
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <vector>

#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/mojom/ukm_interface.mojom.h"

namespace blink {
namespace test {

// This is a barebones UkmRecorder that has just enough functionality to support
// the testing being done in this directory.
// Why this and not `ukm::TestUkmRecorder` ? That one has too many dependencies
// none of which is necessary for the testing we are doing here in which we are
// only testing whether the identifiability reporting mechanism properly encodes
// and passes metrics to the underlying `UkmRecorder`.
class TestUkmRecorder : public ukm::UkmRecorder {};

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace blink