
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Audio latency tracing page</title>

<div id="container">
  <p> This page is meant to serve as an example of how to use "audio.latency"
    tracing to measure internal audio latency. The "audio.latency" category
    enables code which listens for jumps in amplitude (volume) and starts or
    stops tracing. We start tracing right after receiving loud audio from a
    microphone, and stop right before sending that loud audio to speakers.
    The duration of the trace event (which should show up as an
    "AmplitudePeak" in the tracing tools) encompases the total internal latency.
    <li>[Prerequisite] Close all other tabs but this one.</li>
    <li>[Prerequisite] Make sure there is a microphone plugged into the test
        machine, and that the surrounding environment is not too loud.</li>
    <li>Open chrome://tracing and start recording a trace which includes the
        "audio.latency" category.</li>
    <li>Click the "Initialize" button.</li>
    <li>Select either the WebAudio or the HTMLAudioElement button.</li>
    <li>Repeatedly clap next to the microphone a few times. Make sure to clap
       clearly, and to leave time between claps (0.5s-1s should be enough).</li>
    <li>Stop the trace. "AmplitudePeak" events should show up under the audio
        service process</li>
    Note: The "audio.latency" category only expects one input and one output.
    Multiple IOs will result in incoherent traces. Additionally,
    tracing <b>*must*</b> be started before starting the test, or no traces will
    be captured. Refreshing the page after starting a trace is also not enough:
    one must verify that there are no InputStreams or OutputStreams alive, by
    navigating to the "audio" tab of chrome://media-internals. Closing all tabs
    and waiting 2-10s should be enough for all outstanding streams to close.
    <button id="initBtn" onClick="init()">Initialize</button>
    <div id="routeMsg"></div>
    <div id="outputTypesDiv" style="visibility:hidden">
        <button id="mssnBtn" onClick="trackToMSSN()">Use WebAudio</button>
        <button id="audioElementBtn" onClick="trackToAudioElement()">Use HTMLAudioElement</button>
    <div id="errorMsg"></div>

<script src=""></script>
const constraints = {
  audio: true,
  video: false

let track;
let stream;

let audioContext;
let streamNode;

let audioElement;

function displayRoute(msg) {
  document.querySelector("#routeMsg").innerHTML = msg;

function disable(id) {
  document.querySelector(id).disabled = true;

function show(id) {
  document.querySelector(id).style.visibility = 'visible';

function hide(id) {
  document.querySelector(id).style.visibility = 'hidden';

async function initAudioContext() {
  if(!audioContext) {
    audioContext = new AudioContext();

function handleSuccess() {
  const audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
  console.log(`Using Audio device: ${audioTracks[0].label}`);
  track = audioTracks[0];
  window.track = track; // make variable available to browser console

function handleError(error) {
  if ( === 'PermissionDeniedError') {
    errorMsg('Permissions have not been granted to use your camera and ' +
      'microphone, you need to allow the page access to your devices in ' +
      'order for the demo to work.');
  errorMsg(`getUserMedia error: ${}`, error);

function errorMsg(msg, error) {
  const errorElement = document.querySelector('#errorMsg');
  errorElement.innerHTML += `<p>${msg}</p>`;
  if (typeof error !== 'undefined') {

async function init() {
  try {
    stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
  } catch (e) {

  await initAudioContext();


function trackToMSSN() {
  streamNode = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
  displayRoute("gUM --> MediaStreamSourceNode --> audioContext.destination");

function trackToAudioElement() {
  audioElement = document.createElement('audio');
  audioElement.srcObject = stream;
  displayRoute("gUM --> MediaStream --> <audio>.srcObject");

