
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.window.extensions.embedding;

import android.os.IBinder;
import android.view.WindowMetrics;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.window.extensions.WindowExtensions;
import androidx.window.extensions.core.util.function.Consumer;
import androidx.window.extensions.core.util.function.Function;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Extension component definition that is used by the WindowManager library to trigger custom
 * OEM-provided methods for organizing activities that isn't covered by platform APIs.
 * <p>This interface should be implemented by OEM and deployed to the target devices.
 * @see androidx.window.extensions.WindowExtensions
public interface ActivityEmbeddingComponent {

     * Updates the rules of embedding activities that are started in the client process.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_1}
    void setEmbeddingRules(@NonNull Set<EmbeddingRule> splitRules);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #setSplitInfoCallback(Consumer)} starting with
     * {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_2}. Only used if
     * {@link #setSplitInfoCallback(Consumer)} can't be called on
     * {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_1}.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_1}
    @SuppressWarnings("ExecutorRegistration") // Jetpack will post it on the app-provided executor.
    void setSplitInfoCallback(@NonNull java.util.function.Consumer<List<SplitInfo>> consumer);

     * Sets the callback that notifies WM Jetpack about changes in split states from the Extensions
     * Sidecar implementation. The listener should be registered for the lifetime of the process.
     * There are no threading guarantees where the events are dispatched from. All messages are
     * re-posted to the executors provided by developers.
     * @param consumer the callback to notify {@link SplitInfo} list changes
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_2}
    @SuppressWarnings("ExecutorRegistration") // Jetpack will post it on the app-provided executor.
    default void setSplitInfoCallback(@NonNull Consumer<List<SplitInfo>> consumer) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must not be called unless there is a"
                + " corresponding override implementation on the device.");

     * Clears the callback that was set in
     * {@link ActivityEmbeddingComponent#setSplitInfoCallback(Consumer)}.
     * Added in {@link WindowExtensions#getVendorApiLevel()} 2, calling an earlier version will
     * throw {@link java.lang.NoSuchMethodError}.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_2}
    void clearSplitInfoCallback();

     * Checks if an activity's' presentation is customized by its or any other process and only
     * occupies a portion of Task bounds.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_1}
    boolean isActivityEmbedded(@NonNull Activity activity);

     * Sets a function to compute the {@link SplitAttributes} for the {@link SplitRule} and current
     * window state provided in {@link SplitAttributesCalculatorParams}.
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to dynamically configure the split layout properties when new
     * activities are launched or window properties change.
     * <p>
     * If the {@link SplitAttributes} calculator function is not set or is cleared by
     * {@link #clearSplitAttributesCalculator()}, apps will update its split layout with
     * registered {@link SplitRule} configurations:
     * <ul>
     *     <li>Split with {@link SplitRule#getDefaultSplitAttributes()} if parent task
     *     container size constraints defined by
     *     {@link SplitRule#checkParentMetrics(WindowMetrics)} are satisfied</li>
     *     <li>Occupy the whole parent task bounds if the constraints are not satisfied. </li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * If the function is set, {@link SplitRule#getDefaultSplitAttributes()} and
     * {@link SplitRule#checkParentMetrics(WindowMetrics)} will be passed to
     * {@link SplitAttributesCalculatorParams} as
     * {@link SplitAttributesCalculatorParams#getDefaultSplitAttributes()} and
     * {@link SplitAttributesCalculatorParams#areDefaultConstraintsSatisfied()} instead, and the
     * function will be invoked for every device and window state change regardless of the size
     * constraints. Users can determine to follow the {@link SplitRule} behavior or customize
     * the {@link SplitAttributes} with the {@link SplitAttributes} calculator function.
     * @param calculator the callback to set. It will replace the previously set callback if it
     *                  exists.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_2}
    void setSplitAttributesCalculator(
            @NonNull Function<SplitAttributesCalculatorParams, SplitAttributes> calculator);

     * Clears the previously callback set in {@link #setSplitAttributesCalculator(Function)}.
     * @see #setSplitAttributesCalculator(Function)
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_2}
    void clearSplitAttributesCalculator();

     * Sets the launching {@link ActivityStack} to the given {@link ActivityOptions}.
     * @param options The {@link ActivityOptions} to be updated.
     * @param token The {@link ActivityStack#getToken()} to represent the {@link ActivityStack}
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_3}
    default ActivityOptions setLaunchingActivityStack(@NonNull ActivityOptions options,
            @NonNull IBinder token) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must not be called unless there is a"
                + " corresponding override implementation on the device.");

     * Finishes a set of {@link ActivityStack}s. When an {@link ActivityStack} that was in an active
     * split is finished, the other {@link ActivityStack} in the same {@link SplitInfo} can be
     * expanded to fill the parent task container.
     * @param activityStackTokens The set of tokens of {@link ActivityStack}-s that is going to be
     *                            finished.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_3}
    default void finishActivityStacks(@NonNull Set<IBinder> activityStackTokens) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must not be called unless there is a"
                + " corresponding override implementation on the device.");

     * Triggers an update of the split attributes for the top split if there is one visible by
     * making extensions invoke the split attributes calculator callback. This method can be used
     * when a change to the split presentation originates from the application state change rather
     * than driven by parent window changes or new activity starts. The call will be ignored if
     * there is no visible split.
     * @see #setSplitAttributesCalculator(Function)
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_3}
    default void invalidateTopVisibleSplitAttributes() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must not be called unless there is a"
                + " corresponding override implementation on the device.");

     * Updates the {@link SplitAttributes} of a split pair. This is an alternative to using
     * a split attributes calculator callback, applicable when apps only need to update the
     * splits in a few cases but rely on the default split attributes otherwise.
     * @param splitInfoToken The identifier of the split pair to update.
     * @param splitAttributes The {@link SplitAttributes} to apply to the split pair.
     * Since {@link WindowExtensions#VENDOR_API_LEVEL_3}
    default void updateSplitAttributes(@NonNull IBinder splitInfoToken,
            @NonNull SplitAttributes splitAttributes) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must not be called unless there is a"
                + " corresponding override implementation on the device.");