<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script src="../resources/runner.js"></script>
<script src="resources/declarative.js"></script>
/* See third_party/blink/perf_tests/shadow_dom/shadow-dom-overhead.html
for methodology here. The differences here are:
1. No declarative shadow DOM is used.
2. A "loop at the end" polyfill is used, which is the fastest
known method for polyfilling declarative Shadow DOM [1].
3. The measurement is done via an iframe, so that the polyfill
can execute synchronously, immediately after parsing.
[1] https://github.com/mfreed7/declarative-shadow-dom/blob/master/README.md#results
const depth = 6;
const copies = 100;
const shadowHtml = getShadowMarkup(false, depth, copies, /*lightDomDuplicates=*/1) + getPolyfillMarkup(/*escapeScript=*/true);
const lightDomHtml1 = getShadowMarkup(false, depth, copies, /*lightDomDuplicates=*/1);
const lightDomHtml2 = getShadowMarkup(false, depth, copies, /*lightDomDuplicates=*/2);
async function runSingleTest() {
let samples = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const t1 = await measureLoadTimeIframe(lightDomHtml1);
const t2 = await measureLoadTimeIframe(shadowHtml);
const t3 = await measureLoadTimeIframe(lightDomHtml2);
if (t2 > t1 && t3 > t1) {
samples.push((t2-t1) / (t3-t1));
PerfTestRunner.assert_true(samples.length > 3,'Too many skipped measurements');
// The result is the total overhead, in *percent*, *per shadow root*.
return 100*median(samples);
let isDone = false;
description: 'This benchmark tests the overhead of imperative Shadow DOM',
unit: 'percent',
run: async function() {
while (!isDone) {
const test_result = await runSingleTest();
done: () => {isDone = true;},
warmUpCount: 2,
iterationCount: 30,