
/* Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. Licensed under The MIT License. */



  function(utils, registry, debug) {
    'use strict';

    // common mixin allocates basic functionality - used by all component prototypes
    // callback context is bound to component
    var componentId = 0;

    function teardownInstance(instanceInfo) { {
        var args = [event.type];

        event.element && args.unshift(event.element);
        (typeof event.callback == 'function') && args.push(event.callback);, args);
      }, instanceInfo.instance);

    function checkSerializable(type, data) {
      try {
        window.postMessage(data, '*');
      } catch (e) {
        console.log('unserializable data for event',type,':',data);
        throw new Error(
          ['The event', type, 'on component', this.toString(), 'was triggered with non-serializable data'].join(' ')

    function initAttributes(attrs) {
      var definedKeys = [], incomingKeys;

      this.attr = new this.attrDef;

      if (debug.enabled && window.console) {
        for (var key in this.attrDef.prototype) {
        incomingKeys = Object.keys(attrs);

        for (var i = incomingKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          if (definedKeys.indexOf(incomingKeys[i]) == -1) {
            console.warn('Passed unused attributes including "' + incomingKeys[i] +
                         '" to component "' + this.toString() + '".');

      for (var key in this.attrDef.prototype) {
        if (typeof attrs[key]  == 'undefined') {
          if (this.attr[key] === null) {
            throw new Error('Required attribute "' + key +
                            '" not specified in attachTo for component "' + this.toString() + '".');
        } else {
          this.attr[key] = attrs[key];

        if (typeof this.attr[key] == 'function') {
          this.attr[key] = this.attr[key].call(this);


    function initDeprecatedAttributes(attrs) {
      // merge defaults with supplied options
      // put options in attr.__proto__ to avoid merge overhead
      var attr = Object.create(attrs);

      for (var key in this.defaults) {
        if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          attr[key] = this.defaults[key];

      this.attr = attr;

      Object.keys(this.defaults || {}).forEach(function(key) {
        if (this.defaults[key] === null && this.attr[key] === null) {
          throw new Error('Required attribute "' + key +
                          '" not specified in attachTo for component "' + this.toString() + '".');
      }, this);

    function proxyEventTo(targetEvent) {
      return function(e, data) {
        $(, data);

    function withBase() {

      // delegate trigger, bind and unbind to an element
      // if $element not supplied, use component's node
      // other arguments are passed on
      // event can be either a string specifying the type
      // of the event, or a hash specifying both the type
      // and a default function to be called.
      this.trigger = function() {
        var $element, type, data, event, defaultFn;
        var lastIndex = arguments.length - 1, lastArg = arguments[lastIndex];

        if (typeof lastArg != 'string' && !(lastArg && lastArg.defaultBehavior)) {
          data = lastArg;

        if (lastIndex == 1) {
          $element = $(arguments[0]);
          event = arguments[1];
        } else {
          $element = this.$node;
          event = arguments[0];

        if (event.defaultBehavior) {
          defaultFn = event.defaultBehavior;
          event = $.Event(event.type);

        type = event.type || event;

        if (debug.enabled && window.postMessage) {
, type, data);

        if (typeof this.attr.eventData === 'object') {
          data = $.extend(true, {}, this.attr.eventData, data);

        $element.trigger((event || type), data);

        if (defaultFn && !event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
          (this[defaultFn] || defaultFn).call(this, event, data);

        return $element;

      this.on = function() {
        var $element, type, callback, originalCb;
        var lastIndex = arguments.length - 1, origin = arguments[lastIndex];

        if (typeof origin == 'object') {
          //delegate callback
          originalCb = utils.delegate(
        } else if (typeof origin == 'string') {
          originalCb = proxyEventTo(origin);
        } else {
          originalCb = origin;

        if (lastIndex == 2) {
          $element = $(arguments[0]);
          type = arguments[1];
        } else {
          $element = this.$node;
          type = arguments[0];

        if (typeof originalCb != 'function' && typeof originalCb != 'object') {
          throw new Error('Unable to bind to "' + type +
                          '" because the given callback is not a function or an object');

        callback = originalCb.bind(this); = originalCb;
        callback.context = this;

        $element.on(type, callback);

        // store every bound version of the callback
        originalCb.bound || (originalCb.bound = []);

        return callback;
      }; = function() {
        var $element, type, callback;
        var lastIndex = arguments.length - 1;

        if (typeof arguments[lastIndex] == 'function') {
          callback = arguments[lastIndex];
          lastIndex -= 1;

        if (lastIndex == 1) {
          $element = $(arguments[0]);
          type = arguments[1];
        } else {
          $element = this.$node;
          type = arguments[0];

        if (callback) {
          //this callback may be the original function or a bound version
          var boundFunctions = ? : callback.bound || [];
          //set callback to version bound against this instance
          boundFunctions && boundFunctions.some(function(fn, i, arr) {
            if (fn.context && (this.identity == fn.context.identity)) {
              arr.splice(i, 1);
              callback = fn;
              return true;
          }, this);
          $, callback);
        } else {
          // Loop through the events of `this` instance
          // and unbind using the callback
          registry.findInstanceInfo(this).events.forEach(function (event) {
            if (type == event.type) {
              $, event.callback);

        return $element;

      this.resolveDelegateRules = function(ruleInfo) {
        var rules = {};

        Object.keys(ruleInfo).forEach(function(r) {
          if (!(r in this.attr)) {
            throw new Error('Component "' + this.toString() + '" wants to listen on "' + r + '" but no such attribute was defined.');
          rules[this.attr[r]] = (typeof ruleInfo[r] == 'string') ? proxyEventTo(ruleInfo[r]) : ruleInfo[r];
        }, this);

        return rules;
      }; = function(attributeKey) {
        return this.$node.find(this.attr[attributeKey]);

      // New-style attributes

      this.attributes = function(attrs) {

        var Attributes = function() {};

        if (this.attrDef) {
          Attributes.prototype = new this.attrDef;

        for (var name in attrs) {
          Attributes.prototype[name] = attrs[name];

        this.attrDef = Attributes;

      // Deprecated attributes

      this.defaultAttrs = function(defaults) {
        utils.push(this.defaults, defaults, true) || (this.defaults = defaults);

      this.initialize = function(node, attrs) {
        attrs = attrs || {};
        this.identity || (this.identity = componentId++);

        if (!node) {
          throw new Error('Component needs a node');

        if (node.jquery) {
          this.node = node[0];
          this.$node = node;
        } else {
          this.node = node;
          this.$node = $(node);

        if (this.attrDef) {
, attrs);
        } else {
, attrs);

        return this;

      this.teardown = function() {

    return withBase;