/*global Backbone, jQuery, _, ENTER_KEY */
var app = app || {};
(function ($) {
'use strict';
// The Application
// ---------------
// Our overall **AppView** is the top-level piece of UI.
app.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
// Instead of generating a new element, bind to the existing skeleton of
// the App already present in the HTML.
el: '.todoapp',
// Our template for the line of statistics at the bottom of the app.
statsTemplate: _.template($('#stats-template').html()),
// Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones.
events: {
'keypress .new-todo': 'createOnEnter',
'click .clear-completed': 'clearCompleted',
'click .toggle-all': 'toggleAllComplete'
// At initialization we bind to the relevant events on the `Todos`
// collection, when items are added or changed. Kick things off by
// loading any preexisting todos that might be saved in *localStorage*.
initialize: function () {
this.allCheckbox = this.$('.toggle-all')[0];
this.$input = this.$('.new-todo');
this.$footer = this.$('.footer');
this.$main = this.$('.main');
this.$list = $('.todo-list');
this.listenTo(app.todos, 'add', this.addOne);
this.listenTo(app.todos, 'reset', this.addAll);
this.listenTo(app.todos, 'change:completed', this.filterOne);
this.listenTo(app.todos, 'filter', this.filterAll);
this.listenTo(app.todos, 'all', _.debounce(this.render, 0));
// Suppresses 'add' events with {reset: true} and prevents the app view
// from being re-rendered for every model. Only renders when the 'reset'
// event is triggered at the end of the fetch.
app.todos.fetch({reset: true});
// Re-rendering the App just means refreshing the statistics -- the rest
// of the app doesn't change.
render: function () {
var completed = app.todos.completed().length;
var remaining = app.todos.remaining().length;
if (app.todos.length) {
completed: completed,
remaining: remaining
this.$('.filters li a')
.filter('[href="#/' + (app.TodoFilter || '') + '"]')
} else {
this.allCheckbox.checked = !remaining;
// Add a single todo item to the list by creating a view for it, and
// appending its element to the `<ul>`.
addOne: function (todo) {
var view = new app.TodoView({ model: todo });
// Add all items in the **Todos** collection at once.
addAll: function () {
app.todos.each(this.addOne, this);
filterOne: function (todo) {
filterAll: function () {
app.todos.each(this.filterOne, this);
// Generate the attributes for a new Todo item.
newAttributes: function () {
return {
title: this.$input.val().trim(),
order: app.todos.nextOrder(),
completed: false
// If you hit return in the main input field, create new **Todo** model,
// persisting it to *memory*.
createOnEnter: function (e) {
if (e.which === ENTER_KEY && this.$input.val().trim()) {
// Clear all completed todo items, destroying their models.
clearCompleted: function () {
_.invoke(app.todos.completed(), 'destroy');
return false;
toggleAllComplete: function () {
var completed = this.allCheckbox.checked;
app.todos.each(function (todo) {
completed: completed