
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/blob/blob.mojom";

// A blob is built up of elements of various types.
union DataElement {
  // Bytes send asynchronously at the request of the blob registry.
  DataElementBytes bytes;
  // A reference to a file on disk.
  DataElementFile file;
  // A reference to another blob.
  DataElementBlob blob;

// Bytes send asynchronously at the request of the blob registry. Can
// optionally also directly contain the data, in which case the blob registry
// can decide to either use the embedded data or later request the data again.
struct DataElementBytes {
  // Maximum size of all DataElementBytes that have embedded data included in
  // any particular call to register a new blob.
  // Equivalent in meaning to storage::kDefaultIPCMemorySize.
  const uint64 kMaximumEmbeddedDataSize = 256000;

  // Size of the data.
  uint64 length;
  // Optionally embedded data. If present, the size of this array should be
  // equal to |length|.
  array<uint8>? embedded_data;
  // Interface through which the blob registry can request the data.
  pending_remote<BytesProvider> data;

// Interface through which the blob registry can request data when it is ready
// for it.
interface BytesProvider {
  // Requests all the data provided by this provider as an array in the reply.
  // The size of this array must match the length attribute of the
  // DataElementBytes struct this provider was associated with.
  // If this method is called, it is called exactly once, and none of the other
  // methods will be called.
  RequestAsReply() => (array<uint8> data);

  // Requests all the data provided by this provider to be transfered on a data
  // pipe. The amount of data transfered should match the length attribute of
  // the DataElementBytes struct this provider was associated with.
  // If this method is called, it is called exactly once, and none of the other
  // methods will be called.
  RequestAsStream(handle<data_pipe_producer> pipe);

  // Requests the provider to write a slice of the data provided by this
  // provider to the given file at the given offset. When the data is written
  // the callback should be invoked with the new modification time of the file.
  // If this method is called, it can be called multiple times, but none of the
  // other methods will be called.
  // If writing for whatever reason fails, the callback is called without a
  // modification time.
  RequestAsFile(uint64 source_offset, uint64 source_size,
                mojo_base.mojom.File file, uint64 file_offset)
      => (mojo_base.mojom.Time? time_file_modified);

// A reference to a slice of a file on disk.
struct DataElementFile {
  // Path of the file.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path;
  // Offset inside the file.
  uint64 offset;
  // Length of the slice. Can be uint64_max if the length is unknown. If this is
  // the case the offset is always 0 and this DataElement should be the only
  // element making up the blob.
  uint64 length;
  // Expected modification time of the file being referenced. Can be null if the
  // modification time is unknown.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time? expected_modification_time;

// A reference to a slice of another blob.
struct DataElementBlob {
  // The blob being referenced.
  pending_remote<blink.mojom.Blob> blob;
  // Offset to the beginning of the slice.
  uint64 offset;
  // Length of the slice.
  uint64 length;