
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module blink.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/cache_storage/cache_storage.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_directory_handle.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/file_system_access/file_system_access_error.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/indexeddb/indexeddb.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/locks/lock_manager.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom";

// Implementation of the proposed "Storage Buckets API".
// Proposal:

enum BucketError {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kQuotaExceeded = 1,
  kInvalidExpiration = 2,

// The policies applied to a StorageBucket upon its creation.
struct BucketPolicies {
  bool persisted;
  bool has_persisted = false;

  BucketDurability durability;
  bool has_durability = false;

  // `quota` should always be positive, but this is not uint64_t because SQLite
  // only handles signed integers and some legacy code does arithmetic with
  // these values.
  int64 quota;
  bool has_quota = false;

  mojo_base.mojom.Time? expires;

// The mojo interface representing a single StorageBucket object.
// The interface is scoped to a single bucket, which belongs to an origin,
// and is consumed by Blink in the renderer process. The interface is
// currently implemented in the browser process, and will eventually move
// to the Storage Service.
interface BucketHost {
  // Requests persisted storage for the StorageBucket. The implementation is
  // free to decline the request. The |persisted| value is only valid when
  // |success| is true.
  Persist() => (bool persisted, bool success);
  // Retrieves StorageBucket persistence policy. The |persisted| value is only
  // valid when |success| is true.
  Persisted() => (bool persisted, bool success);

  // Retrieves estimated quota usage data for the StorageBucket. The values for
  // |current_usage| and |current_quota| are only valid when |success| is true.
  // Ideally usage and quota should be an uint64s. See comment in BucketPolicies
  // for quota.
  // TODO(ayui): Return quota UsageBreakdown.
  Estimate() => (int64 current_usage, int64 current_quota, bool success);

  // Retrieves the durability policy for the StorageBucket. The |durability|
  // value is only valid when |success| is true.
  Durability() => (BucketDurability durability, bool success);

  // Sets expiry policy for the StorageBucket. The StorageBucket will be
  // inaccessible after |expires| date.
  SetExpires(mojo_base.mojom.Time expires) => (bool success);
  // Retrieves the expiry policy for the StorageBucket. |expires| will return
  // null when there is not expiry policy set for the Storage Bucket. The
  // |expires| value is only valid when |success| is true.
  Expires() => (mojo_base.mojom.Time? expires, bool success);

  // Connects to the IndexedDB factory implementation in the browser process.
  GetIdbFactory(pending_receiver<IDBFactory> idb_factory);

  // Connects a LockManager to this bucket.
  GetLockManager(pending_receiver<LockManager> lock_manager);

  // Connects a CacheStorage implementation in the browser process.
  GetCaches(pending_receiver<CacheStorage> cache_storage);

  // Opens the sandboxed filesystem for this bucket.
  GetDirectory() =>
      (FileSystemAccessError result,
       pending_remote<FileSystemAccessDirectoryHandle>? directory);

  // Opens the sandboxed filesystem for this bucket. An empty
  // `directory_path_components` array will retrieve the root.
  // Note: This method is equivalent to the `GetDirectory` method but allows
  // DevTools to pass a path (avoiding multiple roundtrips).
  // The `GetDirectory` method requires starting at the root and iterating
  // through directories using additional calls.
  GetDirectoryForDevtools(array<string> directory_path_components) =>
      (FileSystemAccessError result,
       pending_remote<FileSystemAccessDirectoryHandle>? directory);


// Origin-scoped entry point to the Storage Buckets API.
// The interface is origin-scoped, and is consumed by Blink in the renderer
// process. The interface is currently implemented in the browser process,
// and will eventually move to the Storage Service.
interface BucketManagerHost {
  // Open or create or bucket with the specified name and policies.
  // On success, it will return a mojo data pipe to the BucketHost in the
  // browser process. Returns a null remote on error, e.g. if the storage bucket
  // failed to be created or retrieved due to a database error. `error` is only
  // meaningful if `remote` is null.
  OpenBucket(string name, BucketPolicies policy)
      => (pending_remote<BucketHost>? remote, BucketError error);

  // Gets bucket without creating or updating it.
  GetBucketForDevtools(string name, pending_receiver<BucketHost> receiver);

  // Returns a list of stored bucket names in alphabetical order.
  Keys() => (array<string> buckets, bool success);

  // Deletes the bucket.
  DeleteBucket(string name) => (bool success);