 0; i < dependency.licenses.size(); ++i) {
            ChromiumDepGraph.LicenseSpec license = dependency.licenses[i]
            if (!license.path?.trim() && license.url?.trim()) {
                String destFileSuffix = (dependency.licenses.size() > 1) ? "${i + 1}.tmp" : ''
                File destFile = new File("${depDir}/LICENSE${destFileSuffix}")
                downloadTasks.add(downloadExecutor.submit {
                    downloadFile(, license.url, destFile)
                    if (destFile.text.contains('<html')) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Found HTML in LICENSE file at ${license.url}. "
                        + "Please add an override to ChromiumDepGraph.groovy for ${}.")

    static void mergeLicenses(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency, String normalisedRepoPath) {
        String depDir = computeDepDir(dependency)
        File outFile = new File("${normalisedRepoPath}/${depDir}/LICENSE")

        if (dependency.licenses.size() == 1) {
            String licensePath0 = dependency.licenses.get(0).path?.trim()
            if (licensePath0) {
                outFile.write(new File("${normalisedRepoPath}/${licensePath0}").text)

        outFile.write('Third-Party Software Licenses\n')
        for (int i = 0; i < dependency.licenses.size(); ++i) {
            ChromiumDepGraph.LicenseSpec licenseSpec = dependency.licenses[i]
            outFile.append("\n${i + 1}. ${}\n\n")
            String licensePath = licenseSpec.path ? licenseSpec.path.trim() : "${depDir}/LICENSE${i + 1}.tmp"
            outFile.append(new File("${normalisedRepoPath}/${licensePath}").text)

    static String make3ppPb(String cipdBucket, String repoPath) {
        String pkgPrefix = "${cipdBucket}/${repoPath}/${LIBS_DIRECTORY}"

        return COPYRIGHT_HEADER + '\n' + GEN_REMINDER + """
            create {
              source {
                script { name: "" }

            upload {
              pkg_prefix: "${pkgPrefix}"
              universal: true
            """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true)

    static String make3ppFetch(Template fetchTemplate, ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        Map bindMap = [
            copyrightHeader: COPYRIGHT_HEADER,
            dependency: dependency,
        return fetchTemplate.make(bindMap).toString()

    static String jsonDump(Object obj) {
        return JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(obj))

    static void printDump(Object obj) {
        // Cannot reference logger directly due to this being a static method.
        /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnnecessaryGetter */

    static HttpURLConnection connectAndFollowRedirects(String id, String sourceUrl) {
        // Several deps use this URL for their license, but it just points to license
        // *template*. Generally the actual license can be found in the source code.
        if (sourceUrl.contains('://')) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Found templated license URL for dependency '
                + id + ': ' + sourceUrl
                + '. You will need to edit PROPERTY_OVERRIDES for this dep.')
        URL urlObj = new URL(sourceUrl)
        HttpURLConnection connection
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            connection = urlObj.openConnection()
            connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "text/plain");
            switch (connection.responseCode) {
                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM:
                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP:
                    String location = connection.getHeaderField('Location')
                    urlObj = new URL(urlObj, location)
                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK:
                    return connection
                    throw new RuntimeException("Url had statusCode=$connection.responseCode: $sourceUrl")
        throw new RuntimeException("Url in redirect loop: $sourceUrl")

    static void downloadFile(String id, String sourceUrl, File destinationFile) {
        destinationFile.withOutputStream { out ->
            try {
                out << URL_TO_STRING_CACHE.computeIfAbsent(sourceUrl) { k ->
                    connectAndFollowRedirects(id, k).inputStream.text
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch license for $id url: $sourceUrl", e)

    void main() {
        // Do not run task on subprojects.
        if (project != project.rootProject) {

        skipLicenses = skipLicenses ?: project.hasProperty('skipLicenses')

        Path fetchTemplatePath = Paths.get(sourceUri).resolveSibling('3ppFetch.template')
        Template fetchTemplate = new SimpleTemplateEngine().createTemplate(fetchTemplatePath.toFile())

        Set<Project> allProjects = [] as Set
        ChromiumDepGraph graph = new ChromiumDepGraph(
                projects: allProjects, logger: project.logger, skipLicenses: skipLicenses)
        String normalisedRepoPath = normalisePath(repositoryPath)

        // 1. Parse the dependency data

        // 2. Import artifacts into the local repository
        List<String> dependencyDirectories = []
        ExecutorService downloadExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
        List<Future> downloadTasks = []
        List<ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription> mergeLicensesDeps = []
        graph.dependencies.values().each { dependency ->
            if (excludeDependency(dependency) || computeJavaGroupForwardingTargets(dependency)) {

            ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependencyForLogging = dependency.clone()
            // jsonDump() throws StackOverflowError for ResolvedArtifact.
            dependencyForLogging.artifact = null

            logger.debug "Processing ${}: \n${jsonDump(dependencyForLogging)}"
            String depDir = BuildConfigGenerator.computeDepDir(dependency)
            String absoluteDepDir = "${normalisedRepoPath}/${depDir}"


            if (new File("${absoluteDepDir}/${dependency.fileName}").exists()) {
                logger.quiet("${} exists, skipping.")

            project.copy {
                from dependency.artifact.file
                into absoluteDepDir

            new File("${absoluteDepDir}/README.chromium").write(makeReadme(dependency))
            new File("${absoluteDepDir}/cipd.yaml").write(makeCipdYaml(dependency, cipdBucket, repositoryPath))
            new File("${absoluteDepDir}/OWNERS").write(makeOwners())

            // Enable 3pp flow for //third_party/android_deps only.
            // TODO( Enable 3pp flow for subprojects as well.
            if (repositoryPath == 'third_party/android_deps') {
                if (dependency.fileUrl) {
                    String absoluteDep3ppDir = "${absoluteDepDir}/3pp"
                    new File(absoluteDep3ppDir).mkdirs()
                    new File("${absoluteDep3ppDir}/3pp.pb").write(make3ppPb(cipdBucket, repositoryPath))
                    File fetchFile = new File("${absoluteDep3ppDir}/")
                    fetchFile.write(make3ppFetch(fetchTemplate, dependency))
                    fetchFile.setExecutable(true, false)
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate 3pp files for ${} with empty fileUrl.")

            if (!skipLicenses) {
                downloadLicenses(dependency, normalisedRepoPath, downloadExecutor, downloadTasks)
        // Check for exceptions.
        for (Future task : downloadTasks) {

        mergeLicensesDeps.each { dependency ->
            mergeLicenses(dependency, normalisedRepoPath)

        // Skip when --no-subprojects is passed.
        if (project.subprojects) {

        // 3. Generate the root level build files
        updateBuildTargetDeclaration(graph, normalisedRepoPath)
        if (!ignoreDEPS) {
            updateDepsDeclaration(graph, cipdBucket, repositoryPath,
        dependencyDirectories.sort { path1, path2 -> return path1 <=> path2 }

    void appendBuildTarget(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency,
                           Map<String, ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription> allDependencies,
                           StringBuilder sb) {
        if (excludeDependency(dependency) || !dependency.generateTarget) {

        String targetName = translateTargetName( + '_java'
        List<String> javaDeps = computeJavaGroupForwardingTargets(dependency) ?: dependency.children
        Set<String> addedDeps = new HashSet<String>();

        String depsStr = ''
        javaDeps?.each { childDep ->
            ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dep = allDependencies[childDep]
            if (dep.exclude || in DISALLOW_DEPS) {
            // Special case: If a child dependency is an existing lib, rather than skipping
            // it, replace the child dependency with the existing lib.
            String aliasedLib = ALIASED_LIBS.get(
            aliasedLib = aliasedLib != null ? aliasedLib : EXISTING_LIBS.get(

            // The failureaccess alias needs to map to -jre or -android guava.
            if (aliasedLib == '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java' && !dependency.supportsAndroid) {
                aliasedLib = ':com_google_guava_guava_java'

            String depTargetName = translateTargetName( + '_java'
            String gnTarget;
            if (targetName.startsWith('org_robolectric') &&'guava')) {
                // Change from guava-jre to guava-android so that we don't get two copies of Guava
                // in robolectric tests (since code-under-test might depend on guava-android).
                gnTarget = '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java'
            } else if (aliasedLib) {
                gnTarget = aliasedLib
            } else if (isInDifferentRepo(dep)) {
                String thirdPartyDir = ('androidx')) ? 'androidx' : 'android_deps'
                gnTarget = "//third_party/${thirdPartyDir}:${depTargetName}"
            } else {
                gnTarget = ":${depTargetName}"

            if (targetName.contains('guava') && (
                    gnTarget == '//third_party/android_deps:guava_android_java' ||
                    gnTarget == ':com_google_guava_guava_java')) {
                // Prevent circular dep caused by having listenablefuture aliased to guava_android.
            if (gnTarget.startsWith(':google_play_services_') || gnTarget.startsWith(':google_firebase_')) {
              gnTarget = '$google_play_services_package' + gnTarget
            // Target aliases can cause dupes.
            if (addedDeps.add(gnTarget)) {
                depsStr += "\"${gnTarget}\","

        String condition = CONDITIONAL_LIBS.get(
        if (isPlayServicesTarget( {
          assert condition == null :
          condition = 'google_play_services_package == "//third_party/android_deps"'

        String libPath = "${LIBS_DIRECTORY}/${dependency.directoryName}"
        if (condition != null) {
          sb.append("if ($condition) {\n")
        boolean isAndroidX = targetName.startsWith('androidx')
        if (dependency.extension == 'jar') {
            String targetType = isAndroidX ? 'androidx_java_prebuilt' : 'java_prebuilt'
                ${targetType}("${targetName}") {
                  jar_path = "${DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY}/${libPath}/${dependency.fileName}"
                  output_name = "${}"
                """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true))
            if (dependency.supportsAndroid) {
                sb.append('  supports_android = true\n')
        } else if (dependency.extension == 'aar') {
            String targetType = isAndroidX ? 'androidx_android_aar_prebuilt' : 'android_aar_prebuilt'
            String maybeSubdir = allFilesInCipd ? "${DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY}/" : ""
                ${targetType}("${targetName}") {
                  aar_path = "${DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY}/${libPath}/${dependency.fileName}"
                  info_path = "${maybeSubdir}${libPath}/${BuildConfigGenerator.reducedDepencencyId(}.info"
            """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true))
        } else if (dependency.extension == 'group') {
            String targetType = isAndroidX ? 'androidx_java_group' : 'java_group'
                ${targetType}("${targetName}") {
            """.stripIndent(/* forceGroovyBehavior */ true))
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException('Dependency type should be JAR or AAR or group')

        // Skip jdeps analysis of direct deps for third-party prebuilt targets. Many of these targets from maven are
        // missing direct dependencies for its code, but this code is typically not called in practice and is removed
        // by R8. Rely on R8's TraceReferences check to catch any actually missing dependencies. Although it would be
        // helpful to have the full list of correct direct deps for these prebuilt targets, in practice it is too
        // onerous to maintain for each third party maven prebuilt target.
        if (dependency.extension == 'jar' || dependency.extension == 'aar') {
            sb.append('  enable_bytecode_checks = false\n')


        if (dependency.testOnly) {
            sb.append('  testonly = true\n')
        if (!depsStr.empty) {
            sb.append("  deps = [${depsStr}]\n")
        addSpecialTreatment(sb,, dependency.extension)

        if (condition != null) {

    String generateBuildTargetVisibilityDeclaration(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
        String aliasedLib = ALIASED_LIBS.get(
        if (aliasedLib) {
            // Cannot add only the specific target because doing so breaks nested template target.
            String visibilityLabel = aliasedLib.replaceAll(':.*', ':*')
            if (CONDITIONAL_LIBS.containsKey( {
              sb.append('  # Target is swapped out when internal code is enabled.\n')
            sb.append("  # Please depend on $aliasedLib instead.\n")
            sb.append("  visibility = [ \"$visibilityLabel\" ]\n")
        } else if (!dependency.visible) {
            sb.append('  # To remove visibility constraint, add this dependency to\n')
            sb.append("  # //${repositoryPath}/build.gradle.\n")
            sb.append("visibility = ${makeGnArray(internalTargetVisibility)}\n")
        return sb.toString()

    boolean excludeDependency(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        if (dependency.exclude || EXISTING_LIBS.get( {
            return true
        return isInDifferentRepo(dependency)

    boolean isInDifferentRepo(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        boolean isAndroidxRepository = repositoryPath.startsWith('third_party/androidx')
        boolean isAndroidxDependency ='androidx')
        if (isAndroidxRepository != isAndroidxDependency) {
            return true
        if (repositoryPath == AUTOROLLED_REPO_PATH) {
            String targetName = translateTargetName( + '_java'
            return !isTargetAutorolled(targetName)
        return false

    /** If |dependency| should be a java_group(), returns target to forward to. Returns null otherwise. */
    List<String> computeJavaGroupForwardingTargets(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        String targetName = translateTargetName( + '_java'
        if (repositoryPath != AUTOROLLED_REPO_PATH && isTargetAutorolled(targetName)) {
            return ["//${AUTOROLLED_REPO_PATH}:${targetName}"]
        } else if (dependency.extension == 'group') {
            return dependency.children
        return []

    private static String reducedDepencencyId(String dependencyId) {
        return REDUCED_ID_LENGTH_MAP.get(dependencyId) ?: dependencyId

    private static String makeGnArray(String[] values) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
        for (String value : values) {
        sb.replace(sb.length() - 1, sb.length(), ']')
        return sb.toString()

    private static String computeDepDir(ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription dependency) {
        return "${LIBS_DIRECTORY}/${dependency.directoryName}"

    private static void addSpecialTreatment(StringBuilder sb, String dependencyId, String dependencyExtension) {
        addPreconditionsOverrideTreatment(sb, dependencyId)

        if (dependencyId.startsWith('org_robolectric')) {
            sb.append('  is_robolectric = true\n')
        if (dependencyExtension == 'aar' && dependencyId.startsWith('com_android_support')) {
            // The androidx and com_android_support libraries have duplicate resources such as
            // 'primary_text_default_material_dark'.
            sb.append('  resource_overlay = true\n')
        if (dependencyExtension == 'jar' && (
                dependencyId.startsWith('io_grpc_') ||
                dependencyId == 'com_google_firebase_firebase_encoders' ||
                dependencyId == 'com_google_dagger_hilt_core' ||
                dependencyId == 'com_google_guava_guava_android')) {
            sb.append('  #\n')
            sb.append('  requires_android = true\n')

        switch (dependencyId) {
            case 'com_android_support_coordinatorlayout':
                sb.append('  # Reduce binary size.\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_proguard_configs = true\n')
            case 'com_android_support_support_compat':
                sb.append('  # Target has AIDL, but we do not support it yet:\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_aidl = true\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_manifest = true\n')
                // Necessary to not have duplicate classes after jetification.
                // They can be removed when we no longer jetify targets
                // that depend on com_android_support_support_compat.
                |  jar_excluded_patterns = [
                |    "android/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer.class",
                |    "android/support/v4/os/ResultReceiver*",
                |    "androidx/core/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer.class",
                |    "androidx/core/internal/package-info.class",
                |    "android/support/v4/app/INotificationSideChannel*",
                |    "android/support/v4/os/IResultReceiver*",
                |  ]
            case 'com_android_support_support_media_compat':
                sb.append('  # Target has AIDL, but we do not support it yet:\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_aidl = true\n')
            case 'com_android_support_transition':
                // Not specified in the POM, compileOnly dependency not supposed to be used unless
                // the library is present: b/70887421
                sb.append('  deps += [":com_android_support_support_fragment_java"]\n')
            case 'com_android_support_versionedparcelable':
                sb.append('  # Target has AIDL, but we do not support it yet:\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_aidl = true\n')
                // Necessary to not have identical classes after jetification.
                // They can be removed when we no longer jetify targets
                // that depend on com_android_support_versionedparcelable.
                |  jar_excluded_patterns = [
                |    "android/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompat.class",
                |    "androidx/*",
                |  ]
            case 'com_android_tools_sdk_common':
            case 'com_android_tools_common':
            case 'com_android_tools_layoutlib_layoutlib_api':
                sb.append('  # This target does not come with most of its dependencies and is\n')
                sb.append('  # only meant to be used by the resources shrinker. If you wish to use\n')
                sb.append('  # this for other purposes, change buildCompileNoDeps in build.gradle.\n')
                sb.append('  visibility = [ "//build/android/unused_resources:*" ]\n')
            case 'com_google_android_gms_play_services_basement':
                sb.append('  #\n')
                sb.append('  jar_excluded_patterns += ["META-INF/proguard/*"]\n')
                // Deprecated deps jar but still needed by play services basement.
                sb.append('  input_jars_paths=["$android_sdk/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar"]\n')
            case 'com_google_android_gms_play_services_maps':
                sb.append('  # Ignore the dependency to org.apache.http.legacy. See\n')
                sb.append('  ignore_manifest = true\n')
            case 'com_google_android_material_material':
                sb.with {
                    append('  # Reduce binary size.\n')
                    append('  ignore_proguard_configs = true\n')
                    append('  proguard_configs = ["material_design.flags"]\n')
                    append('  # Ensure ConstraintsLayout is not included by unused layouts:\n')
                    append('  #\n')
                    // Keep in sync with the copy in
                    append('  resource_exclusion_globs = [\n')
                    append('      "res/layout*/*calendar*",\n')
                    append('      "res/layout*/*chip_input*",\n')
                    append('      "res/layout*/*clock*",\n')
                    append('      "res/layout*/*picker*",\n')
                    append('      "res/layout*/*time*",\n')
                    append('  ]\n')
            case 'com_google_ar_core':
                // Target .aar file contains .so libraries that need to be extracted,
                // and android_aar_prebuilt template will fail if it's not set explictly.
                sb.append('  extract_native_libraries = true\n')
            case 'com_google_guava_guava':
            case 'com_google_guava_guava_android':
                sb.append('  # Dep needed to fix:\n')
                sb.append('  #   warning: unknown enum constant ReflectionSupport$Level.FULL\n')
                sb.append('  deps += [":com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations_java"]\n')
                sb.append('  # Always bundle this part of guava in with the main target.\n')
                sb.append('  public_deps = [":com_google_guava_failureaccess_java"]\n')
            case 'com_google_protobuf_protobuf_javalite':
                sb.with {
                    append('  # Prebuilt protos in the runtime library.\n')
                    append('  # If you want to use these protos, you should create a proto_java_library\n')
                    append('  # target for them. See for discussion.\n')
                    append('  jar_excluded_patterns = [\n')
                    append('    "com/google/protobuf/Any*",\n')
                    append('    "com/google/protobuf/Duration*",\n')
                    append('    "com/google/protobuf/FieldMask*",\n')
                    append('    "com/google/protobuf/Timestamp*",\n')
                    append('  ]')
            case 'net_sf_kxml_kxml2':
                sb.append('  # Target needs to exclude *xmlpull* files as already included in Android SDK.\n')
                sb.append('  jar_excluded_patterns = [ "*xmlpull*" ]\n')
            case 'org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx_coroutines_android':
            case 'org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx_coroutines_guava':
                sb.append('requires_android = true')
            case 'org_mockito_mockito_android':
                sb.append('  # Depends on third_party/byte_buddy:byte_buddy_android_java\n')
                sb.append('  requires_android = true\n')
            case 'org_mockito_mockito_core':
                sb.append('  # Uses java.time which does not exist until API 26.\n')
                sb.append('  # Modifications are added in third_party/mockito.\n')
                sb.append('  jar_excluded_patterns = [\n')
                sb.append('    "org/mockito/internal/junit/ExceptionFactory*",\n')
                sb.append('    "org/mockito/internal/stubbing/defaultanswers/ReturnsEmptyValues*",\n')
                sb.append('  ]\n')
                sb.append('  # Because of dep on byte_buddy_android_java.\n')
                sb.append('  bypass_platform_checks = true\n')

    private static void addPreconditionsOverrideTreatment(StringBuilder sb, String dependencyId) {
        String targetName = translateTargetName(dependencyId)
        switch (targetName) {
          case 'com_google_guava_guava_android':
          case 'google_play_services_basement':
                String libraryDep = '//third_party/android_deps/local_modifications/preconditions:' +
                | jar_excluded_patterns = []
                | if (!enable_java_asserts) {
                |   # Omit the file since we use our own copy.
                |   jar_excluded_patterns += [
                |     "${computePreconditionsClassForDep(dependencyId)}",
                |   ]
                |   deps += [
                |     "${libraryDep}",
                |   ]
                | }

    private static String computePreconditionsStubLibraryForDep(String dependencyId) {
        String targetName = translateTargetName(dependencyId)
        switch (targetName) {
            case 'com_google_guava_guava_android':
                return 'guava_stub_preconditions_java'
            case 'google_play_services_basement':
                return 'gms_stub_preconditions_java'
        return null

    private static String computePreconditionsClassForDep(String dependencyId) {
        String targetName = translateTargetName(dependencyId)
        switch (targetName) {
            case 'com_google_guava_guava_android':
                return 'com/google/common/base/Preconditions.class'
            case 'google_play_services_basement':
                return 'com/google/android/gms/common/internal/Preconditions.class'
        return null

    private static void updateReadmeReferenceFile(List<String> directories, String readmePath) {
        File refFile = new File(readmePath)
        refFile.write(JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(directories)) + '\n')

    private void updateBuildTargetDeclaration(ChromiumDepGraph depGraph, String normalisedRepoPath) {
        File buildFile = new File("${normalisedRepoPath}/")
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()

        // Comparator to sort the dependency in alphabetical order, with the visible ones coming
        // before all the internal ones.
        Closure dependencyComparator = { dependency1, dependency2 ->
            int visibilityResult =, dependency2.visible)
            if (visibilityResult != 0) {
                return -visibilityResult
            return <=>

        List<ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription> buildCompileDependencies
        buildCompileDependencies = depGraph.dependencies.values().findAll {
            dependency -> dependency.usedInBuild

        buildCompileDependencies.sort(dependencyComparator).each { dependency ->
            appendBuildTarget(dependency, depGraph.dependencies, sb)

        sb.append('if (!limit_android_deps) {\n')
        List<ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription> otherDependencies
        otherDependencies = depGraph.dependencies.values().findAll {
            dependency -> !dependency.usedInBuild
        otherDependencies.sort(dependencyComparator).each { dependency ->
            appendBuildTarget(dependency, depGraph.dependencies, sb)

        Matcher matcher = BUILD_GN_GEN_PATTERN.matcher(buildFile.text)
        if (!matcher.find()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(' insertion point not found.')
        String out = "${BUILD_GN_TOKEN_START}\n$sb\n${BUILD_GN_TOKEN_END}"

    private void validateAndroidX(
            Collection<ChromiumDepGraph.DependencyDescription> dependencies) {
        dependencies.each { dependency ->
            if ('androidx') &&
                    dependency.fileName && !dependency.fileName.contains('SNAPSHOT')) {
                boolean hasAllowedDep = ALLOWED_ANDROIDX_NON_SNAPSHOT_DEPS_PREFIXES.any {
                    allowedPrefix ->
                if (!hasAllowedDep) {
                    String errorMsg = ("${dependency.fileName} uses non-SNAPSHOT version. "
                          + "If this is expected, add ${} to "
                          + '|ALLOWED_ANDROIDX_NON_SNAPSHOT_DEPS_PREFIXES| list.')
                    throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg)

    private void updateDepsDeclaration(ChromiumDepGraph depGraph, String cipdBucket,
                                       String repoPath, String depsFilePath) {
        File depsFile = new File(depsFilePath)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
        // Note: The string we're inserting is nested 1 level, hence the 2 leading spaces. Same
        // applies to the multiline package declaration string below.
        sb.append('  # Generated by //third_party/android_deps/')

        // Comparator to sort the dependencies in alphabetical order.
        Closure dependencyComparator = { dependency1, dependency2 ->

        depGraph.dependencies.values().sort(dependencyComparator).each { dependency ->
            if (excludeDependency(dependency) || computeJavaGroupForwardingTargets(dependency)) {
            String depPath = "${LIBS_DIRECTORY}/${dependency.directoryName}"
            String cipdPath = "${cipdBucket}/${repoPath}/${depPath}"
            |  'src/${repoPath}/${DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY}/${depPath}': {
            |      'packages': [
            |          {
            |              'package': '${cipdPath}',
            |              'version': 'version:${THREEPP_EPOCH}@${dependency.version}.${dependency.cipdSuffix}',
            |          },
            |      ],
            |      'condition': 'checkout_android and non_git_source',
            |      'dep_type': 'cipd',
            |  },

        Matcher matcher = DEPS_GEN_PATTERN.matcher(depsFile.text)
        if (!matcher.find()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException('DEPS insertion point not found.')
        depsFile.write(matcher.replaceFirst("${DEPS_TOKEN_START}\n${sb}\n  ${DEPS_TOKEN_END}"))

    private boolean isTargetAutorolled(String targetName) {
        for (String autorolledLibPrefix in AUTOROLLED_LIB_PREFIXES) {
            if (targetName.startsWith(autorolledLibPrefix)) {
                return true
        return false

    private String normalisePath(String pathRelativeToChromiumRoot) {
        return project.file("${chromiumSourceRoot}/${pathRelativeToChromiumRoot}").absolutePath
