<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Test for 'pointer-events' property in HTML</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#a {
pointer-events: auto;
background: #88f;
#a:hover {
background: green;
#b {
pointer-events: none;
background: #88f;
#b:hover {
background: red;
#c {
pointer-events: auto;
background: #88f;
#c span {
pointer-events: none;
background: #8ff;
#c:hover {
background: green;
#d {
pointer-events: none;
background: #88f;
#d span {
pointer-events: auto;
padding: 0 10px;
background: #8ff;
#d:hover {
background: gray;
#e {
padding: 10px;
pointer-events: none;
background: #88f;
#e div {
pointer-events: auto;
background: #8ff;
#e:hover {
background: gray;
#e div:hover {
background: green;
#f, #g, #h, #i, #k, #m {
padding: 10px;
background: #88f;
#f {
pointer-events: auto;
#f:hover {
background: green;
#g {
pointer-events: none;
#g:hover {
background: red;
#h {
pointer-events: auto;
#h:hover {
background: green;
#i {
pointer-events: none;
#i:hover {
background: red;
#j {
background: #88f;
pointer-events: none;
#j:hover {
background: gray;
#k {
pointer-events: auto;
#k:hover {
background: green;
#l {
background: #88f;
pointer-events: auto;
#l:hover {
background: green;
#m {
pointer-events: none;
#m:hover {
background: red;
<h1>Testing 'pointer-events' property in HTML</h1>
<p id="a">This whole paragraph SHOULD change background when hovered</p>
<p id="b">This whole paragraph SHOULD NOT change background when hovered</p>
<p id="c">This paragraph SHOULD change background when hovered anywhere including
<span>this inline text</span> even though the inline text ignores pointer events.</p>
<p id="d">This paragraph SHOULD NOT change when the pointer is over only it but
<span>this inline text</span> SHOULD change and cause the parent to change also.</p>
<div id="e">This paragraph SHOULD NOT change when the pointer is over only it (not the child)
<div>This child element SHOULD change and cause the parent to change also</div>
The following image SHOULD change when the pointer is over it.
<img id="f" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">
The following image SHOULD NOT change when the pointer is over it.
<img id="g" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">
The following image SHOULD change when the pointer is over it. It is inline
with this paragraph.
<img id="h" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">
The following image SHOULD NOT change when the pointer is over it. It is inline
with this paragraph.
<img id="i" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">
<p id="j">
This paragraph SHOULD NOT change when the pointer is over only it, but the child
image SHOULD react and cause the parent to change.
<img id="k" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">
<p id="l">
This paragraph SHOULD change when the pointer is over it, but the child
image SHOULD NOT react.
<img id="m" src="../../../LayoutTests/media/content/abe.png">