
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/runner.js"></script>
<script src="./resources/utils.js"></script>
const RULES = 200;

// Returns a style like this:
// div {
//   not-a-property:is(.a0) {
//     --x0: a b c d e f g;
//     --x1: a b c d e f g;
//     ...
//     --x9: a b c d e f g;
//   }
//   not-a-property:is(.a1) {
//     --x0: a b c d e f g;
//     --x1: a b c d e f g;
//     ...
//     --x9: a b c d e f g;
//   }
//   ...
//   not-a-property:is(.a99) {
//     --x0: a b c d e f g;
//     --x1: a b c d e f g;
//     ...
//     --x9: a b c d e f g;
//   }
// }
// Each nested rule looks like a declaration, because it's an ident followed by
// a colon. This case can be optimized by an implementation that recognizes
// early (enough) that not-a-property is not a known property.
function makeStyle() {
  let rules = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < RULES; i++) {
      not-a-property:is(.a${i}) {
          .map(x => `--x${x}:a b c d e f g;`).join('\n')}

  return `
    div {

let globalCounter = 0;
const stylesheetText = makeStyle();
let stylesheet = new CSSStyleSheet();

    description: 'Many nested rules that look like declarations',
    run: () => {
      // This is a parsing test: we don't care about style recalc.
      // We append a rule based on globalCounter to prevent caching
      // on the stylesheet string.
      stylesheet.replaceSync(stylesheetText + `\n .b${globalCounter++} {}`);
