
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/schemeful_site.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// This interface is implemented by the browser to give renderers the ability to
// create and revoke blob URLs. This interface is directly exposed to the
// renderer either via BrowserInterfaceBrokers or as a navigation-associated
// interface.
interface BlobURLStore {
  // Registers a public Blob URL. When the connection to the BlobURLStore closes
  // all URLs registered through it will be revoked.
  // TODO( This should probably create and return a
  // new blob: URL rather than letting the caller in the renderer provide one.
  [Sync] Register(
      pending_remote<blink.mojom.Blob> blob,
      url.mojom.Url url,
      // TODO( Remove these once experiment is over.
      mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken unsafe_agent_cluster_id,
      network.mojom.SchemefulSite? unsafe_top_level_site) => ();

  // Revokes a public Blob URL.
  Revoke(url.mojom.Url url);

  // Resolves a public Blob URL to a URLLoaderFactory that can only load the
  // specified URL. The reason the API is shaped like this rather than just
  // having a URLLoaderFactory for all Blob URLs is that resolution of blob URLs
  // has to happen separately before fetching starts.
  // As long as the resulting URLLoaderFactory is alive the resolved blob will
  // also be kept alive, so it is possible to start loading the blob long after
  // both the blob URL and all other references to the blob have been dropped.
    url.mojom.Url url,
    pending_receiver<network.mojom.URLLoaderFactory> factory) => (
    // TODO( Remove these once experiment is over.
    mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? unsafe_agent_cluster_id,
    network.mojom.SchemefulSite? unsafe_top_level_site);

  // Resolves a public Blob URL into a BlobURLToken. The BlobURLToken can be
  // used by the browser process to securely look up the blob a URL used to
  // refer to, even after the URL is revoked.
  // As long as the token is alive, the resolved blob will also be kept alive.
  ResolveForNavigation(url.mojom.Url url,
                       pending_receiver<BlobURLToken> token) => (
    // TODO( Remove this once experiment is over.
    mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? unsafe_agent_cluster_id);

// A token representing a Blob URL. The browser process can use this to look up
// the blob URL and blob it referred to, even after the blob URL itself is
// revoked. For the renderer this is just an opaque token without any meaning.
interface BlobURLToken {
  Clone(pending_receiver<BlobURLToken> token);
  GetToken() => (mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken token);