
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Spelling error makers painting</title>
<script src="../resources/runner.js"></script>
<script src="resources/paint.js"></script>
<p>To run this test use: <code>content_shell --expose-internals-for-testing</code>.</p>
<p id="warning" style="color: red;"></p>
<pre id="log"></pre>
<div>Word count: <span id="wc">0</span></div>
<main contenteditable></main>
  const LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ";
  const INITIAL_WORDS = 3000;
  const main = document.querySelector("main");
  const wc = document.querySelector("#wc");

  function createRange(element, start, end) {
    let range = new Range();
    range.setStart(element.firstChild, start);
    range.setEnd(element.firstChild, end);
    return range;

  function setupTest() {
    if (!window.internals)
      document.querySelector("#warning").innerHTML = "WARNING: use <code>content_shell --expose-internals-for-testing</code> to run this test more accurately!";

    // Use real spell checker as a last resort. content_shell only has intenals,
    // while chrome only has real spell checker. Some words in the test input
    // might be in the dictionary (e.g. sit, do).
    main.spellcheck = !window.internals;


    // Type the initial words in bulk. This is much faster than typing it one
    // letter at a time with simulateTyping.
    const wordsInSentence = LOREM_IPSUM.split(" ").length - 1;
    const repeatedSentence = LOREM_IPSUM.repeat(Math.ceil(INITIAL_WORDS / wordsInSentence));
    const repeatedWords = repeatedSentence.split(" ");
    const input = repeatedWords.slice(0, INITIAL_WORDS).join(" ");
    document.execCommand("insertText", false, input);
    wc.textContent = INITIAL_WORDS;

    // Mark the initial words as spelling errors.
    try {
      for (let i = 0, wordStart = 0; i < INITIAL_WORDS; i++) {
        const wordEnd = wordStart + repeatedWords[i].length;
        const range = createRange(main, wordStart, wordEnd);
        internals.setMarker(document, range, "spelling");
        wordStart = wordEnd + 1; // space (U+0020 or U+00A0)
    } catch (_) {
      /* empty */

  function simulateTyping() {
    // Type the input, one letter at a time.
    document.execCommand("insertText", false, LOREM_IPSUM[main.textContent.length % LOREM_IPSUM.length]);

    // After typing each word, mark that word as a spelling error.
    // In content_shell, spaces are U+00A0 (&nbsp;) until they are no longer
    // trailing, but in chrome, they can stay as U+00A0 permanently.
    const newContent = main.textContent;
    if ( == " " || == "\xA0") {

      const end = newContent.length - 2;
      const words = newContent.slice(0, end);
      let start;
      for (start = words.length - 1; start >= 0; start--)
        if (words[start] == " " || words[start] == "\xA0")

      try {
        const range = createRange(main, start == -1 ? 0 : start + 1, end);
        internals.setMarker(document, range, "spelling");
      } catch (_) {
        /* empty */


    description: "Measure frame time for typing in contenteditable with many spelling errors",
    run: () => void simulateTyping(),