
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace blink {

// This enum contains the various types a potential LargestContentfulPaint
// candidate entry may have.
// These values are set in PaintTimingDetector, packed into
// page_load_metrics.mojom's LargestContentfulPaintTiming.type and finally
// reported to UKM through UKMPageLoadMetricsObserver.
enum class LargestContentfulPaintType {};

inline constexpr LargestContentfulPaintType operator&(
    LargestContentfulPaintType a,
    LargestContentfulPaintType b) {}

inline constexpr LargestContentfulPaintType operator|(
    LargestContentfulPaintType a,
    LargestContentfulPaintType b) {}

inline LargestContentfulPaintType& operator&=(LargestContentfulPaintType& a,
                                              LargestContentfulPaintType b) {}

inline LargestContentfulPaintType& operator|=(LargestContentfulPaintType& a,
                                              LargestContentfulPaintType b) {}

inline constexpr uint64_t LargestContentfulPaintTypeToUKMFlags(
    LargestContentfulPaintType type) {}

}  // namespace blink