
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace blink {

// In fenced frames loaded with a URL, only these permissions policies are
// allowed to be enabled or inherited. All other permissions policies will be
// turned off.
static inline constexpr blink::mojom::PermissionsPolicyFeature
    kFencedFrameAllowedFeatures[] =;

// In fenced frame trees loaded with either Shared Storage or Protected
// Audience, these permission policies are expected to be enabled. If any
// feature is disallowed for the fenced frame's origin, then the fenced frame
// will not be allowed to navigate. If a fenced frame navigates, each of these
// features will be allowed as if its policy was set to "allow: feature(*)".
static inline constexpr blink::mojom::PermissionsPolicyFeature
    kFencedFrameFledgeDefaultRequiredFeatures[] =;

static inline constexpr blink::mojom::PermissionsPolicyFeature
    kFencedFrameSharedStorageDefaultRequiredFeatures[] =;

}  // namespace blink