// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/link_to_text/link_to_text.mojom";
struct SelectorCreationResult {
// `host_receiver`: The receiver for the AnnotationAgentHost in the browser
// that the agent will send messages to, or NullReceiver if a selector
// could not be created.
pending_receiver<blink.mojom.AnnotationAgentHost> host_receiver;
// `agent_remote`: The remote that can be used from the browser to interact
// with the agent, or NullRemote if a selector could not be created.
pending_remote<blink.mojom.AnnotationAgent> agent_remote;
// `serialized_selector`: A string representing a selector that can be used
// in the future (via `CreateAgent`) to target the same content. Empty
// string if a selector could not be created (e.g. because no text
// selection exists, or the selection is too ambiguous).
string serialized_selector;
// `selected_text`: The text that's selected by the returned selector. Empty
// string if a selector could not be created. This is in UTF-16 since
// it'll be displayed in UI which requires UTF-16 encoding.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 selected_text;
enum AnnotationType {
// Shared highlights are content-less highlights of a document. They are
// produced using the :~:text= directive in a URL. See also,
// text_fragment_anchor.cc in Blink and //components/shared_highlighting
// User notes are private notes that a user can make and save on pages they
// browse. See //components/user_notes
// Finds text in the document. See //chrome/browser/companion/text_finder.
// The Chrome Companion uses this type of annotation agent to check if a
// given text exists in the document, and immediately disconnects the agent
// upon finishing searching to remove the visual highlight effect.
// RAII wrapper for managing a single annotation in the renderer from the
// browser process. Closing the message pipe removes the corresponding
// annotation (and host in the browser) from the document.
interface AnnotationAgent {
// Ensures the content that the agent is attached to is visible and centered
// in the viewport.
// Allows the browser process to receive events for a single annotation in the
// renderer.
interface AnnotationAgentHost {
// Called when the agent finishes an attachment attempt. If the agent was
// able to find a Range of DOM matching the specified selector,
// `document_relative_rect` will contain its bounding box, in the document
// coordinate space. If attachment fails, the rect will be empty.
DidFinishAttachment(gfx.mojom.Rect document_relative_rect);
// Allows the browser process to request creation of an annotation in the
// renderer.
interface AnnotationAgentContainer {
// Instantiates a new agent in the renderer. The new agent will immediately
// attempt attachment. Currently, an AnnotationAgent can only perform
// attachment on creation and if it fails it cannot retry.
// `host_remote`: A binding to an object in the caller which will receive
// events for the agent.
// `agent_receiver`: A binding that the caller will use to send messages to
// and control the life time of the agent.
// `type`: The use case the annotation agent is being used for.
// `serialized_selector`: A selector that will be used to attach the agent to
// a Range of DOM in the Document.
CreateAgent(pending_remote<blink.mojom.AnnotationAgentHost> host_remote,
pending_receiver<blink.mojom.AnnotationAgent> agent_receiver,
AnnotationType type,
string serialized_selector);
// Creates an agent from the document's current text selection and returns
// the bindings as well as a selector which can be used in the future to
// target the same content. Performs attachment immediately after returning.
// If successful, clears the current text selection.
// Selector creation may fail for a few reasons:
// * If there is no text selection in the renderer
// * If the selection is degenerate (contains no text).
// * The selected text cannot be uniquely identified using a text
// selector.
// * Generating the selector took too long and timed out.
// `type`: The use case the annotation agent is being used for.
// Returns:
// `result`: The optional creation result struct that includes host_receiver,
// agent_remote, serialized_selector, and selected_text,
// that will be used by the browser.
// `error`: The error type that occurred during link generation or kNone on success.
// See SharedHighlighting::LinkGenerationError.
// `ready_status`: The type of generation status. The status indicates
// whether the link generated was ready before the request
// (preemptive link generation) or after the request.
// See SharedHighlighting::LinkGenerationReadyStatus.
CreateAgentFromSelection(AnnotationType type) => (
SelectorCreationResult? result,
LinkGenerationError error,
LinkGenerationReadyStatus ready_status);