import View from './view'
import Controller from './controller'
import Model from './model'
import Store from './store'
import Template from './template'
import {remove} from './helpers'
export {updateTodo, getTodo, subscribe}
let todo
const subscribers = []
* Sets up a brand new Todo list.
* @param {string} name The name of your new to do list.
function Todo(name) { = new Store(name)
this.model = new Model(
this.template = new Template()
this.view = new View(this.template)
this.controller = new Controller(this.model, this.view)
function updateTodo() {
todo = new Todo('todos-vanillajs')
subscribers.forEach(s => s())
function getTodo() {
return todo
function subscribe(cb) {
return function unsubscribe() {
remove(subscribers, cb)