// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/lottie/animation.h"
namespace views {
class AnimatedImageView;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AmbientAnimationProgressTracker;
// Plays an AnimatedImageView in a loop until destruction. The "looping" logic
// meets ambient mode's custom requirements: The lottie animation may optionally
// have a "marker" embedded in it. The "marker" is a timestamp set by the motion
// designer, which in this case, indicates where the animation should restart
// after each cycle ends. If the marker timestamp is M and the total animation
// cycle duration is D (where 0 < M < D), then the animation cycles look
// like this:
// [0, D]
// [M, D]
// [M, D]
// ...
// Note the very first animation cycle is always played starting at time 0 (the
// very first frame in the animation).
// If the animation does not have a marker embedded in it, the default behavior
// is to restart at the beginning of the animation each time (M is effectively
// 0):
// [0, D]
// [0, D]
// [0, D]
// ...
class ASH_EXPORT AmbientAnimationPlayer {
// Starts playing the |animated_image_view| immediately upon construction.
explicit AmbientAnimationPlayer(
views::AnimatedImageView* animated_image_view,
AmbientAnimationProgressTracker* progress_tracker);
AmbientAnimationPlayer(const AmbientAnimationPlayer&) = delete;
AmbientAnimationPlayer& operator=(const AmbientAnimationPlayer&) = delete;
const raw_ptr<views::AnimatedImageView> animated_image_view_;
const raw_ptr<AmbientAnimationProgressTracker> progress_tracker_;
base::TimeDelta cycle_restart_timestamp_;
} // namespace ash